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Qin Shihuang establishes centralized power

The establishment of centralized power by Qin Shihuang was an unprecedented measure taken by him after the unification of the six countries. After Qin Shihuang unified China, the original feudal and separatist state organizations could no longer meet the needs of the new situation, so he took a series of measures to adjust, improve, and strengthen centralized rule.

First change "king" to "emperor". The supreme ruler in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period is generally called the "king", but after Qin unified China, Qin Shihuang felt that he was "the three emperors of Demai and the five emperors", and the "king" was not enough to show his dignity, so he ordered his ministers to discuss The title of the emperor, the ministers and doctors discussed the result that "the emperor of the emperor, the emperor of the land, and the emperor of Thailand, and the emperor of Thailand, the emperor of Thailand is the most expensive." Therefore, the title of the emperor is "Emperor of Thailand. However, Qin Shihuang was still dissatisfied. He took only the word "huang", and at the same time adopted the name of "di" in ancient times, and called "emperor". Since then, "emperor" has replaced "king" as the title of supreme ruler. And Qin Shihuang became the first emperor in Chinese history. The first emperor also ordered the abolition of the posthumous law, and the next emperors were not allowed to give the previous emperor the posthumous name, calling themselves "the first emperor", and arranged for their children and grandchildren to succeed to the throne after death, "the future generations are counted", called "the second generation", "Three generations", "As for the ten thousand generations, it is infinite."

In order to show the emperor’s prestige and distinctiveness, a system has been stipulated since the Qin Dynasty. The emperor called himself "zhen", and the seal was called "xi", and the general public was no longer allowed to use the words "zhen" and "xi". In addition, a clothing system has been formulated.

Second, strengthen the organization of the central government. The central government of the Qin Dynasty was the continuation and expansion of the original central government of the Qin Dynasty, but the names and powers of official positions had many changes: the supreme ruler was the emperor, and besides the emperor, the most important official positions of the central government were three points, namely the prime minister and the lieutenant. , Yu Shi doctor.

Prime Minister: During the Warring States Period, Qin was originally the prime minister and the prime minister. After the country was unified, he was called the prime minister. Li Si was the first prime minister and the head of the hundred officials. "Golden Seal and Purple Ribbon, the emperor in the palm of your hand, the assistant of all sorts."

Taiwei: formerly known as Wei, Guowei, and Taiwei after uniting the country, "Golden Seal and Purple Ribbon, in charge of military affairs", "master five soldiers", is the chief of military officers.

Yushi doctor: The original Yushi of the Qin State, and the Yushi doctor was later placed "to be the second person".

Doctor Yushi is in charge of supervision, "Silver Seal Green Ribbon, palm of deputy prime minister", his position is slightly second to the prime minister.

Under the "San Gong", there are the so-called "Nine Qings", but the actual number is more than nine. Most of them are from the original Qin, and a few are newly created after the reunification:

Fongchang: The etiquette of the palm ancestor temple, there are Cheng.

Langzhong Order: Responsible for the emperor’s defense and communication, and his subordinates include doctors, doctors, and evangelists.

Wei Wei: The guards in charge of the palace, there are Cheng.

Tai Pu: In charge of the Royal East Malaysia.

Tingwei: In charge of punishment, the highest judicial officer in the country, with righteous, left, and right prisons.

Dianke: In charge of the ethnic minorities under the rule of the Qin Dynasty.

Zongzheng: There are two kinds of affairs related to the family members.

The history of the millet: There are two kinds of grain products.

Shaofu: The tax on mountains, seas, and ponds responsible for the supply of the royal family is liucheng.

Lieutenant: Responsible for the defense of the capital, there are two Cheng.

Lieutenant Lord Lord: Palm Lie Hou.

During the reign of Qin Shihuang, an important feature of centralized power was that the military and political power was monopolized by the emperor. In order not to lose power, the prime minister, chief lieutenant, and doctor of censorship were divided into political, military, and supervisory powers, and they did not belong to each other. For example, the prime minister led the court assembly and concerts, assisted the emperor in daily affairs, and received "plans" from various places.

But the power to command the army belongs to the Taiwei, and the Yushi also has the right to review the minister’s performance and local "scheming". Although Taiwei was named the highest military commander, he actually only had the right to lead troops, not the right to dispatch troops. As the three publics do not belong to each other, the final decision can only be attributed to the emperor.

Third, adjust the local government organization. After the unification, the local government organization mainly promotes four levels of administrative organizations: county, county, township, and pavilion.

When it was first reunified, Qin divided the world into 36 counties. Later, with the development of borders and the adjustment of county governance, the total number of counties was up to 46 counties. The county guards, Wei, and Jian, Shouzhimin, Wei Dianbing, and Jianyushi are responsible for supervising the people and officials, and their positions are similar to those of the central government officials. The clear division of duties between county guards, county lieutenants, and supervisors is consistent with the principle of clear division of duties of the "three publics" of the central government.

The prefecture is the county, and the chief of the county is the magistrate (chief), and the subordinate officials are Cheng.

The townships and pavilions are the units below the county level, "the rate is ten miles and one pavilion, and the pavilion has a length. There are ten pavilions and a township, and the township has three elders, ranks, husbands, and wanderers." Roughly similar to the county’s guards, lieutenants, and prison guards, "the three elders are in charge of education; the husband is in charge of hearing the lawsuits, and taxes are collected; and the robbers follow the bans and thieves."

is the pavilion below the township, and the pavilion is an important local grassroots organization in the Qin Dynasty. The pavilion has a pavilion chief, pavilion father, and Qiu Pi. The task is to practice the five soldiers, receive officials and officials, and also manage the delivery, procurement, and delivery of documents for the government.

The feudal bureaucratic system promoted by the Qin dynasty was a major advance in the history of China’s political system. It not only changed the hereditary system, but also abolished the “shiyi” and “shifeng” systems, and stipulated the salary of every official and the prime minister. The lower-level officials all have a fixed rank, ranging from "two thousand stones" to "fighting". This system has been implemented throughout the country since the reunification of the Qin Dynasty, and has remained basically unchanged since 2000 years of feudal society.

Fourth, the "Five Virtues" is used as an ideological weapon to strengthen governance. In order to deceive the people, the ruler of Qin used the "Five Virtues" in order to deceive the people and seek a justified theoretical basis for his own domination of the world. According to the "Five Virtues", "The river is called Deshui, with winter and October as the beginning of the year, the color is black, the degree is named six, and the sound is Dalu, and everything is governed by the law." "All black", "The number is six as the epoch, the talisman and the crown are all six inches, and the Yu is six feet. Six feet is the step, and you ride six horses."

Mystified the six and connected it with the theory of "five virtues", making it penetrate into political measures, rules and regulations, and written descriptions, and become an important ideological tool for ruling the people.

Fifth, promulgation of laws to protect feudal land ownership. In the thirty-first year of Qin Shihuang (216 years ago), he issued the decree “to make the head of Guizhou self-employed”, ordering landlords and self-cultivators who possessed land to report to the state according to the actual number of land occupied at that time, which meant that the Qin Dynasty recognized them Private rights, and protect them. It also implements the policy of emphasizing agriculture and restraining business, "pushing on agriculture and eliminating the end", cracking down on non-productive activities, and encouraging agricultural and handicraft production. This measure played an important role in protecting feudal land ownership and developing feudal economy.

Sixth, unify currency, weights and measures, and words. Before Qin's reunification, currency was very complicated, not only in shape, size, and weight, but also in different units of calculation. There are roughly four major systems: cloth money, knife money, yuan money, and Ying 爰. Except for Ying Piao, which was popular outside Chu, cloth money was circulated in Han, Zhao, and Wei; sword coins circulated in Qi, Yan, Zhao and other countries; Yuan money circulated in Qin, Eastern Zhou, Western Zhou, and Wei and Zhao countries. After the reunification of Qin, Qin Shihuang ordered the unification of the national currency, with gold as the upper currency and ytte as the unit; the square hole and round round coins as the lower currency, and the half-two as the unit, called "half-liang" money. This kind of round money has been used for more than 2,000 years.

Before Qin unified the country, the situation in terms of weights and measures was similar to that of currency, which was very chaotic. Qin had made uniform regulations on the standards of weights and measures when Shang Yang reformed the law.

After the national reunification, the Qin government ordered the unification of weights and measures on the basis of Qin’s system, and engraved the edict on weights and measures made by the government, and sent it to the whole country as a standard instrument.

The Warring States Period was in an era of long-term division and separatism, with different speech sounds and different characters. The characters of the six eastern countries are difficult to write and recognize, and there are no certain rules for the combination of radicals, up and down, left and right, which seriously hinder cultural exchanges. In 221 BC, Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the sorting out of the writings of various countries, stipulating that Qin Xiaozhuan should be used as the unified script, and Li Si made the "Cangjie Pian", Zhao Gao's "Love Li Pian", and Hu Mujing's "Education Pian" as standard characters. Template. The unification of characters makes Xiaozhuan and official script the universal fonts throughout the country, which has a profound impact on the development of my country's culture and politics.

Seventh, Xiu Chi Road fell into the barrier. During the Warring States period, the vassal states built a lot of fortresses in various places, and the width of the roads between the countries was also inconsistent, which affected the traffic. Qin Shihuang ordered the removal of barriers and fortresses that obstructed traffic. A gallop centered around the capital Xianyang was built in 220 BC. In 212 years ago, Qin Shihuang ordered the construction of a "straight road" extending from Xianyang straight to the north, which was completed in just over two years.

These "chi roads" and "straight roads", together with the "five-foot roads" in the southwestern frontier and the "new roads" built between Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong and Guangxi today, constitute a road extending in all directions with Xianyang as the center. network. Later, the road and track width were unified, which facilitated transportation.

The above measures adopted after the reunification of the Qin Dynasty had a major and far-reaching impact on eliminating feudal separatism, strengthening centralization, consolidating the unity of multi-ethnic countries, and developing feudal economy and culture.
