Historical China is a cultural information website with Chinese history as the core, providing ancient Chinese history, economy and culture, Chinese medicine health care, painting and calligraphy, antique, religious philosophy, etc.


Diho: Ji surname, Mingjun, Huaxia nationality. He was born in Gaoxin (now Gaoxin Town, Suiyang District, Shangqiu City, Henan Province), so he was named Gaoxin, the great grandson of the Yellow Emperor.DIHE is the title of the leader of DIHE tribe. DIHE tribe is a branch of Yi people and has close relationship with Zhuanxu tribe. Later, DIHE inherited Zhuanxu as the leader of Dongyi tribe group.

One of the five emperors is the prototype of emperor Tiandi in Shanhaijing. Ji Jun's grandfather xuanxiao (SHAOHAO) is the eldest son of Leizu, the imperial concubine of the Yellow Emperor Yuan Dynasty. His father's name is jueji. When Ji Jun was 5 years old (2270 BC), he was appointed as Marquis of Xin. When he was 15 years old (2260 BC), he assisted his uncle Zhuanxu. After Zhuanxu died in 2245 BC (Zhuanxu 78 BC), at the age of 30, Ji Jun succeeded to the throne and became the leader of the whole world. He took Bo (now Shangqiu, Henan Province) as the capital and mude as the emperor. He was named Gaoxin. He changed the Yuan Dynasty to the first year of DIHE and was deeply loved by the people. Xiangshou was 100 years old. After his death, he was buried in his hometown Gaoxin, where he built the imperial tomb. After the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, he was listed as the third emperor in the "Three Emperors and five emperors". He inherited Yanhuang before and enlightened Yao and Shun later, which laid the foundation of China. He was the cultural ancestor of the Chinese nation, the ancestor of Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and the father of emperor Zhi, abandon, Qi and Yao.

Life of the characters

Early experience

At the age of twelve or thirteen, he was well-known. At the age of fifteen, he was selected as an assistant by his uncle Zhuan Xu, and was granted the title of Xin for his meritorious service.

Ascend to the throne of bodu

After Zhuan Xu's death, his nephew Gao Xin ascended the throne as emperor he was 30 years old. Because he was born and rose in Gaoxin (now Gaoxin Town, Suiyang District, Shangqiu City, Henan Province), he is known as the Gaoxin family in history. After he ascended the throne (tribal leader), he took mude as the emperor and Bo as the capital. Emperor Ho was observant, obedient to public opinion, considerate of the common people, benevolent and powerful, and promoted himself to convince the people all over the world. It can be seen that DIHE was also a king who was gracious and loyal to the people. After the establishment of solar terms, improve people's quality of life, loved by the people.

Political initiatives

Move the capital to Bo

Moving the capital to Bo (now Shangqiu, Henan Province), the people's livelihood saved them from the flood, and politically, it was convenient to completely solve the problems of the rest of the Gonggong family. The rest of Gonggong family has been developing from the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River to the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. The capital was built in Bo, which made it easy for the generals to quickly drop into the front line. After repelling the foreign enemy, the nomadic people, the dog army, did not take the opportunity to pursue fiercely, in order to minimize the risk, and then turned to internal affairs to deal with ethnic issues.

Making solar terms

It is said that before DIHE, although people had the concept of four seasons in a year, they only worked at sunrise and stopped at sunset. There was no scientific time sequence for farming and animal husbandry, which seriously restricted the development of agriculture and the improvement of people's quality of life. Therefore, DIHE scientifically explored the laws of celestial phenomena and phenological changes, divided four seasons, guided people to engage in agricultural and livestock activities according to seasons, and greatly promoted the development of social productivity. It made a great revolution in Chinese agriculture, and agricultural civilization entered a new era.

know one 's subordinates well enough to assign them jobs commensurate with their abilities

DIHE ruled the country with benevolence and lived a simple life. He usually looked solemn and quiet, and his moral character was as lofty as a mountain. He is generous, benevolent and trustworthy. He understood the sufferings of the people and was equal to everyone in the world. He never disobeyed the laws of nature, and worshipped the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth, praying for the gods to bless the people. Because of his noble virtue, he is deeply loved by the people. Under his administration, the society is rich and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Emperor ho can also know people well. Yi's archery skills are unparalleled in the world. Emperor ho selected him as the archer and gave him tonggong and haoya. Yi also lived up to the emperor's deep expectation. When Bai Nan rebelled, he calmed him down. Xianhei and Zuopu were good at music and making musical instruments. DIHE ordered them to be music officials, and finally created the music of Jiushao and new musical instruments such as Cuan drum, Qin, Guan, Cuan and curtain.

Create a prosperous age

Among the tribes of DIHE, a book named "Ming Li Xu" in Chunqiu Wei is said to have been passed on for 10 generations and 400 years, while Jilan Tu in Yiwei is said to have been passed on for 350 years. The age of DIHE can be described as a peaceful and prosperous age in ancient times. His general plan of governing the country is as follows: first, to love others; second, to make the people profit; second, to emphasize the rule of the world by honesty and benevolence. DIHE is especially famous for his honesty among the people. As a generation of emperors, DIHE not only can cultivate self-discipline and selfless, but also advocates honesty and good and evil, which is highly praised by emperors of all ages. In modern times, it still has positive significance.

Evaluation of later generations

Sima Qian's historical records: "Gao Xin was born a God, and said his name. It is not in the body to give alms. To be wise is to know far, to be wise is to observe micro. Follow the righteousness of heaven and know the urgency of the people. Benevolence and prestige, benefit and faith, self-cultivation and world service. Take the wealth of the land and use it sparingly, caress and teach all the people to benefit them, welcome and see them off through the sun and the moon, and respect the ghosts and gods. Its color is gloomy and its virtue is strong. When it moves, it serves as a scholar. The emperor was in charge and spread all over the world. As the sun and the moon shone and the wind and rain came, they all obeyed. "

Cao Zhi's praise of the Emperor: "the ancestor came from Xuanyuan, the descendant of xuanxiao, and gave birth to his name. Mude governs the world. Funing heaven and earth, Holy Spirit guest, teach all over the world, Ming and sun and moon

Liu Xie: "in the past, in the age of emperor he, Xianmo was the song of Jiu Shao."

Fan Wenlan's Compendium of Chinese General History: "before Han Dynasty, people believed that Huangdi, Zhuanxu and Diku were the ancestors of the Chinese people, which should be a fact."

Anecdotes and allusions

Phoenix coming

DIHE was very fond of music. He asked the musician xianhei to make songs such as Jiushao, liulie and Liuying. He also ordered the music to be played as drums, bells and pans. Sixty four dancers, dressed in colorful clothes, danced with the songs. After the music began to sing, Phoenix, Dazi and other valuable immortal birds also gathered in the hall and danced. In ancient times, it was believed that only those with noble morality could attract Phoenix.

Origin of surname

When Zhuan Xu heard that Ji Jun was smart, he asked Ji Jun to help him come up with ideas. Ji Jun said: "nine countries come together to attack us. If we fight hard with them, we will lose one and lose the other Zhuan Xu said, "in your opinion?" Ji said: "the enemies of the nine countries all want to occupy our territory alone. They will not give in to each other. If we can make them fight with each other, won't we be able to pacify them? " Zhuan Xu thought: Yes! Ji Jun's idea is good. So they sent people to the nine countries to transfer their relations, and soon launched a war between them. Later, Zhuan Xu put an end to the rebellion of the nine kingdoms without much effort. Zhuan Xu saw that Ji Jun was capable, so he sealed him up in Xin to take charge of everything. At that time, there were often floods here. When the water came, the people moved to another place. When there was a flood in the place where they moved again, the people moved back. If you move around like this, you can't live and work in peace and contentment. Gao Xin thought of another way: to lead everyone to raise the terrain of their residence. But the speed of heightening can't keep up with the speed of water rising. The first day, it was heighten, and the next day it was submerged. At night, Ji Jun couldn't sleep, so he ran to the sky to argue with the Jade Emperor and said, "since heaven has given birth to people, why do you deliberately embarrass people and don't let them live?" The jade emperor could not argue with him, so he sent the gods down and raised the terrain of Xin above the water. The people here will never be driven away by the flood again. From then on, "Xin" was called "Gao Xin", and Ji was called "Gao Xin's".

Related disputes

The name of DIHE first appeared in the historical materials of the spring and Autumn period. It is said that people in the Shang Dynasty offered sacrifices to the emperor, while it is also recorded that people in the Shang Dynasty offered sacrifices to shun. Wei Zhao of the Three Kingdoms thought that "Shun" should be the mistake of "Ho". According to Oracle Bone Inscriptions in Yin Ruins, the merchant had an ancestor named Kui, whose father was named Kui Zong by Cheng Tang. After textual research, Wang Guowei believed that Kui was the name of "Diku" and became "Ge" because of its wrong form. Therefore, Kui God is divided into two gods, Ho and he, which are found in the myth of Shanhaijing. Only he writes "Dijun", which is the most important and prominent God in the book. "DIHE" is only mentioned two or three times occasionally, while "Dishun" is another God. From Guo Pu in Jin Dynasty to modern times, scholars believed that "Shun" came from the sound of "Ge", and that "Ho" and "Jun" and "Shun" originated from the same God "Kui". Kui, Shun, Jun and ho are spelled the same in oracle bone inscriptions. Therefore, DIHE may be the father of Chengtang, which is also the only one recorded in oracle bone inscriptions among the three emperors and five emperors.

When the first kind of "Five Emperors theory" was put forward in "Five Emperors virtue", he was one of the five emperors; the second and third kinds of "Five Emperors theory" did not have him; the fourth kind of "Five Emperors theory" had him. As for his relationship with Gao Xin, just as Zhuan Xu's relationship with Gao Yang's, it was only in the five emperors' virtue and the emperor's system that they were integrated into one, which later became a historical definition.

Historical records

In Zuozhuan · zhaoad year, Zichan said: "in the past, there were two sons in Gaoxin's family. Bo was called Kaibo and Ji was called Shishen. They lived in the open forest and were not able to communicate with each other. Every day, we will fight against each other. After the emperor did not Zang, he moved to Shangqiu, where he was in charge of Chen and merchants, so Chen was the star of Shang. He moved to the great Xia Dynasty to serve the Xia and Shang Dynasties

In Guoyu · luyushang, it is said that "the merchant's ancestral title is Shun, and his ancestral title is Tang; the Zhou People's ancestral title is Ji."

"Songs of Chu. Tianwen": what's the right place for Jiandi to be in Taiwan? What's the joy of a woman when a mysterious bird comes to Yi?

"The son of Gao Xin is called Tao Tang Dynasty. His benevolence is like heaven, his wisdom is like God, and he looks like the sun. He is rich but not arrogant, noble but able to descend. Boyi ceremony, kuilong music, Shun official from time to time, tending to look at the four seasons, serving the people of Yuan Dynasty and serving the whole world. His words are not particular, his virtue is not back, and there is no other saying than Yi in the four seas and within the reach of zhouyu."

In historical records, Volume 1, the first chapter of the five emperors, the great grandson of the Yellow Emperor is the emperor Gao Xin. Gao Xin's father said "jueji", jueji's father said "xuanxiao", xuanxiao's father said "Huangdi". Since xuanxiao and jueji were not in power, Gaoxin was the emperor. Gao Xin was the son of Zhuanxu. Gao Xin was born to be a God and said his name. It's not in the body. To be wise is to know far, to be wise is to observe micro. DIHE married Chen Feng's daughter and gave birth to Fangxun. He married the daughter of Zi and gave birth to Zhi. The emperor collapsed, and the Zhi stood on his behalf. Emperor Zhili is not good at (collapse), but brother Fangxun Li is for Emperor Yao.

Collection of Arts and culture · Volume 11 · emperor Department 1

Sima Qian's historical records: "DIHE married Chen Feng's daughter and gave birth to Fangxun. Marry the daughter of Zi and give birth to Zhi. "

In historical records of the five emperors, it is said that "if the emperor is Yao, he will be honored. His benevolence is like heaven, and his knowledge is like God. The second son of Diku was first granted the title of Tao, and then the title of Tang Dynasty. Therefore, it is known as the Tao Tang family

"Emperor Century" records: "the mother of emperor Zhi, in four people, the lowest class. And Zhiyu brothers are the longest, so he has to ascend the throne. He was granted the title of Marquis of Tang Dynasty. Zhi was in power for nine years, and his administration was weak. In the Tang Dynasty, when the Marquis was virtuous, the Marquis returned. To be faithful to his righteousness is to lead his ministers to create the Tang Dynasty and achieve Zen. The Marquis of the Tang Dynasty knew that he had a destiny. He received Zen and was dedicated to Gaoxin (Gaoxin Town, Shangqiu)

Cao Zhi's Ode to the emperor said: "the ancestors came from Xuanyuan, the descendants of xuanxiao, and gave birth to their names. Mude governs the world. Funing heaven and earth, Holy Spirit guest, teach all over the world, Ming and Ming

Commemoration of later generations

The mausoleum of the emperor in Shangqiu, Henan Province

Dihuling is located in Gaoxin Town, 20 kilometers south of Shangqiu ancient city, Suiyang District, Shangqiu City, Henan Province. In front of the mausoleum, there are many ancient buildings, such as Diku temple, bathing room, changing room, Zen door, etc. Now there is only one inscription in Ming Dynasty. The existing cemetery is a high hill, more than 200 meters long and more than 100 meters wide. Diku mausoleum was repaired in the Western Han Dynasty, and it was repaired many times in the yuan and Ming Dynasties. There is an ancient well in the center of the temple, and the painted dragon is painted on the beam. It is said that it is effective to pray for rain in a drought year, so it is known as "Lingjing". The mausoleum of Diku rebuilt on the original site is tall and magnificent, 233 meters long from north to South and 130 meters wide from east to west. A towering stone tablet in front of the mausoleum is engraved with the three words "Diku mausoleum" written by the famous calligrapher Tang Yurun. The whole mausoleum is solemn and solemn.

The second emperor mausoleum in Anyang, Henan Province

Zhuanxu and Diku mausoleums are the tombs of Zhuanxu of Gaoyang and Diku of Gaoxin. They are located on the northwest mound of sanyangzhuang village, Liangzhuang Township, Neihuang County, Anyang City, Henan Province. The mausoleum of Diku is adjacent to the tomb of Zhuanxu, which is called "the mausoleum of the two emperors". A stone tablet was erected in front of the tomb, with the inscription "DIHE mausoleum". There are corridors and walls nearby. [9] It is 2050 meters long from north to South and 1060 meters wide from east to west, covering an area of more than 350 mu. In 1986, the mausoleum of the two emperors was discovered by the world. After the preliminary cleaning of the thick sand accumulation on the mausoleum area and the sacrificial area, 165 steles of imperial sacrifice in yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties were displayed in front of the world. On the central axis, 12 buildings and base sites from Tang Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, such as Yuqiao, Shanmen, Mausoleum and Baidian, were also found. In 2000, it was promoted to a cultural relic protection unit in Henan Province.
