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The Huangjin uprising in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty began to change the political system of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Great changes took place in the official system of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The system of three officials and nine officials began to transform into the system of three provinces and six departments, and the system of local prefectures and counties also changed accordingly.

According to the book of the later Han Dynasty, one hundred official records, Gongsun Gong rode a general in a chariot. This note says: Zhang crusades and betrays. Bigong 4: the first general, the second Hussar general, the second cavalry general, and the second guard general. There are also front, back, left and right generals. " It can be seen that in the Han Dynasty, the position of the general was very high, and the situation in the early Wei Dynasty should be close to that in the Eastern Han Dynasty. According to the biography of Gongsun Du, Volume 8 of the annals of the Three Kingdoms: "in the 12th year, Taizu conquered wuwan and slaughtered Liucheng. Yuan Shang and others went to Liaodong, and Kang cut off Shang Shou. Language is in Wu Ji. He was the Marquis of Xiangping, Kang, and general Zuo. Kang die, Zi Huang, yuan, etc. are small, all Li Gong for Liaodong Taishou. Emperor Wen Jian Chu sent envoys to worship Gong as a general of chariots and horses, and granted him the title of marquis Ping Guo; As a gift to Sima Kangda. "

Gongsun Gong rode a chariot and rode a general, not only because his brother Gongsun Kang killed yuan Shang when Cao Cao attacked Wuhuan in the north, but also because Cao Pi, Emperor Wen of Wei, wanted to win over Liaodong forces, because Liaodong's officials belonged to Wei, but they did not belong to Cao Wei's lineage, and they were in the northeast frontier. Cao Wei's rule was not as strong as his horse's belly, so it was difficult to carry out actual rule, In this way, we have to win over the powerful Gongsun family in the local area. It seems that the addition of "riding general" to Gongsun Gong is entirely out of political need.

Compared with Gongsun Gong, the fact that Liu Zhang added the bugle was also due to political reasons. According to the biography of Liu Zhang, volume Sany of the annals of the Three Kingdoms, during the Jian'an period, Zhang Wen had heard that Cao Gong was in Jingzhou. He had decided Hanzhong and sent yinpu in Hanoi to pay homage to Cao Gong. General Jia Zhang Zhenwei, General Mao Pingkou. At that time, Liu Zhang had inherited his father Liu Yan's position as a herdsman in Yizhou, and the autocratic side took the initiative to "pay homage" to Cao Cao when Cao Cao conquered Jingzhou. His main intention was to show his kindness to Cao Cao and to eliminate Cao Cao's attempt to enter Yizhou. Judging from the situation at that time, Cao Cao intended to attack Liu Biao in Jingzhou, but had no request to attack Yizhou for the time being Liu Mao brothers and general. In order to show his praise and recognition of his status as Yizhou animal husbandry. Later, when Cao Cao conquered Jingzhou, the situation changed, and Liu Zhang and Cao Cao did not continue to associate with each other.

In addition, the same example is Zang ba. According to the biography of Zang BA in Wei Shu, Volume 18 of the annals of the Three Kingdoms, when Zang BA was the Prime Minister of Lang Xie, he also took part in military operations many times. Later, he "harassed Dongzhou, and Ba and other tyrants fought for justice and violence. He made great contributions to the Qing Dynasty, and all of them became marquis. He is the Marquis of duting, general jiaweilu. In a word, it is precisely because the counties and prefectures are more involved in military activities that most of the local governors, such as the assassins and the Taishou, have been given the bugles. In the initial stage before the bugles were rampant, this kind of bugles still has practical significance. Its purpose is to praise the military achievements, boost morale, and strive for military victory. According to the situation reflected in the above table, there are roughly two types of jiajiangjun. One is to add Jiangjun because of military achievements, such as Chen Deng, Jia Kui, Zang Ba, Wen pin, Guo Huai, Xu Miao, Wang Ji, etc; The other is to add bugles when he was a local governor, such as LV Qian, Du Shu, Chen Tai, Sun Li, Tian Yu, Hu Zhi, Zhuge birthday, Wang Chang, etc. The common feature of these two kinds of situations is that their own officials are local officials plus military signals, which is a reflection of the frequent military struggles between the late Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period in the official system.

A brief analysis of Cao Wei's special advancement of Jiawei: as for the situation of special advancement of Jiawei, the fourth volume of the book of Jin, official records, says: "special advancement, Han officials also. In the Han Dynasty and the Wei and Jin Dynasties, officials were appointed to serve as their own. There are no officials. The imperial servant Yang Xiu abdicated his position, paid special attention to him, and served as a general servant. He had no other officials, so he served as a chariot for the officials. The rest of the people who went to GATT had to eat their salaries and take their positions. They did not give the special officials their chariots and clothes, and then ordered them to do so. " It can be seen that tejin is an extra official without his own duty, which is similar to that of an unofficial official. However, the status of the extra official is generally higher or special, such as Cao Teng, Guo Biao, Mao Jia and Zhang Ying. Among them, Zhang Ying, a general of Cao Wei, has always been highly valued. In his later period, Zhang Ying was an important general who cooperated with Cao Zhen and Sima Yi to resist the Shu and Wu armies. His special promotion was not only because he defeated the Shu army in the Qikou battle, but also to inspire his courage in the future battle.

According to the biography of Zhang Ying, Volume 17 of the annals of the Three Kingdoms, the Ming emperor ascended the throne, sent Nantun to Jingzhou, attacked Sun Quan's other general Liu a et al with King Sima Xuan, pursued him to Qikou, fought against him and broke him. Zhuge Liang came out of Qishan. Jiaying's position was specially advanced, and he sent all the troops to supervise, but he refused to send Ma Su to Jieting. " It can be seen that the special treatment and reward for him is to add a special position, so that he can spare no effort to fight. As for Cao Teng, according to Sima Biao's continuation of the Han Dynasty in the chronicles of the Three Kingdoms Volume I, Emperor Huan ascended the throne in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Guo Biao and Mao Jia were relatives of the Empress Dowager. From this, we can see that in the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Cao Wei period, tejin was not an additional official for ordinary officials.
