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Why did empress Lu chop Peng Yue into meat sauce

When it comes to Peng Yue, who is known as one of the three famous generals of the founding of the Han Dynasty together with Han Xin and yingbu, the former "bandit leader" with great observation and commanding ability, and the "father of guerrilla warfare" who used guerrilla tactics to make Xiang Yu run for his life, how did he get to the opposite side of the Han Dynasty and end up with Han Xin's head in a different place?

In other words, Peng Yue should be a famous general who died unjustly. Because Liu Bang wanted to consolidate the imperial power, he had to die. In order to establish Liu's world and eradicate the king of different surnames, Peng Yue had to kill him. This is beyond doubt, and it is necessary to investigate, that is, the sentence "everyone is innocent, It's the old adage of "let's be guilty".

To be honest, Peng Yue is also one of Liu Han's great heroes in winning the world. Although he is not as good as Han Xin in military strategy and command ability, he can be compared with Han Xin in terms of achievements, and he has made great contributions.

In the Chu Han war, he led his troops to carry out the mysterious guerrilla war in the rear of the Chu army. He used the flexible tactics of "the enemy advancing and retreating, the enemy garrisoning and harassing, the enemy exhausting and fighting, the enemy retreating and chasing" to deal with the Chu army. He became Xiang Yu's most troublesome "naobei Wang". It can be said that general Peng was the only one who dared to attack immediately, which not only dealt a heavy blow to Chu's military supplies, It also made Xiang Yu fight on both sides and be tired of running, so that the logistic support of the Chu army was almost paralyzed, and the military supplies and armaments could not be effectively transported and supplied, which greatly reduced the combat effectiveness of the Chu army on the front line and reduced the pressure on the frontal battlefield. It can be said that the Chu Han war was also in the frontal defense of the Han army On the basis of the perfect combination of Han Xin's breakthrough and encirclement of a second battlefield and Pengyue's guerrilla warfare behind the enemy, he finally annihilated Xiang Yu's exhausted division in the final battle of cuxia encirclement and won the decisive victory of the Han Dynasty's founding.

Since Han Xin, who has a specific complaint, once let him go because Liu Bang didn't want to kill a meritorious minister, what heinous crime did Peng Yue commit when he was finally chopped into meat sauce by Empress Lu?

It's really cruel. I think that when I worked in the Liu family's fields, I was very kind to the little beauty LV Zhi, who brought water and food to the old man. How pure she was. Finally, because of the competition for power, she became the most poisonous woman in the world.

Alas, power is indeed the best medium to make people crazy, and it's also the most powerful double-edged sword to hurt people. To make a woman go bad quickly, it's better to let her fight for power in the harem.

It also involves Chen Chen and Han Xin conspiring to rebel in Daidi.

In the autumn of the 10th year of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang led his troops to fight against Chen Chen. When he arrived in Handan, he wanted to strengthen his army on the one hand, and on the other hand, he wanted to explore the reality of Peng Yue, king of Liang, so he wanted to recruit. As like as two peas in the same tone as Han Xin, they all said they were ill, but they sent their generals to Handan to meet Liu Bang. It seems that Liu Bang's imperial hero was a matter of fact. He was very perfunctory. Liu Bang was enraged.

At that time, Liu Bang was also suspicious about Han Xin, as if he wanted to doubt everything. Looking at Peng Yue's attitude, he seemed to be singing a duet with Han Xin. Liu Bang was very angry when he thought about it in this way. No matter whether Peng Yue was really ill or pretended to be ill, there was not much rational Liu Bang immediately sent someone to blame Peng Yue for neglecting the monarch. If it was not done well, he would be killed. So Peng Yue began to feel afraid. After all, Liu Bang is the king of a country. He may be neglecting the owner himself by doing so, so he planned to come to apologize in person, and he did not dare to play a big card.

Seeing that the master was forced to serve the king, it seemed that he was also in danger. His ministry Hu often gave a quick suggestion and said, "the king can't go. King, think about it. At the beginning, you didn't go to Miansheng. Now you are angry with the emperor. He scolds you before you go. There must be no good fruit to eat. Isn't this going to the wolf's den? Anyway, it's all a dead end. Instead of being caught, it's better to learn from Chen Chen and send out troops to rebel. Maybe there's still a chance of life. "

It is said that Peng Yue did not listen to Hu's suggestion, but insisted that he was ill. The key is that Peng Yue is very dissatisfied with what his servant did and is ready to kill him. Like Han Xin's younger brother, the servant went to Liu Bang in a hurry and told Peng Yue and Hu to conspire against him. As a matter of fact, Liu Bang was wary of Peng Yue, who was very strict, methodical and resourceful. During the Chu Han war, he was capricious again and again. Liu Bang was also very afraid that his Liangdi would become an independent kingdom and threaten the central government. He was trying to find some reasons to make him, but his insiders came to provide Liu Bang with "shells", Of course, Liu Bang was very surprised. He also quickly sent people to catch Peng Yue unexpectedly, and then imprisoned him in Luoyang.

Finally, after three court trials, the trial officials also thought that the evidence of his rebellion was conclusive, so Liu Bang finally decided that he could be punished severely according to law or be lenient, which was a word from the emperor. In the end, Liu Bang pardoned Han Xin just like he pardoned him this time. Everyone had worked together for many years, and Liu Bang couldn't bear that heart. Although Liu Bang was also on guard against the threat of these independent princes and kings in history, the soft part of human nature finally prevailed, which was one of Liu Bang's strategies. It was important to keep stability, Don't blow too much.

Peng Yue was later banished to Qingyi County, Sichuan Province. At the same time, he appointed Prince Liu Hui as king of Liang and Prince Liu you as king of Huaiyang, which gradually weakened the power of the princes and killed two birds with one stone.

It's a pity that Peng Yue had bad luck all the way. When he went west to Shu and arrived at Zheng county, he just caught up with the evil empress Lu, who was also planning to run his own forces, who came from Chang'an. That is to say, Peng Yue, who was not so lucky, met empress Lu, who was going to Luoyang. Peng Yue was probably confused. He didn't know the most poisonous woman's heart, especially the political woman poison, and thought of his grievances, He cried to empress Lu like a little girl, telling her that he didn't revolt. He was a man with ulterior motives. His loyalty to the emperor can be learned from the sun and the moon. Finally, he went straight to the theme, hoping that the upper class would not exile him to Shu. It's better to let him go back to his hometown Changyi to spend the rest of his life.

Empress Lu is a woman with great political wisdom. Even before Liu Bang underestimated her political energy a little. Only in the move of changing the crown prince did Liu Bang deeply realize that I underestimated her power. Originally, her father, Lu Taigong, did not make a random investment. He helped Liu Bang when he was not famous, but now his daughter took it 100 times, He is the most shrewd businessman and investor. Liu Bang thought he had found a bargain. It turns out that Liu Bang is the biggest money making machine and political hostage of the LV family.

So empress Lu pretends to agree, because at the moment when Peng Yue cries about her grievances, empress Lu is more aware of the political threat and appeal of Peng Yue's innocence, and is about to kill her.

So empress Lu went east to Luoyang with him. Then empress Lu stated to Liu Bang the reason for killing Peng Yue. She said, "King Peng is a brave and brave warrior. Now he is exiled to Shu. Isn't this a disaster for him? Since Han Xin can be killed, it's better to kill him at the same time. So I've brought him back on my own, waiting to be released. "

Since Peng Yue has no choice but to die for this reason, no matter whether your rebellion is unnecessary or not, you can only die to thank the world because of your great achievements and great abilities. This is a political need, not related to worldly principles, and not a set of ethics.

Liu Bang, who has experienced too many political events, has seen through all kinds of power, love and kinship, all of which are branded with the mark of interests. Can interests be above everything else? Anyway, the more Peng lives to the end.

As a result, empress Lu, who is an expert in conspiracy and calculation, immediately came up with a routine of "if you want to add a crime, why don't you say so". First, let Peng Yue's disciples accuse him of conspiracy and rebellion again. Then, after a simple trial, Tingwei Wang Tian reported to Liu Bang, asking to destroy Peng Yue's family and abolish the feudalism.

What can Liu Bang do? For the sake of the long-term stability of the Han Dynasty and future generations, he can only put Peng Yue, his former close comrade in arms, on the road with a stroke of his pen. Liu Bang was even moved to tears by luanbu's crying after Peng Yue's death. He was moved by luanbu's loyalty to his master's personality and released him. Unexpectedly, this episode highlights Peng Yue's political influence and appeal. He was immediately punished by Empress Lu, who was so angry that he chopped Peng Yue into meat sauce and gave it to all princes to taste as a warning, It's right to make an example.

In the spring of the 11th year of the Han Dynasty, empress Lu quickly stepped onto the political stage after killing Hou Hanxin of Huaiyin by cutting first and then playing. As one of the three famous generals of the founding of the Han Dynasty, yingbu, who was once one of Xiang Yu's "five tiger generals", was very scared. He also knew what Tao meant to him, and could not say that the next one at the muzzle of the gun was aimed at him. He certainly knows.

Liu bangwai, who was angry and wanted to commit suicide because he sat on the bed arrogantly, but he didn't want to commit suicide this time, so he quickly raised the banner of rebellion in order to protect himself. This time, it was not so easy to deal with yingbu, who was extremely brave and determined to fight back. That time, Liu Bang died at the Hongmen banquet because he conquered Hangu pass, Liu Bang, who was on the Royal expedition this time, was even hit by his arrow. He was seriously injured. His life was exhausted because of this arrow, and the lamp was withered. One report for another. Our jargon is good. If you come out to hang out, you'll have to pay it back sooner or later. Liu Bang and he do not know who owes whom.

Anyway, in the summer of this year, empress Lu killed Peng Yue, the king of Liang Dynasty, and chopped him into meat sauce, dressed him up like a demonstration and gave it to all the princes. There is no need to say more about the meaning of this.
