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Yao (leader of tribal alliance in ancient China)

Yao (about 2447-2307 B.C., about 2377-2259 B.C.), surnamed Yiqi and named Fangxun, was the leader of tribal alliance in ancient China, one of the five emperors, and the son of Diku and Qingdu.

At the age of 13, Yao was granted the title of Tao to assist emperor Zhi. At the age of 15, Yao was renamed in the state of Tang (now Linfen City, Shanxi Province). At the age of 20, Emperor Zhi of Yao Dynasty was the son of heaven. In the turbulent times when all nations fought for supremacy, he united his relatives and friends, conquered the four barbarians, unified all the ethnic groups in China, and was elected as the leader of the alliance of tribal nations. During the reign of Emperor Yao, he sent the archer Hou Yi to shoot at the sun, and sent him to control the water. He also formulated the calendar, promoted farming, and straightened all officials.

In his later years, Yao created the throne, and Shun succeeded the emperor.

Twenty eight years later, Yao died of illness in Leize (now Heze, Shandong Province) and was buried in Gulin (juancheng, Shandong Province). His posthumous title was Yao, and he was regarded as "the most ideal monarch" by Sima Qian.

Life of the characters

Emperor Yao was born

The third wife of the ancient emperor DIHE was Qingdu, the daughter of Yiqi marquis. Her son's name is Fang Xun, or Emperor Yao, also known as Tao Tang.

Granted in Tang Dynasty

At the age of 13, Yao was granted the title of Tao to assist emperor Zhi. At the age of 15, Yao was renamed in the state of Tang (now Linfen City, Shanxi Province).

Succeeding the Emperor

At the age of 20, Emperor Zhi of Yao Dynasty was the son of heaven. [3] Pingyang (now Linfen, Shanxi). He ordered Xizhong, Xishu, Hezhong and Heshu to live in the East, South, West and north to observe the celestial phenomena and draw up the calendar. When he taught the people, they were called "four mountains". At that time, the flood was rampant, overflowing everywhere, destroying the mausoleum, washing away the soil, and the people could not bear to suffer. Yao wanted to control the flood, but he failed to do so in nine years.

Give way to Yushun

In his later years, Yao created the throne, and Shun succeeded the emperor.

Buried in the valley

Yao died 28 years after abdication and was buried in Gulin (juancheng County, Shandong Province).

Political measures

Perfect politics

At the beginning of Yao's reign, there was no basic state system. The state was just a tribal Union, which was very loose and was not conducive to the unified management of the state. Therefore, after Yao accumulated some administrative experience, he began to establish a national political system. One of the most important things was to appoint officials according to various government affairs. For the first time in Chinese history, he established a more systematic political system, which became a slavery state The emergence of the family laid the foundation.

Flood control

Yao's time is also the legendary flood period. "The flood in the Tang Dynasty is just cutting away, and the Huaishan and Xiangling mountains are vast and mighty." the water is huge, surging and roaring, submerging the hills and rushing to the high hills, endangering the world and making the people uneasy. Yao was very concerned about this. He consulted Siyue (the head of the four Princes) and asked who could control the flood. Siyue recommended him. Yao felt that he was unreliable. He often disobeyed orders and harmed the interests of his family. He was not suitable to undertake this important task. But Siyue insisted that he try, so Yao appointed him to control the flood. After nine years of water control, he made no achievements.

Making the calendar

In the early days of Tang Yao's administration, the astronomical calendar was not perfect, and the common people often delayed the farming hours because they did not know the changes of the four seasons. In order to master the law of climate change, he sent uncle Xi to live in Mingdu to observe the movement of the sun from north to south, taking the day with the longest day as the summer solstice, and corrected with reference to the position of Mars; Pai and Zhong lived in Mugu in the west to observe the situation of sunset, taking the day of equinox as the autumnal equinox, and corrected with reference to the position of the imaginary star; Pai and uncle lived In the place called Youdu in the north, observe the movement of the sun from south to north, take the shortest day as the winter solstice, and refer to the position of the Pleiades to correct. After two minutes and two solstices were determined, Yao decided to set 366 days as a year, and set a leap month every three years. He used the leap month to adjust the relationship between the calendar and the four seasons, so as to make the farming hours correct. It can be seen that the ancients regarded the era of Emperor Yao as an era of great progress in agricultural culture.

Historical evaluation

"Shangshu" said: "if ancient. Emperor Yao said, "let go of the honor.". Qin Ming Wen Si an. Allow Gong Ke rang, light is four table, grid in the top and bottom. Ke mingjunde is close to nine ethnic groups. The nine nationalities are good friends, and the common people are peaceful. "The people are clear, they are harmonious with all nations, and the people are Yong when they change."

Taibo in the Analects of Confucius: "great! Yao is the king. It's majestic. Only heaven is great. Only Yao is great. "

Han Feizi's "Han Feizi · five beetles" says: "the king of Yao is the king of the world, and Mao CI does not cut the rafters, but he does not pick the rafters; the food of Yao is the soup of chenhuo; the fur of Qiu in winter is the clothing of Ge in summer; although the clothing of the prison is not deficient in this."

Lu Buwei's "Lu's spring and Autumn Annals · Zhao Lei Pian" said: "Yao fought in danshuizhipu to subdue Nanman."

Liu De: "we should aim at the world, and we should aim at the poor people. It is also painful for the common people to suffer from their crimes, and worrying for the failure of all living beings. When a people is hungry, they say that I am hungry; when a people is cold, they say that I am cold; when a people is guilty, they say that I am trapped. "

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "emperor fan for thousands of years, civilian teachers for thousands of generations, early civilization, people respect and rely on."

Liu An's Huainanzi Ben Jing Xun: "when Yao was in power, he came out at the same time on ten days, burnt the grass and killed the trees, but the people had nothing to eat. He, chisel teeth, nine babies, gale, seal and snake repair are all people's harms. "

Sima Qian's records of the Five Emperors: "his benevolence is like heaven, his knowledge is like God. It's like the sun, it's like the clouds. Rich but not proud, expensive but not comfortable. Huang Shouchun clothes, Tong car by white horse. To be able to understand and tame, to be close to nine nationalities. Since the nine nationalities are good friends, they will rule the common people. The common people have made it clear that they are in harmony with all nations. "

Liu Xie's Wenxindiaolong · time sequence: "in the Tang Dynasty, when virtue flourished, the old men talked about" He Li "and the suburban children sang songs of" ignorance ". Yu continued to write the song, and the government helped the people in their spare time. He chanted the song of "rotten clouds" to the ministers after the Yuan Dynasty. What is the best? But the heart is happy and the voice is peaceful. When Dayu applied the soil, nine prefaces chanted Gong, and Cheng Shengjing praised Yi'er. Zhou Nan is diligent but not resentful for Ji Wen's virtue, while Wang Huachun is happy but not lewd for Feng. You Li faint and "board", "swing" anger, Pingwang Wei and "Shuli" sad. Therefore, we know that ballads, arts and sciences are moving with the times, and the wind is moving above, while the waves are shaking below. "

Du Fu: "to the Emperor Yao and Shun, and then to the customs of Chun."

Fan Zhongyan: "it's like the sun forever. It's majestic and good. Yu eventually calmed the water, and Shun also caused the wind. Outside the river and sea, heaven and earth bow to each other. Villagers do not know this, Xiao drum Xie Nianfeng. “

Luo Mi's the history of the road: ① "diligence does not live, frugality and courtesy." ② "In the Ming Dynasty, he was an expert in literary thinking, cautious, filial piety, kindness, benevolence and respect, which made people know the way of their children. Benevolence is applied to the common people, and virtue is applied to the four seas. "

Mao Zedong said: "the spring breeze is thousands of willows, and the 600 million divine land is as good as Shun and Yao."

Anecdotes and allusions

Birth legend

It is said that the third wife of the ancient emperor DIHE was named Qingdu. She was the daughter of Yiqi marquis. After Qingdu got married, she still stayed at her mother's home. At the end of the first month of spring, Qingdu and her parents took a boat to visit Sanhe. At noon, a flying red dragon appeared. The next day, a smaller red dragon appeared again. At night, Qingdu couldn't sleep and closed his eyes, so he could not help chuckling. In the hazy, the wind blows all around, and the red dragon pours on her. When she wakes up, she still leaves a smelly saliva foam on her body. Beside her, there is a picture full of saliva foam. On it is painted a red figure, with a plump face, eight eyebrows and long hair. On the picture, it says: Blessed also. After that, she was pregnant. Fourteen months later, as like as two peas in the picture, she gave birth to a son. The mother of his filial son DIHE died at this time. DIHE cried for his mother's death and became a tearful child. After that, he served his mother filial piety for three years without caring about Qingdu and his son. Qingdu took his son to live in his mother's home. He raised his son until he was ten years old, and then let him return to his father. This child was the later Emperor Yao. Therefore, when Emperor Yao was young, his grandfather's family name was Yi Qi (QI), and later Tao Tang.

Be diligent and thrifty

After Yao was in power, he still lived in thatched cottages, drank wild vegetable soup and wore coarse cloth woven with kudzu vine. Always pay attention to listen to the opinions of the common people. A "drum for remonstrance" was set up in front of the simple palace gate. Anyone who put forward any opinions or suggestions to him or his country can hit the drum at any time. When Yao heard the drum, he immediately received it and listened to the opinions of the visitors. In order to facilitate the public to find the imperial court, he asked people to set up a "slander tree" on the main traffic road, that is, to bury a wooden column, and there are guards beside the wooden column. If the people have any opinions, they can state to the guards, and if the visitors are willing to go to the imperial court, the guards will give guidance. Yao often said, "if a person is hungry, I starve him; if a person is frozen, I freeze him; if a person is guilty, I harm him."

Interview with naxianneng


Shi Zaiyao's nine or eleven meritorious officials are full of talents. But he was afraid of burying talents, and there was a legacy. Therefore, he often went deep into the remote areas, went to the mountains and fields for detailed visits, asked for talents, investigated political gains and losses, and selected talents.

During the Warring States period, Zhuang Zhou once said: Yao governed all the people in the world and made the politics in the sea clear. He once went to Gushe mountain on the North Bank of Fenshui River to pay homage to four well-known people. He was so disappointed that he seemed to have lost the world. They are Fang Hui, Shan Juan, PI Yi and Xu you. As a well-known sage, Shanjuan valued justice over profit and did not covet wealth. Yao realized that virtue and wisdom were not as good as Shanjuan. He realized that for a virtuous person, he should not be arrogant and arrogant, but should be courteous and courteous. He visited him with the manners of common people treating the elderly and students treating teachers, and let Shanjuan take the lead.

Get Xu you

According to Zhuangzi, Yao's teacher was Xu you, Xu you's teacher was yeque, yeque's teacher was Wang Ni, and Wang Ni's teacher was dressed. PI Yi is Pu Yi, which is also called Pu Yi. He lived in pugu mountain. Yao paid a visit to him and worshipped him as a teacher. Today, there is Puyi village in Tailin Township, Puxian county. It is said that Puyi lived in seclusion, hence the name of Puyi village. Near Puyi village, there was a place where Diyao and Puyi talked about the main road, later called the pulpit. There was also a place where Emperor Yao had a rest, later called tax driving slope. Puyi, known as puyizi, was later called Puzi in his country, later Puzi County, now Puxian. In the poems left by the Qing Dynasty, there is a poem that "the sage of pugu goes with his treasure, and the emperor of Pingyang comes with his chariot", which refers to the story of Emperor Yao's visit to puyizi.

According to Zhuangzi, Yao asked Xu you, "can ye que be the son of heaven? I want Wang Ni to invite him. " Xu you said, "no! That would be a dangerous thing for the world. He is intelligent, quick witted and gifted. It would be wrong for you to make him accept the mission of the rule of nature because of his personal advantages. He is clear about the prohibition of negligence, but he does not know the cause of negligence. Let him be the son of heaven, he should respect wisdom and abandon nature; he should distinguish things according to his own will, he should seek knowledge like fire; he should immerse himself in things, interfere in things everywhere, he should be busy to meet the requirements of things; he should try every means to change everything and make them restless. How can we make him the emperor? Although his behavior can be imitated by ordinary people, he can only be the monarch of a vassal state, not the emperor. Governance is the cause of unrest, the disaster of ministers and the disaster of the monarch. " Xu you knew his teacher very well. After Xu you's dissuasion, Yao naturally said that.

Emperor Yao's visit to sages is the most recorded story in ancient books. Xu you was a famous scholar at that time. He advocated natural inaction, did not seek fame and wealth, insisted on self-reliance, lived a simple life, and did not seek for the world. When he learned that Emperor Yao was going to visit him, he fled. It happened that yeque met him and asked him where he was going? He said: "to escape Emperor Yao.". "Why?" he asked Xu you said, "Yao is a man who practices benevolence and righteousness vigorously. I'm afraid he will be ridiculed by people all over the world, and there will be cannibalism in future generations. It's not difficult to win over the common people. If you love them, they will be close to you; if you give them benefits, they will be attracted by you; if you praise them, they will be diligent. Do what they hate, and they will flee. Love the people, so that the people benefit is out of benevolence and righteousness, the sincere implementation of benevolence and righteousness, through benevolence and righteousness to benefit many. Such acts of benevolence and righteousness, not only can not really be implemented, but also will become a tool of hypocrisy. This kind of thing that wants to use one's decision to make the world profit is just one size fits all. Yao only knew that sages could benefit the world, but he did not know that sages could harm the world. Only those who don't attach importance to sages will know this truth. " After a period of time, Emperor Yao visited Xu you and paid homage to him in peize. Yao said to Xu you, "when the sun comes out, the torch is still burning. It's unnecessary to let it shine in the sunlight that shines on the universe? It's in vain to water the garden after the heavy rain? As the son of heaven, I am very ashamed. It is not suitable for me to occupy the throne. Please allow me to entrust the world to Mr. Yu. The world must be peaceful. " Xu you said to Emperor Yao, "you have ruled the world for a long time. Now that the world has been ruled well, you still need me to be a ready-made emperor instead of you. Do I want to be famous? Name is subordinate to reality, and I'm not interested in that false name. Even if the Wren builds a nest in the deep forest, it will only occupy one branch; even if the mole runs to the Yellow River to drink, it will only be enough to have a full stomach. You go back! The son of heaven is of no use to me. Even if a cook does not make offerings, sacrifice will not replace cooking. " Xu you then went to Jishan, Yingshui of the sun, farming and food, very happy, life is not greedy for the throne. It is said that Yao let Xu you in the world. Xu you thought it was a disgrace and went to the river to wash his ears. Later, he was named the river of washing his ears. The father of the nest took the cow to the river to drink water. He met Xu you to wash his ears. After he asked the reason, he said, "you have washed your ears and dirtied the water here. I don't want my cow to drink the sewage." He led the cattle to the upper reaches of the river to drink.

Visit Zizhou Zhifu

Emperor Yao once visited a man named Zizhou Zhifu. After consulting him, he felt that he could trust the whole world and let Zizhou support his father. Zizhou Zhifu replied: "it's OK to give up the world to me, but unfortunately, I'm suffering from the disease of worry, and I'm preparing for a good treatment. I can't accept it." Emperor Yao was not reluctant, but he respected him very much.

The school of Confucianism and Mohism

In the pre Qin period, Confucianism and Mohism were the two most powerful schools, which were called "prominent learning", and they both called on Yao and shun. Since then, Yao has become a sage king in ancient times. He is not only an ideal personality in ethics, but also a model monarch in governing the country. Confucius said, "it's great that Yao is the king! Majestic! Only heaven is great, only Yao is. The people are not well-known. It's magnificent because it's successful, and it's full of articles! " With the increasing importance of Confucianism in Chinese cultural tradition, Confucius' praise of Yao has become more and more popular. Later, Confucianism took the banner of "ancestors of Yao and Shun, charter of civil and military"; in the Tang Dynasty, Han Yu, song and Ming Dynasties, Neo Confucianism advocated the theory of "orthodoxy", and Yao became the ancestor of Confucianism.

Invent wine

It is said that Yao was changed by the dragon and was very sensitive to aura. Attracted by the aura of dishuitan, he brought everyone here to live in peace and contentment, and took this aura to develop agriculture, making the people live and work in peace and contentment. In order to thank God and pray for the future, Yao will select the best grain and soak it with drip water, remove all impurities by special means, and quench the essence to make the blessing water. The water is clear and pure, fragrant and long, respecting the God and distributing it to the people to celebrate the well-being. In order to be grateful to Yao, the people named the praying water "Huayao".

Creating go

According to legend, in ancient times, after the capital of Yao was Pingyang and the tribal states of Xiehe were pacified, the agricultural production and people's life presented a scene of prosperity. But there was one thing that worried Emperor Yao. Although Zi Danzhu grew up and became a teenager, he didn't do his job. He idled around, gathered friends and fought fiercely, often causing trouble. Emperor Yao thought: to make Dan Zhu return to good, we must first stabilize his nature, entertain his heart, and teach him several skills. At first, he taught hunting skills, but Danzhu was not happy. Yao sighed and said, "if you don't want to learn to hunt, just learn shiziqi. Shiziqi is very useful when you learn it." Then he used the arrow to depict more than ten square squares on a flat rock. He picked up a lot of stones and gave them to Dan Zhu. Hand in hand, he explained to Dan Zhu how he used stones to show his fighting strategy of advancing and retreating in the process of leading the tribe. Dan Zhu also listened at this time and seemed to have patience.

For some time after that, Dan and Zhu were very attentive and didn't go out for a stroll. Sanyi's heart was more stable. Emperor Yao said to Sanyi: "shiziqi contains profound principles of governing the people, the army, mountains and rivers. If Danzhu really changes his mind and understands these principles, it will be a natural thing to take over my throne." Unexpectedly, Dan and Zhu didn't learn chess thoroughly, but they listened to the bad words of the previous group. They felt that playing chess was too restrictive and there was no freedom at all. They had to waste their brains. They made friends all day long and even wanted to win the position of father emperor by trickery. Sanyi was very sad and died of a serious illness. Emperor Yao was very sad and moved Danzhu to the south. He didn't want to see Danzhu any more. He also abdicated the throne to Yushun. Yu Shun also learned from Emperor Yao and taught his son Shang Jun with shiziqi. Later on the pottery will be produced on the go grid graphics, history books will have "Yao made go to teach Danzhu" records. Today, there are traces of qipanling Weiqi stone carvings in the west mountain of Jinzhang village, Longci township.

Dragon totem

Tang Yao basically determined the image of dragon. According to the Bamboo Annals, Yao was born in yiqishan (in Shunping County, Baoding City), and his mother Qing was a member of the Chen Feng clan, born in the field of Douwei. There is Qingdu mountain in Tang County, which is said to be the place where Yao's mother lived. When Qingdu was born, Huang Yun often covered it, and when he was an adult, there was always a dragon He was born in Danling (Yiqi mountain) in the fourteenth month. Yao's mother cave in Yiqi mountain is the birthplace of Yao. This shows that the Chilong people lived near Yiqi mountain at that time, which further deepened the flesh and blood relationship between the dragon and the Chinese nation, and also shows that the descendants of the dragon were recognized by the world at the time of Yao.

Mumapo, King Yao

It is said that there is a horse slope of King Yao in the North Fairy Cave of Gushe mountain. The top of the mountain is covered with green grass, the hillside is covered with shrubs, and there is a sea of forest under the ditch. In spring, the plants sprout and are full of vitality. In summer, the trees are luxuriant and the mountain flowers are brilliant. In autumn, the maple leaves are red like fire. In winter, the pines and cypresses are proud of frost and snow. It is said that the tree here is planted by King Yao. It is the Fangma mountain of King Yao. There is Shengma village in the north and Muma beach in the south. The village names of Shengma and Erju are all inherited from King Yao. In Linfen county annals, this place is one of the eight scenes of Linfen. At the foot of the mountain, the East and West horse fences on the west side of Fenshui River are said to be the horse farms of King Yao. After the marriage of the deer fairy and King Yao, she managed the horse farms in this area.

Pingyang, the capital

In the early Tang Dynasty, Taiyuan was the capital of the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang city was built in Taiyuan, so Taiyuan had the ancient names of "Tang" and "Tang state".  tracing back to the ancient meaning of "Tang", Shuowen Jiezi is interpreted as "Tang, Dayan." "Baihutong · Hao" is interpreted as "Tang Dynasty, swanky also, moral appearance is also the greatest." It can be seen that Tang is a word of understanding. Its basic meaning is: big words, bold words and orders; its extended meaning is: the words and orders of the most virtuous people. Yao is such a hero. There are at least three places called "Tang" in ancient times, such as "Tang" in Hebei, "Tang" in Taiyuan, and "Tang" in Jinnan of Shanxi. All of them got their names because Tang Yao migrated many times and settled there.

After Yao and his tribe lived in Taiyuan for a period of time (some scholars believe that it was because of the pioneering spirit of their tribe or because of the obstruction of Fenhe River at that time and the flood of Huoshan), they left their own descendants and continued to migrate along the direction of the south flow of Fenhe River, and finally settled in Pingyang, Linfen basin. Zheng Xuan said in his book of Songs: "Yao first lived in Jinyang, then moved to Hedong." "Shangshu Shuzheng", written by Yan ruoju, also said: "Yao was the son of heaven. In fact, his capital was Jinyang first, and then he moved to Pingyang house." As a result, there is the saying of "the capital of Yao was Pingyang", and it also confirms the ancient record of "the capital of Yao was Qixian at the beginning, and then moved to Pingyang". Another ancient name of Taiyuan "Beitang" is that after Tang Yao moved his capital from Taiyuan Qixian to Pingyang, because Taiqi county is located in the north of Pingyang, in order to distinguish the early capital of Taiyuan Tang and Pingyang Tang, he added the word "Bei" in front of Taiyuan Tang according to the geographical location, which is the reason why Taiyuan is also called "Beitang".
