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Zhao she and Lian Po are both famous generals of Zhao state at the same time. Whose strength is better

During the Warring States period, the Lords attacked each other, and the beacon was not extinguished. In the brutal war, a group of famous generals emerged, writing a chapter of the last Chinese chapter. Some good people rank them according to their fighting skills, and they make boring lists of top ten Warring States generals. Most people agree that starting from scratch is the top of the list, but there is a lot of controversy about the ranking of the latter. In fact, many famous generals are not in the same era, they have not fought each other, and they have different resources, which makes it difficult to make fair comparison.

Even so, it is possible to prove the ability of several famous generals from some aspects. Zhao she and Lianpo are both famous generals of Zhao in the same era. But a famous battle with Zhao and his different attitudes have made Zhao extravagant a little better than Lian.

Zhao she was a small official who collected agricultural tax in Zhao. He was fearless of the strong and powerful, and went to the plain King Zhao Sheng to collect taxes. Plain king is one of the four few in the Warring States period, and is the younger brother of zhaohuiwen king, ranking high weight. The family of the plain King refused to pay taxes. Zhao she killed nine housekeepers of the plain king according to the law.

Plain king is furious, will kill Zhao she. Zhao said, "if you are exempted from your tax, the law will be destroyed; if the law is destroyed, the national power will be weakened; if the national power is weakened, the princes will take the opportunity to attack the state of Zhao; When the princes attacked Zhao, Zhao would perish. Where could you enjoy wealth? In your honor, if you abide by the law, you can safeguard the fairness of law. If you are a member of Zhao, it will be despised by the world? "

After hearing this, he thought Zhao was a man of great ability, and recommended him to Zhao Wang. Zhao she was appointed by Zhao Wang to govern the national tax, with remarkable achievements, rich people and sufficient finance.

Seven heroes in the Warring States Period

In 270 BC, the Qin State besieged Zhao Guohe. Zhao Wang asked integrity: "can we help?" honest Po replied: "the road is far away and difficult, difficult to save." Zhao Wang asked Le Cheng again, and he answered the same as Lianpo. Zhao Wang finally asked Zhao she, Zhao she: "the road to the long and dangerous, like two mice in a narrow hole in a fight, only brave generals can win." Zhao Wang then appointed Zhao she as general, went to rescue and rescue.

Honest and happy ride two people think that "he" and "can not be saved" and Zhao she thinks that "he can save" and "save". Zhao has already won two and a half steps.

There is also a doubt that Le Cheng should have been in 251 BC, and he led Yan army to attack Zhao state, and failed to be captured by incorruptible, and then he took part in Zhao state. It is impossible to appear here. I suspect Simaqian was wrong in writing. The music ride here, perhaps Yueyi, was a member of Zhao after 279 BC, and he has a high prestige and can be tied up with Lianpo.

Zhao she led the troops to set out and set up a camp 30 miles away from Handan, the capital of China, and ordered that "if there are any military suggestions, cut!" the Qin army rushed to attack Wu'an city. Some people suggested to save Wu'an quickly. Zhao she immediately killed him. Zhao shu remained motionless, and he stayed for 28 days, and added barriers.

Qin army can not see Zhao extravagant intention, sent out spy spy. Zhao Yu caught the spy and entertained him and then released him. Qin will listen to the spy report, happily said: "Zhao Jun left the country 30 Li but no longer advance, but also strengthened the barriers, and will not belong to Zhao state!"

Zhao Shi immediately led the army to camp and camp in the place of Qian and fifty miles away after he let go of the Qin spies for two days and one night. Qin army did not expect to know the situation, immediately rushed to Zhao Jun.

War with

In zhaojunzhong, a soldier named Xu Li asked for permission to make suggestions, and Zhao promised. Xu Li said: "Qin army didn't expect us to come here suddenly. They are strong and powerful. General, you must gather heavy soldiers and wait. Otherwise, it will fail. " Zhao said she agreed.

Xu Li knew that he had made a military order and asked Fu FA to be punished. Zhao she deliberately refused to give up. Xu Li then suggested that "the army that first took Beishan will win, and the army that goes later will fail." Zhao Shi agreed that he immediately sent troops to seize the mountain. Qin soldiers arrived later, and failed to seize the mountain. Zhao she attacked and defeated Qin army, and rescued him.

After the war, Wang Huiwen Zhao granted Zhao Shu the service of the king Ma and Xu Li as the national captain. Zhao Xu is in the same rank as Lianpo and Lin Xiangru.

About Ma served the monarch Zhao she, and there was also a record in the strategy of war against the state. First, Zhao king ordered 57 cities to invite Tiandan, the country of Qi, and hoped that Tian Dan would lead Zhao Bing to attack Yan state. Zhao Shi disagrees with this. He thinks he can destroy Yan state in a hundred days. It is impossible to change so many city pools for a single farmland. And if Tian Dan is stupid, then he can not defeat Yan state. If Tian Dan is smart, he will not fight Yan state with all his heart and will fight for a long time, and consume the national strength of Zhao. As Zhao expected, Tian Dan consumed the national strength of Zhao and won only three very small urban pools in Yan state, which was not worth losing.

Second, Zhao she and Tian Dan discuss soldiers. Tian Dan thinks that too many soldiers work for the people and hurt their wealth. In ancient times, only 30000 soldiers can settle the world. Now Zhao extravagant uses 100000 and 200000 soldiers every time. Tian Dan is not satisfied with it. Zhao said that there were tens of thousands of countries in ancient times, each of which was weak, so 30000 soldiers were enough to sweep the world. Now the world has become seven big countries, each country has hundreds of thousands of troops, 30000 soldiers have no place to use. After Tian Dan listened, he sighed not as good.

The author attached: historical matters refer to the historical records - Biography of linxiangru of Lianpo. Zhao she is far less famous than honest in the contemporary times. It is probably that there are too few deeds. He is well known for his allusions of "being guilty of brambles" and "honest and old, can we still eat?"?
