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Qin Shihuang unified script

Since the Yin and Shang Dynasties, writing has gradually become popular. Bronze inscriptions, which are official scripts, are more consistent in form. However, there are regional differences in the folk characters such as weapons, pottery inscriptions, silk scripts, and simplified scripts during the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. This situation hinders the economic and cultural exchanges of various regions, and also affects the effective implementation of central government policies and decrees. Therefore, after Qin unified the Central Plains, Qin Shihuang ordered Li Si and others to organize and unify the text.

Li Si, based on the large seal commonly used by the Qin people during the Warring States Period, absorbed the advantages of the tadpole script that prevailed in Qilu and other places, and created a new character that is evenly rounded and simple, called "Qin seal", also known as "Xiaozhuan", as the official standard text, has been abolished in other variants at the same time. In addition, an official named Cheng Miao was imprisoned in Yunyang for a crime. During his ten years in jail, he carried out a change in the evolution of the font at that time (called "libian" in later generations). to sum up. This move was appreciated by Qin Shihuang, and he was released and promoted to Yushi. He ordered him to "fix the script" and formulate a new typeface, which is the "lishu". Official script broke the tradition of ancient Chinese characters, laid the foundation of regular script, and improved writing efficiency.

Qin Shihuang ordered the unification and simplification of Chinese characters, which is a summary of the development and evolution of ancient Chinese characters, and it is also a major reform of characters. He played a major role in the development of Chinese culture. The Qin Dynasty was the first unified multi-ethnic centralized feudal country in the history of our country. The Qin Dynasty implemented a series of measures to consolidate its rule. Among them, the unification of writing plays a particularly important role in the unification of political economy and the development of culture.

In the Warring States period when the vassals were ruled by the rulers, "character aliens". Ancient characters have experienced long-term evolution and development, and there are great differences across the country, and there is no certain system and structural law for these ever-changing writing methods. This has caused numerous obstacles to the implementation of government orders and cultural exchanges in various regions. After the reunification of the Qin Dynasty, most people did not know the edict to Guilin, which shows that the unification of the written language has become a top priority. Therefore, in 221 BC, Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered "Books with the same text", and the prime minister Li Si, Zhao Gao, Hu Wujing and others sorted out the text, and simplified the Qin text "Xiaozhuan" as the standard font. Various variants of text. For example, the word "horse" was originally written in many ways, and it was written as "horse" after being unified. Li Si, Zhao Gao, and others wrote the Xiaozhuanzi Dou to be issued throughout the country as a model of standard text for others to learn. In addition, wherever Qin Shihuang went on a tour, a stele was erected to show the world, such as Taishan stone inscriptions. Later, the jailer Cheng Yi sorted out a new, more concise and easy-to-implement script based on popular folk fonts, which was promoted nationwide as a daily-use script. The appearance of official script is an important milestone in the transformation of Chinese characters from ancient styles to modern styles. The official script is the predecessor of today's general regular script.

After this sorting out of the ancient characters of the Pre-Qin Dynasty, the structure of the typeface was finalized, which played a major role in the implementation of laws and regulations and the spread of culture. Our country has a large area with many people and different local dialects. Later in history, there have been many splits and the unity of writing has become a vivid and vivid thread that maintains the historical development and progress of the Chinese nation. For a long time, the highly developed economy and culture of my country's feudal society have stood at the forefront of world civilization, which is inseparable from the creation of the great unification of the Qin Dynasty. It is conducive to the unification of the country's political, economic and cultural exchanges and regional exchanges, and it is conducive to the strengthening of the feudal monarchist centralization system. If the language and writing are different, then the same nation will split into two or more. If the writing and language are the same, then it is possible to form a type of nation. For example, the Dongyi people before the Zhou Dynasty in China were assimilated by the Huaxia people and merged into one nation. Same text and same speech are conducive to rule, at least there are fewer divisions. Book the same text. Because of the different regions, the languages ​​of different countries are also different. After the unification of the Qin Dynasty, the edict was sent to Guilin, and no local people knew it. This situation undoubtedly hinders the economic and cultural exchanges between various regions, and also affects the smooth flow of central government orders. Li Si and others sorted out the characters and created a new character "Xiaozhuan" with a neat shape and simple strokes. Later, "Lishu" appeared. The unification of writing has a positive meaning for the development of the Chinese nation and the spread of culture. Although the Qin Dynasty has a vast territory and different dialects, they can still communicate with each other.

Text is the most important communication tool for human beings. During the Warring States period, the characters have been widely used. In the long-term evolution and application, various regions have "different speech and different shapes". When students read the textbook, the word "horse" is different in the seven countries, and the pronunciation must be different. What will be the impact of the inconsistent characters after Qin's reunification? It not only hinders the implementation of government orders, but also affects the development of culture. Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered Li Si and others to sort out the text, "forget those who did not match Qin's text", and simplified the original big seal to small seal. Later, the font was simplified, and the jailer Cheng Miao was used to turn the small seal circle round strokes into a square fold font, which is convenient for writing. This is the "lishu". Qin used Xiaozhuan as the standard script for official documents and decrees, and used official script as a daily script to promote nationwide. The current regular script evolved from the official script. By the time of the Western Han Dynasty, the official script had become the script that prevailed all over the country. The unification of writing is a major development of Chinese culture. It has a positive significance for the spread of culture and has a profound influence on the development of culture and art in our country.
