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Two short-lived scholars in the Western Han Dynasty

Jia Yi, a man of the Western Han Dynasty, was born in Luoyang, Henan Province, and was a official to a doctor in Taizhong (a member of the brain tank of the emperor);

Chao wrong, a person who was born in the reign of Jingdi in the Western Han Dynasty, was born in Xuchang, Henan Province, and was appointed to the imperial official (one of the three gongs, the chief supervisor, the acting officer, the imperial edict and the secret of the emperor).

Su said, it is a pity that Jia Yi, who was originally a talented man of Wang Zoe, was "dead" because he could not play and use his talents well. Jia Yi, a man, is not that the emperor will not use him, but he is not good at using the emperor; Since he was only a posterity from Luoyang, he wanted to remove the old cloth for the emperor overnight by his own efforts, which was too self righteous; Moreover, because of the narrow chest and too small air volume, we can have more than enough knowledge, a little bit of discomfort, and immediately collapse. How can this be a big deal? Jia Yi was thirty-three years old when he died( See Jia Yi)

Su Dongpo said Chao wrong, people all sympathize Chao wrong because of loyalty to the king and was killed, but he did not know Chao wrong is actually a self-made disaster. Chao wrong's most naive place is that when the situation is in critical condition, he even let the emperor go to the front line and stay behind himself, "choose it to be safe, and leave the emperor in danger". He finds a safe place for himself and puts the emperor in the most dangerous place. He does not understand that if one wants to build a worldly achievement, he cannot have the SELFPRESERVATION of his own heart. It was because he was always thinking carefully about self preservation that he was finally cut. Chao was 46 years old when he died( See Chao wrong)

Let's talk about Jia Yi first.

Jia Yi was born intelligent and could poetry and good writing when he was young. He was favored by the local crown prince Wu Gong and called to set the door and give special attention.

Wu Taishou ascended and promoted the middle of the dynasty to be an official. He refused to give up Jiayi, and he strongly recommended Jia Yi to the emperor, saying that he was very knowledgeable and proficient in all the families of all the people. Han Wendi agreed to the official of Wu and transferred Jia Yi to the Secretariat of the court.

Jia Yi did not disgrace the eunuch Wu, and he did stand out of the crowd. He was the youngest in his early twenties, but he was the most talented. Every time the emperor put out a topic, everyone did not know how to deal with it when he was fashionable. Jia Yi had launched a great talk and was in the right direction. Everyone felt that what he said reflected his thoughts. Therefore, colleagues have to be willing to bow to the wind, secretly admit Jia Yi did know people.

Jia Yi's performance attracted the attention of Emperor Wen, praised him and promoted him in a broken way. In less than a year, he was promoted to a doctor of Taizhong.

When he came to the son of heaven, he was more excited. Jia Yi presented many suggestions to the emperor, such as "making the system of setting up rites and music sparse", "on the accumulation of sparse", "Chen Zhengshi Shu". Wendi did not want to hurt his enthusiasm, neither did as he said, but did not brush his mind.

Jia Yi only takes care of his performance here, but forgets his colleagues' relationship and gradually feels the taste of Qugao and oligarchy. Liu Heng, the emperor of the Wen Dynasty, wanted to upgrade Jiayi officials and give him the position of Gongqing. Unexpectedly, he was opposed by the new and old subjects. Especially, the old general of Gao Zu, Zhou Bo, Yanyin and others, not only disapprove of promotion, but also oppose Jia Yi's personality pain and blame. The boy from Luoyang, who is young and knowledgeable, likes to range power. Everything is good to interrupt.

Wen Di saw that his ministers hated Jia Yi so much and began to alienate him. He was no longer as fond of listening to his speech as before, and adopted his suggestions. Until then, he was simply released to other places and became the Taifu of Changsha king.

This relegation, but greatly hurt Jia Yi that fragile heart. When he was in Changsha to cross Xiangshui, he wrote a Fu of hanging Quyuan, which was less than Qu Zi's ambition and was depressed. This Fu has the taste of a complaining woman. First, cloud snake rats become refined, Phoenix falls on the shelf, and then scolds the world injustice and heaven does not allow me. Later, he wrote pengbird Fu, sighing for a long time, and tired of the world. It seems that he has looked down on all the glory and wealth, and is unwilling to do it.

Three years later, he received the oracle of the Emperor Wen and called him back to Beijing to serve as the emperor Taifu of Liang Huai. When summoned, Jia Yi forgot his previous supernatural situation and returned to Beijing with great joy. After returning, the practice of good discussion was difficult to change. As before, he frequently spared his advice to the emperor. One of the most representative suggestions was to cut down the vassal clan and to compress the territory and rights of the princes. Wendi was very sober and did not accept his book life view.

With Jia Yi's personality, the later days were generally not very satisfactory. This year, Liu Yi, the Huai king, accidentally fell to death on horseback. Jia Yi realized that his master had an irrefutable responsibility. For more than a year, he was always crying and dying, only thirty-three years old.

A person not only has the talent to learn, but also has the mind! Jia Yi died early, and the official did not achieve the official secretary, but he was not a man of great talent. He was killed by his personality.

Then Chao is wrong.

Chao is also a good student. In his early years, he followed Zhang Hui in Xian county (now Jiyuan City, Henan Province) to learn the name of torture. Because he was familiar with literature and books, he did literary and historical work under the guidance of too often. When Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty was in power, Chao wrongly found an opportunity to study. At that time, there were few people familiar with and studied Shangshu in Jinan. In Jinan, there was a Mr. Fu who was over 90 years old. He had been a doctor of Qin Dynasty and was proficient in Shangshu. Unfortunately, he was too old to reach Chang'an. Wen emperor asked too ordinary people to study at Mr. Fu Lao in Jinan. Chao was given this opportunity.

Chao CuO had always thought that he had a lot of knowledge. After a long study, he was even more arrogant. First, show off with the emperor. When you talk with Emperor Wen about what the country should do at present, you must quote the book of history. Emperor Wen praised him and appointed him prince Sheren, door doctor (in charge of the east palace gate) and Prince's family order. He repeatedly suggested that the emperor weaken the power of the vassals and amend the decrees. He wrote dozens of them. Like Jia Yi, Wendi didn't take his advice, but affirmed his talent and promoted him to be a doctor of Chinese medicine.

The prince at that time was Liu Qi, the later emperor of the Han Dynasty. Chao CuO won absolute appreciation and trust from Liu Qi. The crown prince's office called him a "think tank" - full of knowledge and skills.

Like Jia Yi, Chao CuO is only "superior" but not gregarious. He only tries to please his master, regardless of the relationship with his colleagues. At that time, the crown prince Liu Qi liked Chao CuO's ideas, and all the "great meritorious officials" represented by Yuan ang disliked him.

When Emperor Wen collapsed and Emperor Jing succeeded to the throne, Chao CuO gained the upper hand and became red and purple. There are several scenes that can explain the problem very well. First, Chao CuO often had secret business with the emperor alone, and his opinions were mostly adopted by the emperor; Second, Emperor Jing had a high opinion of him, and he valued him more than the three gongs and nine Qing; Third, many laws and regulations that have been implemented for a long time have been revised because of his suggestions.

Another thing, more can show Chao CuO dignitary. Chao CuO usually went to work in the neishifu, which was built in the open space between the inner and outer walls of the taishanghuang temple. The door opened to the East, so it was not convenient to enter and leave. Taishanghuang temple is the temple of Liu Bang, the father of Gaozu. It's no small matter to move the earth there. Chao cuogan opened the outer wall of the temple and opened two south facing doors. Shen Tu Jia, the prime minister, received the letter and asked the emperor to kill Chao Cuo. Chao CuO went into the palace to see the emperor, and explained a few words lightly. Emperor Jing actually forgave him, but rebuked Shen Tujia for making a fuss.

Chao Cuo, who was one of the three officials here, was more and more elated day by day. Chao CuO's biggest trick to Emperor Jing was to "ask the princes to cut their land and accept their branches." They should punish the princes for their faults, cut down their territory and take back the counties they entrusted. This is what Jia Yi wanted Emperor Wen to do, but Emperor Wen declined. Now Chao CuO encourages emperor Jing to push it.

As a result, Chao Cuo, a smart scholar, lost his life in this matter. His action of cutting the vassal state led to the biggest rebellion of the princes in the 200 year history of the Western Han Dynasty - the rebellion of the seven kingdoms, which almost destroyed the Han Dynasty. When the crisis came, Chao Cuo, the son of heaven's red man, turned into a broom star. At that time, when the seven kingdoms were in chaos, Emperor Jing didn't know what to do. Yuan ang came to advise the emperor. Chao cuoman thought he was a confidant of the emperor and didn't need to avoid. However, Emperor Jing ordered him to step down. The idea yuan ang gave to the emperor was to kill Chao CuO to stop the rebellion. Emperor Jing said to Yuan ang: "I don't love one person to thank the world". For the sake of the peace of the world, it's nothing to give up a pawn like Chao CuO!

More than ten days later, Emperor Liu Qi sent a lieutenant to call Chao CuO to the court. The lieutenant cheated Chao CuO into the car and pulled him to Dongshi's waist! It's pitiful that Chao CuO was childish enough to think that the emperor called him to discuss business and went out in his formal clothes.

Knowledge is not the same as being wise in the world. Illiterate villagers sometimes have more knowledge than well-educated doctors. When Chao CuO tried his best to promote the emperor's vassal cutting, his old father heard about it in his hometown Xuchang. He rushed to the capital and said to his son: the emperor has just taken office. He arranged for you to help him. You proposed to reduce the vassal territory and Alienate People's flesh and blood relations, which made everyone talk about you and target you with resentment. Why is it so hard? Father then said: according to your way, the Liu family may be stable, but our Chao family is in danger! Chao CuO didn't accept his father's warning and advice. Father finally sad to say: I left, I have to leave you far away, I can't bear to see to do for the dead! His father expected to be implicated, so he took poison and committed suicide before the rebellion of the seven countries.

These two scholars in the Wenjing period of the Western Han Dynasty were not able men. Of course, they were able men. Unfortunately, they were both short-lived. Although there are different reasons, the essence is the same, that is, in front of the imperial power, all people and things are tools. As for the so-called personality factors of Dongpo residents, they are in fact indifferent and unimportant.
