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Liu Bang's nine month expedition to Xianyang was desperate

Liu Bang led his troops to leave Dangcheng for the western expedition to Xianyang. After four months, he returned to Dangcheng. At this time, Liu Bang adjusted his westward route in time and turned around to march to the southwest.

In Duanyue, the third year of Emperor Qin II, Liu Bang led his army westward for more than 500 Li and captured Gaoyang city (passing Gaoyang in the West), where he met Li Shiqi. Li Shiqi, a native of Gaoyang, works as a doorman in the neighborhood committee. Liu Bang has a knight guard who is from Gaoyang. He returns home in splendid clothes and shows off. Li Shiqi asks Liu Bang to see him through this guard. Li Shiqi revealed an important information to Liu Bang that Chen Liu, not far from Gaoyang, was an important grain storage area in the state of Qin, and his garrison was weak. Chen Liu and Liu Bang fought because Xiang Liang was defeated.

In February of the third year of Qin II, Liu Bang led his army to attack Chenliu, conquering the city, occupying Chenliu and obtaining a large amount of food. Liu Bang named Li Shiqi Guangye Jun, and appointed Li Shang, Li Shiqi's younger brother, as general (Shiqi said that Peigong attacked Chen Liu and got the millet of Qin Dynasty). Li Shiqi is the king of Guangye and Li Shang is the general. Chen Liu is next to Kaifeng. It should be Liu Bang who conquered Chen Liu and brought Kaifeng Qin army to rescue him. Liu Bang and Li Shang ambushed the Qin army and attacked Kaifeng in March. Kaifeng closed the city, but Liu Bang failed.

In March of the third year of the second Qin Dynasty, General Yang Xiong of the Qin Dynasty, who was stationed in Baima city to the east of Kaifeng, led his troops to reinforce Kaifeng and encircle and annihilate Liu Bang. Liu Bang got the information and designed to break the enemy. He first sent a troop to the east of Kaifeng to stop Yang Xiong, feigned defeat and retreated to Kaifeng City to induce Yang Xiong to pursue him. Liu Bang led the main force to ambush near the east of Kaifeng City and launched a sudden attack on the rapidly marching Yang Xiongjun. If Yang Xiong was defeated and retreated into Kaifeng City, Liu Bangjun would follow up and attack Kaifeng. As a result, Liu Bang's plan was half successful. When Yang Xiong saw that Liu Bang's army was defeated, he fell in the trap and chased Kaifeng all the way. Liu Bang ambushed his troops and defeated Yang Xiong. However, the defeated Yang Xiong did not retreat to Kaifeng, but went all the way west. Liu Bang did not succeed in his plan to break Kaifeng, so he had to improvise and pursue the enemy while winning. Yang Xiong passed Kaifeng and returned to fight again in Quyu city to the west of Kaifeng. Due to the hasty collapse of the army, he was defeated by Liu Bang again. Yang Xiong couldn't get back to Baima in the East, so he had to lead the defeated soldiers to the West and fled into Xingyang city. Later, he was beheaded by the envoys sent by Qin II for favoritism. When Yang Xiong went to Xingyang, the second emissary took part.

In April of the third year of Qin II, he lost the two world wars with Yang Xiong and the attack on Kaifeng. It is estimated that the casualties are not small. Liu Bang once again confirmed that the enemy forces are strong on the line of chidao in Henan, which is close to the South Bank of the yellow river. Xingyang, in particular, is hard to attack. So Liu Bang led his troops out of Kaifeng and marched to the southwest for nearly 300 Li to enter Yingchuan county and attack Yingyang. One is to get through the road from the south line to Wuguan, the other is to go to the city to replenish the food and grass and to recuperate the troops. The battle of attacking Yingyang was very fierce, and the casualties were not small. After the destruction of the city, Liu Bangjun released his anger and slaughtered the city in Yingyang (attacking Yingyang in the south, slaughtering it).

In May of the third year of Qin II, after Liu Bang occupied Yingyang, he should be on the one hand to rest the troops and on the other hand to send people to the west to find the way to Xianyang. To the west, Yingyang enters the vast mountains, first Funiu Mountain and Xiong'er mountain, and then to the west, Qinling mountain is more precipitous and continuous. In contrast, Mangdangshan is only a few stones. What should I do? There are many difficulties and dangers in continuing to walk westward. Mountain roads are difficult to walk. It's thirty or fifty miles a day to take plain roads, but it's only ten miles a day to take mountain roads. If the detour is included, it may be only a few miles, too slow. There are few villages on the mountain road, so the army must bring their own food and grass, which not only increases the difficulty of marching, but also may starve to death in case the food and grass are eaten up and the army does not go to the next city. The most dangerous is that the mountain road is narrow and easy to be ambushed. If a dangerous place is blocked by the enemy, a desperate attack will be severely damaged. If we can't conquer it, we will not only delay our time, but also be easily covered up and killed, or the whole army will be destroyed. At this time, Liu Bang was in a dilemma and had no way out.

It has been more than nine months since we left Dangcheng for the western expedition. We have marched back and forth for more than two thousand li, but the straight-line distance from Dangcheng to the west is only five hundred Li, and the straight-line distance from Xianyang to the destination is more than one thousand li. Moreover, they are different mountains. There were nine battles in nine months, four victories and five defeats. He conquered three small and medium-sized cities and was defeated in two large and medium-sized cities( Break through and lose. An attack on Changyi was a defeat. Two attacks on Changyi, another defeat. Attack Gaoyang, win. Attack Chen Liu and win. Attack Kaifeng, defeat. Fight Yang Xiong, win. Second attack Kaifeng, defeat. Attack Yingyang, win). All the cities were lost, and the team did not grow. On the contrary, there were a lot of casualties. The more westward we go, the more dense and powerful the enemy will be. According to this calculation, it will take more than a year to go, it will take tens of feet to fight, and it will take more than ten defeats. Can this amount of people afford it? Can we still have the same good luck as in the past, and can we get rid of the defeat?

The usual practice of the rebels at that time was to lay down a piece of territory to establish a base, then encroach on it nearby, and once the time was ripe, they would be called king and marquis. Why is Liu Bang so different? Such mindless delusion?
