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Liu Bang won a few battles, but why did he get stronger with the more battles?

Xiang Yu and Liu Bang both participated in the Anti-Qin War and the War for Hegemony between Chu and Han. To clarify this issue, we must discuss two issues separately: First, the strength of the two sides changed during the Anti-Qin War. Second, during the Chu-Han War for Hegemony, the strength of the two sides changed. Only by clarifying these two problems can we find Liu Bang. Although he has been losing battles, his strength is the reason for growing. During the Anti-Qin War, the forces of the two sides changed: in the late Qin period, anti-Qin uprising broke out in various places. Since the Chen Sheng and Wu Guang uprising, the royal families of the previous six countries have responded and rebelled against the Qin Dynasty. Among them, the Chu army led by Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu was the most vigorous. Since Pei County, Liu Bang participated in the Anti-Qin War, and his power was the weakest among all the princes.

Later, Liu Bang took refuge in Xiang Liang, and together with Xiang Yu, he fought around. Slowly, Liu Bang's power grew stronger. In other words, at the beginning of the Anti-Qin War, Xiang Yu's power was far better than Liu Bang. In the later period of the Anti-Qin War, especially after the Battle of Julu, Xiang Yu was shocked by all the princes, and most of the princes were willing to listen to Xiang Yu's dispatch. So he had broken the Qin army, Xiang Yu summoned the princes and generals, entered the gate, all walked forward, not dare to look up. Xiang Yu started as a general of the princes, and all the princes belonged to Yan. When Xiang Yu won the Battle of Julu and conquered Zhang Han's army, Liu Bang took the opportunity to invade Xianyang. Just from the fact that the army led by Liu Bang was able to successfully invade Xianyang, it can be seen that Liu Bang's power at this time is far from the time of the uprising. After Xiang Yu was entrusted to the 18th princes, the anti-Qin war came to an end.

In short, at the end of the Anti-Qin War, Xiang Yu's power, due to the appearance of other princes surrendering to him, Xiang Yu's power reached its peak. However, Liu Bang was entrusted as the King of Han by Xiang Yu. Although his power was stronger than when he was in the uprising, he is still far inferior to Xiang Yu. 02. During the War for Hegemony between the Chu and Han Dynasties, the power of the two sides changed: after Xiang Yu divided the eighteen princes, disputes arose between the princes soon. Because of dissatisfaction with Xiang Yu's entrustment, Han Guang, the original Yan Wang, refused Xiang Yu's newly-appointed Yan Wang Zang Tu to enter. Zang Tu was furious, led an army to attack, and finally killed Han Guang and occupied his territory. Later Tian Rong was in a similar situation, monopolizing the Three Qis and declaring his rebellion against Xiang Yu. Tian Rong later borrowed soldiers to Chen Yu to help him drive away King Chang Shan and welcome back the original King Zhao Zhao Xie. Therefore, Zhao Xie named Chen Yu the acting king. Since then, both Qi and Zhao have rebelled against Xiang Yu.

Let's look at Liu Bang after entering Shu, replenishing his energy and waiting for opportunities. Later, he worshipped Han Xin as the general and made a surprise attack on the land of the Three Qin Dynasty, and quickly occupied 1/3 of the territory of the original Qin Dynasty. Xiang Yu was busy quelling the rebellion in the north, and was unable to take Liu Bang into consideration for a while. Later, when he learned that Liu Bang had already invaded Pengcheng, he immediately led the army back to help, and beat Liu Bang's army to his back. Liu Bang fled. Liu Bang asked Han Xin to lead his army and march east to occupy the land of Qi and Zhao. In addition, Liu Bang promised to all princes, as long as he surrendered to Liu Bang, he would be able to make the king or prince. As a result, the situation gradually became unfavorable for Xiang Yu. In the end, under the encirclement of many parties, Xiang Yu cried himself in Wujiang and Liu Bang unified the world. In short, in the early stage of the Chu-Han war for hegemony, Xiang Yu's power fluctuated and showed a downward trend, while Liu Bang was in the middle of Shu.

In the middle and late stages of the Chu-Han War, Xiang Yu was too exhausted to run for his life and was busy fighting the rebellion. As for Liu Bang, he dragged Xiang Yu on the front, and sent Han Xin to occupy Qi and Zhao land, thus completing the strategic encirclement and making Xiang Yu suffer from the enemy. 03. Reasons for Liu Bang's growing power: First of all, Liu Bang knows how to take advantage of the situation. When he was still very weak, he knew how to take advantage of the situation and rely on Xiang Yu's Chu army to slowly grow his power. Secondly, Liu Bang has a view of the overall situation. In order to isolate Xiang Yu as much as possible, for the other princes, they promised to give the king as long as they surrendered. Finally, Liu Bang was able to hire talents. This can be seen from admiring Han Xin as a general. In the "Historical Records: The Benji of Gaozu", there was a record: in the husband's tactics and tactics, I am inferior to the ovary. Town the country, caress the people, pays off, pays no money, I am inferior to Xiao He.

Even an army of millions, will win in battle, and win in attack, I am not as good as Han Xin. These three are all outstanding people, I can use them, so I take the world. Xiang Yu had a fan and couldn't use it, so it was for me. "To sum up, after the Anti-Qin War ended, Liu Bang's power was far inferior to Xiang Yu, but during the Chu-Han War, Liu Bang's power was already able to compete with Xiang Yu. There are many reasons for this. On the one hand, there are both reasons for the situation and also related to the strategy adopted by Liu Bang.
