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Revealing the secret: Where are the 36 ancient kingdoms of the Western Regions in the Han Dynasty?

The Western Region is a very general name, which is a bit similar to what we now say "West", that is, the Western world in the eyes of the Chinese people in the Han Dynasty. You can start from the border of the Han Dynasty; stop, but there is no hard and fast standard.

In ancient times, transportation was not developed and "international" exchanges were limited. The great Han was close to the northern nomads, and it was inevitable that the pots would touch the pots and spoons, and they would fight occasionally. However, it can be said that they were very close to the western nomadic tribes and countries in the early stage There is little communication, and they are far apart. They are often separated by the Huns and cannot reach each other. There is no possibility of large-scale conflict between the two.

It was not until Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty that the emperor personally conquered the Huns for border peace. After nearly half a century and five wars, the hidden security risks in the northern frontier were completely eliminated and the conditions and foundation for opening up the Western Regions were completely eliminated. That's why Zhang Qian, an envoy to the Western Regions, conducted a thorough investigation of the countries in the Western Regions and unveiled the mystery of the Western Regions.

Ban Gu, a historian of the Eastern Han Dynasty, gave a brief introduction to the Western Regions in the "Book of Han" compiled by Zhang Qian based on Zhang Qian's data, summarizing the existing regimes in the Western Regions at that time into thirty-six countries.

In fact, history is developing and the situation is changing. The so-called 36 countries can only be said to be the situation in a specific historical period. The war between countries has been continuous, and the number and territory of countries are not static.

And the so-called countries, there are big and small, the big is equivalent to a city, the small is only a township, or even a village, it is a bit of an exaggeration to call them a country, rather it is more appropriate to say that they are tribes. In order to make it easier for everyone to understand, it is appropriate to call them countries.

The thirty-six countries recorded in the history books are:

One, Cheshiguo, also called Gushiguo, is located in the Turpan Basin today. This country is the vanguard against the Han Dynasty, with the most stubborn position and the most determined attitude.

Because of this, Emperor Wu of Han's spear was directed at the country first. A policy of disintegration and division was adopted against them, and one after another dovish regime was fostered. The hawks of the country have since lost power and are no longer capable of launching a war of aggression against the Dahan.

Cheshi Kingdom split into four countries: one, the former kingdom of Cheshi, two, the latter state of Cheshi, and three, the state of Cheshiduwei. Fourth, the Great Kingdom in the rear city of Cheshi.

5. Puli Country, today’s Puli County, later changed to Taxkorgan Autonomous County, has a population of only 1,800 people and an area of ​​less than 100 square kilometers.

6. ​​Pulei country is a nation active in the waters of Barkol Lake in Xinjiang. It is a brave and tenacious nation with a population of about 3,000. Pulei County was once established in the Tang Dynasty, which is now Barkol County, Hami City, Xinjiang.

7, Wusun State is a large country in the Western Regions, located in several counties near present-day Xinjiang Yili and Qapqal Xibo counties and the present part of Kazakhstan.

8、Nuoqiang Country is a desolate place, either a desert or a mountain. There is almost no place for cultivating. The people live on nomads. Ruoqiang Country was originally located in Ruoqiang County, in the southeast of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, under the jurisdiction of Bayingoleng Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture.

9, Shanshan Country, along the ancient Silk Road, there were plenty of water, grass feet, flocks of cattle and sheep, and the capital was in Kunni City (now Ruoqiang, Xinjiang). It borders Dunhuang to the east, Qiemo to the west, and lies to the west of today's Lop Nur.

10, Qiemo Country, a small country with two thousand people, whose name has not changed from ancient times to the present, namely Qiemo County, Xinjiang.

11. Xiaowan is a veritable small country with a population of less than 1,000 people. It is not as large as a natural village in the interior, and is located south of Qiemo County, Xinjiang.

12, Jingjueguo, with a population of 3,000, yes, it is the small country in the Tomb Raider novel.

13. Rong Lu, next to Xiaowan, is also a small country standing shoulder to shoulder, located in Minfeng County, Xinjiang.

14. The Kingdom of Khotan, this is a very famous country with a long history and has existed for more than 1,000 years. It is a giant in the Western Regions. This country has a relatively long history, and its location is the Hotan area of ​​Xinjiang today.

15, Qule country is also a small pocket country, in the area of ​​Cele County and Yutian County in Xinjiang today.

16. Quli Country, in today’s Korla City, Xinjiang, is also a standard small country with a population of 2,000 people.

17, Weitou country, its location is in the territory of today's Aheqi County, Xinjiang.

18. Pishan Country, which produces wool and has a lot of camels. The people are prosperous, and the country was later destroyed. Its location is in today's Pishan County, Xinjiang.

19. Xiyezi United Kingdom, originally called Xiye Kingdom, and the king was called Zihe King, so it is collectively called Xiyezi United Kingdom, in the territory of Yecheng County, Xinjiang today.

20. Shache is also a small authentic country. The place names are still in use today, which is Shache County in Xinjiang today.

21.Wulei Country, their territory is in the Pamir Plateau in the southwestern part of Taxkorgan County, Xinjiang.

22. Inaiguo, with a population of more than 2,000, has no fixed place, likes to wander around, and is active in Puli, which is today's Taxkorgan County.

23. Taohuai country, there are no peach blossoms, no locust blossoms, but there are large grasslands, flocks of cattle and sheep. With a population of more than 3,000, there are 600 people in the armed forces.

24. The drug donation country has Persian genes, and their activity area is west of Kashgar, Xinjiang.

25. Xiuxun Country, located in the western part of Akto, Xinjiang today.

26. Wusi country, a paradise, a country incompetent, because it is a small country in the Kunlun Mountains, located in the Karakoram Mountains south of today's Yecheng County, Xinjiang.

27. Wulei Kingdom. Legend has it that Huo Qubing, a Han dynasty general, conquered Liluntai Kingdom and then established a political power here. This is the origin of Wulei Kingdom. It is located in Luntai County, Bayingoleng Prefecture, Xinjiang.

28. Mountain country, the territory of the mountain country is in the southwest of Turpan County, Xinjiang. The capital of the country is in Moshan City. There are only 450 households with a population of about 5,000 people. There are thousands of people in the army. The people of this country don't know how to engage in construction, and there is no developer, so they can only live in caves, hence the name of the mountain country.

29, Yanqi State, located in the Yanqi Hui Autonomous County in the Tarim Basin of Xinjiang, also called Wuyi and Ani.

30. Weixu Country, its birthplace is Heshuo County, Bayingoleng Prefecture, Xinjiang.

31. Kucha, one of the largest countries in the Western Regions, with a population of 100,000, fertile land, abundant rain, thriving population, and horses and sheep; in today's Kuqa County, Xinjiang. Later, Anxi Daduhufu was set up in the Tang Dynasty, and the music of this place is also very famous.

32. Gumo country, the country is a pocket country with a population of about 1,000 people, in the area of ​​today's Wushi County and Wensu County.

33. Wensu Country, today’s Wensu County, belongs to the Aksu region of Xinjiang.

34, Yuli Kingdom, its location is the first generation of Yuli County, Bayingoleng Prefecture, Xinjiang.

35. Shule State, its activity center is in Shule County, Xinjiang.

36, Nandou country, its birthplace is Zhengnan in Qiemo County. It is a fertile land. According to the messenger's record, the average life expectancy here is more than 50 years old. It is a veritable longevity town.

It should be pointed out that the above 36 countries in the Western Regions are only a relatively narrow concept. From them to the west, they cross the rest of Congling and other regions of Iran, Arabia, and Europe that were beyond the reach of the Han Dynasty's ruling forces. They are still the Western Regions in a broad sense. area.
