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Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty created Taixue

The thought of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty was unified,

According to historical records, Taixue was the highest institution of learning in ancient China. It was a kind of University in ancient China, which was established in the Han Dynasty. In 124 BC, Emperor Wu of Han dynasty founded Taixue, which also marked the formal establishment of the feudal official university system in China.

Because if we want to carry out Confucianism, we need to run Confucian education by the government, so the Imperial College came into being. At that time, it was said that Taixue only used the five classics of Confucianism as the main textbook, and other schools of thought were not open to speak. In this way, it needed a master of Confucianism to be a professor. Therefore, it set up a doctor of the five classics, and only studying the five classics of Confucianism could it be qualified to be a doctor official. At the same time, as a kind of supporting project, Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty also "ordered all prefectures and countries to set up school officials", that is, to set up rural schools, all of which required the teaching of Confucian classics, and all of them were "excellent and teaching officials" by the doctoral students. After this battle, the world's officials changed their ways and turned to Confucianism.

As some historical researchers have said, "since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established a doctor of the five classics, he set up his disciples, and" set up a department, shoot a policy, and persuade them to be officials and get a salary. ". This is because it is obviously practicing the most classic idea of feudal society, that is, to be a good scholar is to be an official. It forcibly binds the establishment of education with the official selection system. Without the protection of Confucian classics, even the promotion of officialdom will be blocked. This is a very powerful move. Later, because of the temptation of huge interests, everyone flocked to it. Shi said, "the inheritors are prosperous, and the branches are rich. Once they speak, there are more than a million words, and there are more than a thousand masters." More than a thousand Confucian masters emerged as the times require, which is the most attractive fame and wealth.

Sure enough, it is the classic philosophical saying: "the world is prosperous, all for profit."; The world is bustling, all for the benefit of( Historical records (biographies of cargo colonizers).

With the driving force and pressure of running a school, the feudal court must be able to effectively control the centralized and vertical bureaucracy at all levels. It must use the Taixue and Xiangxue established by the great unification of Confucianism as a unified production line for officials, cultivate a group of officials armed with the great unification of Confucianism, and firmly establish the idea of the great unification of Confucianism and the patriarchal clan system, In order to be obedient to the supreme ruler, the official school also became the key to the maintenance and consolidation of the centralized system, so the emergence of Taixue became the first talent training supporting project to be solved by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It also effectively solved the problem of official administration. It can be said that it killed two birds with one stone, and the means were not ordinary.

It is said that two historical figures contributed to the establishment of Taixue. Of course, Dong Zhongshu, the master of Confucianism, was the first to bear the brunt; The other is Gongsun Hong, who is a very good Yin man (he also governs Confucianism and Legalism).

The only difference between them is that one is to use one's mouth, the other is to use one's hands, the other is to give advice to the front, and the other is to implement it as the prime minister. One theory is put forward and the other is put into practice, and the cooperation is perfect. Taixue came into being from scratch. They made great contributions and were pioneering figures.

Everything is from scratch, from small to large. Similarly, the establishment and development of Taixue is also in line with this universal development model.

Historical data show that the scale of Taixue in the Han Dynasty was very small, which was about the same as that of rural primary schools. There were only a few teachers (doctors of Confucian Classics) and dozens of students (students of doctor's degree), which was similar to rural private schools. In addition, the militarism in the Han and Wu dynasties made the finance very tight, and the school funding was even more difficult. Therefore, the school started to run, but its development was relatively slow. Until "Zhaoxuan Zhongxing", the national strength was strong, and the resurgence of education was also put on the agenda. In particular, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty was determined to rectify the administration of officials and cultivate talents. Therefore, Taixue also had the feeling of "withered wood and spring" and got a certain development.

It is said that there were 100 students in the reign of emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty, but it increased to 200 in the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty. In the last years of the Western Han Dynasty, although the dynasty was declining, the number of Tai students was increasing“ During the period of "Wang Mang's New Deal", the Imperial College was expanded and doctors were added. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, no matter how the political situation changed, Taixue maintained a certain development. By the time of emperor Zhi of Han Dynasty, the number of Tai students was as high as 30000, and this situation lasted until the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Therefore, some education experts believe that China's ancient education was in the forefront of the world, and they don't know whether this inference is scientific, at least the number of Tai students is obvious to all.

Although Taixue was not very prosperous in the Han Wu era, it was a start-up period, but its pioneering significance was the most valuable. Moreover, the lack of teachers and students did not mean that Hanwu emperor had nothing to do. In fact, Hanwu emperor made great contributions to promoting the development of Han Dynasty culture.
