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Zhu Rong (ancient Chinese mythological figure and God of fire)

Zhu Rong, namely: Chongli, the xuansun of Zhuanxu, the grandson of Zhizhi, the son of laotong, and the father of the prince Changqin. It is also the official name of Xia official huozheng in the period of three emperors and five emperors, which is synonymous with Da Sima. In history, many famous Zhu Rong were worshipped as the God of fire and kitchen by later generations. Zhu Rong's family is also diverse. In history, there are Zhu Rong's family of Zhuanxu and Zhu Rong's family of Yandi.

Among them, the descendants of Yan Emperor, Xia Guan of Yellow Emperor and Zhu Rong Rong Guang were the kitchen god and fire god of the south. Zhuan Xu huozheng, brother Wu Hui and Zhu Rong Chongli were the kitchen god and fire god of the north. Wu Hui, the great grandson of Zhuan Xu, returned to huozheng after emperor he abolished Chongli.

Emperor Yao abandoned the official name of zhurong and adopted the name of Sima. The ancestor of Shang Dynasty was named as "Zizhe", the great Sima of huozheng, who was the God of fire of merchants.

It is recorded in the book of Jin that Chongli, the son of emperor Gaoyang, is the "Xiaguan zhurong". This sentence clearly tells us that Zhu Rong is the official name of Xia Guan. In addition to the book of Jin, there are also records in Zuozhuan that Zhu Rong is the official name of Xia. "Zuozhuan. The 29th year of Zhaogong" says: "muzheng says gumang, huozheng says zhurong, Jinzheng says zuosu, shuizheng says xuanming, Tuzheng says Houtu. Among them, muzheng is the spring official, huozheng is the summer official, Jinzheng is the autumn official, and shuizheng is the winter official. Therefore, the huozheng in Zuozhuan is called zhurong, which means that the official name of Xiaguan is zhurong.

The Chu family in historical records says: Chongli juhuozheng was ordered to be zhurong, while Wu juhuozheng was appointed to be zhurong. Zhu Rong, the ancestor of Chu state, was originally named Wu Hui, and was named Zhu Rong by the emperor because of his status as a fire official.

The reason why there will be a war between Zhu Rong and Gonggong in history is that Zhu Rong is the official name of Xiaguan, and Xiaguan is the Ministry of war.

Zhu Rong's nine surnames are Ji, Dong, Peng, Tu, Lu, Cao, Zhen, MI and Mou.

The origin of Zhu Rong

The evolution from the six prime ministers of the Yellow Emperor to the six officials

Master of heaven -- Zhongzai -- Minister of the Ministry of officials

Houtu -- situ -- Minister of the Ministry of household

Ju mang -- Zongbo -- Minister of Rites

Zhu Rong -- Sima -- Minister of the Ministry of war

The Secretary of the Ministry of punishment

Xuanming -- Sikong -- Minister of the Ministry of industry

The evolution of six parts

Tianguan -- the Ministry of officials

Huang Yunshi Tuzheng Zhongguan Hubu

Qingyun family -- muzheng -- chunguan -- Ministry of Rites

Jinyun family huozheng Xiaguan Bingbu

Baiyun family, Jinzheng, Qiuguan, Ministry of punishment

Heiyunshi, shuizheng, Dongguan, Ministry of industry

"Gumang" refers to the plants unearthed in spring. So the official name of chunguan

The end of a sentence, the end of a sprout. ——The book of Rites

When the plants are unearthed, the curved ones are called sentences, and the straight ones are called sprouts. Another example: sentence claw (hook shaped sharp claw); sentence bending (twig); sentence bending (bending); sentence circle (buckling chain)

"Zhu Rong" refers to wizard, and "Rong" refers to Daming, Daliang, and generally refers to bright. Zhu Rong is the most bright season in summer, so he is used as the official name of Xia

Such as: melt light (bright light); melt crystal (bright); melt through (transparent). Zhu Rong is a wizard praying for light.

"Harvest" refers to autumn grass. The official name of the autumn official

The old grass revives. ——Shuowen. According to Xu Kai's biography, "Chen Geng's rebirth is complicated." There are many kinds of words

"Xuanming" refers to black. The dark is the dark. Winter is the darkest season in the four seasons, so it is the official name of winter

Dark, black. ——"Xiao Erya" is dark. ——Guangya

Gumang, zhurong, zushou and xuanming were originally the four official names of spring, summer, autumn and winter. After the evolution of spring, summer, autumn and winter four seasons.

In the book of rites, Yueling: "in the month of mengchun, the emperor is taikuan, and the God's sentence is mang; in the month of Mengxia, the emperor is Yan, and the God is Zhu Rong, and the summer is all; in the month of mengqiu, the emperor is Shaokuan, and the God is productive, and the autumn is all; in the month of Mengdong, the emperor is Zhuanxu, and the God is xuanming, and the winter is all. Different from the name of God, God is very common. Zhu Rong God, Zhu Rong Rong Guang, Zhu Rong Li, Zhu Rong Wu Hui. Xuanming God has Xiu and Xi, and Xi is xuanming in Zuo Zhuan. Similar to "Zuo Zhuan" Ji, Tian Zhengye. The son of Lieshan's family, Zhu, is Ji, which has been worshipped since Xia Dynasty. Zhou Qi is also Ji, and has been worshipped since Shang Dynasty. Jishen can also be divided into Zhou Qi and Lieshan's Zi Zhu. The same name is different from the same God.

The relationship between "spring, summer, autumn and winter" four officials and "southeast, northwest"

Most parts of China have monsoon climate. East wind in spring, south wind in summer, west wind in autumn and north wind in winter. The reason why chunguan gumang in Shanhaijing is the Oriental God. Xia Guan Zhu Rong is a southern God. Autumn harvest is a Western God. Dongguan xuanming is a northern God. It is related to the monsoon climate in China.

Similar to Xizhong, Xishu, Hezhong and Heshu in Yaodian, they went to the southeast and northwest in order to determine spring, summer, autumn and winter. Zhurong Rongguang in the Yellow Emperor's time did not come to Hengshan Mountain because the Lixia point was determined by the calendar.

Jumang, zhurong, zushou and xuanming are calendar words. Voice from the same tribe is not four tribes in four directions. It reflects that more than 4000 years ago, the Chinese people mastered the changes of monsoon seasons and integrated them into the calendar.

The reason why Sima Yi's ancestor changed from zhurong to Sima

Later, Emperor Yao changed the name of kumang official to Zongbo, zhurong official to Sima, Zuoshui official to Sikou, and xuanming official to Sikong. The four official names of gumang, zhurong, zuosu and xuanming withdrew from the stage of history. In jundao, when Yao was the emperor, Qi was Sima, Shun was situ, and Yu was Sikong. The contract mentioned in it is huozheng, the Xia official in charge of the Shang Dynasty when the ancestor Xianyao was in charge. The contract was originally called zhurong. Only because the official name of Sima replaced the official name of zhurong in the period of Emperor Yao.

Jin Shu

The first emperor

Emperor Xuan

Emperor Xuan taboo Yi, word Zhongda, Hanoi Wenxian xiaojingli people, surnamed Sima. He first came from Chongli, the son of emperor Gaoyang, and was a Xia official named Zhu Rong. He lived in Tang, Yu, Xia and Shang Dynasties, and his position was ordered. In Zhou Dynasty, Xia Guan was the Sima. Later, when Cheng Bai Xiu's father was king Xuan of Zhou, he conquered Xu Fang with his official family, so he took the surname.

Sima Yi's surname, Sima, is named Zhu Rong Li, the ancestor of Sima Yi. In history, the reason why Zhu Rong fought together is that Zhu Rong and Sima had the same official position, but their official names were different in different times.

Character experience

The book Shanhaijing haineijing describes his birth as follows: "tingwo, the wife of Emperor Yan and the son of Chishui, was born in Yanju. Yanju gave birth to Festival and festival, and festival and festival gave birth to Xiqi. Xiqi gave birth to zhurong.". It can be seen that Zhu Rong is the fifth generation grandson of Emperor Yan. In addition, according to haineijing, it is also known that the Yellow Emperor gave birth to Changyi, Changyi gave birth to Hanliu, and Hanliu gave birth to Zhuanxu. In Dahuang Xijing, Zhuan Xu gave birth to an old child, and the old child gave birth to Zhu Rong. Zhu Rong is an official post. The descendants of Yan Emperor once held this post, taking the official post as the family name. Zhuan Xu later also held the post of Zhu Rong, also taking the post as the family name. In history, there were Zhu Rong's family of Yan Emperor and Zhu Rong's family of Zhuan Xu. So what does Zhu Rong look like? "The book of mountains and seas · overseas South Sutra" says: "zhurong in the south, animal body and human face, take two dragons." It can be seen that he is not "perfect", and Guo Ya annotates "God of fire". In the 29th year of Zhaogong in Zuozhuan, it is said that huozheng is called zhurong. Huozheng is the official in charge of fire. In the spring and Autumn period and Warring States period, zhurong, the God of fire in myth, gradually evolved into the official position of fire department. "The book of the five elements annals of the Han Dynasty" says: "the ancient fire is the fire official, who worships Mars and conducts fire administration." Because Zhu Rong is the God of fire, his power has also been applied to the war between the two armies. "Mozi · feigongxia" records as follows: "in chengtangfeixia, tianmingrong (zhurong), longhuoganlixia City, northwest corner." This may be the first time that fire fighting has been used in war. Zhu Rong has a younger brother named Wu Hui, also known as Huilu, who is also the "huozheng" in the lawsuit. It's just that the reputation of zhurong is not as big as that of zhurong. It's not groundless for people to call the fire "the trouble of zhurong". Therefore, there is the origin of the word "Zhu Rong" instead of "fire".

Zhu Rong, one of the most famous clan leaders at the end of primitive society in China. He was named Chongli, a great grandson of Gaoyang, a descendant of the Yellow Emperor. During the reign of emperor Gao Xin, Ren huozheng (official name) was granted the title of the ancient ruins of Xiong family (now Xinzheng generation in Henan Province), and buried in zhurongfeng, Nanyue District, Hengyang City. He taught by fire for the benefit of the people. DIHE named it Zhu Rong, the God of fire. ——Xinzheng County annals of Henan Province

(1) . God's name. The fire officer in the time of emperor Ho was later respected as the God of fire, and his name was Zhu Rong. It also means fire or fire. Guoyu · Zhengyu: "Fu Li is the huozheng of Gao Xin's family. He is a great master of chundun, with the virtue of heaven and earth, shining all over the world. Therefore, he is called" zhurong ", and his contribution is great." Mengxia, the spring and Autumn Annals of the Lu family: "his God wishes him to be in harmony." Gao Yinzhu: "Zhu Rong, the son of Lao Tong after Zhuan Xu, Wu Huiye, was huozheng of Gao Xin's family, and died as the God of huoguan." Tang Zhang said in the praise of Pujin bridge: "Feilian fan Tan, zhurong Li Lu." Zhao Yi's the fire of Xun palace building beside Tianning Temple on August 2: "the view is that the building has been destroyed, and the brake rod suddenly calls for Zhu Rong."

(2) . God's name. God of the south, God of the South China Sea. Guanzi · five elements: "to get the dragon and argue in the East, to get zhurong and argue in the south." In the first biography of Yang Xiong in the history of Han Dynasty, it is said that "Li goumang and Zhu Zong are close to each other, serving xuanming and zhurong." Yan shigu notes: "Zhu Rong, God of the south." The stele of Nanhai Temple written by Han Yu of Tang Dynasty: "based on biography, Nanhai God is the most expensive. It is above the three gods of North, East and West. It is called zhurong."

(3) The legendary ancient emperor. "It is said that Fuxi and Shennong are two emperors, one of them is Suiren, another is zhurong, the other is Nuwa, whose right and wrong are unknown."

(4) . name of the peak. The highest peak of Hengshan. According to the history of the road, Zhu Rong buried the Yang of Hengshan in the name of Zhu Rong. Tang Hanyu's poem "paying homage to the temple of Hengyue" said: "the purple cover is connected with the Tianzhu, and the stone is thrown to the pile to wish the fusion." Song Yang Wanli "send Liu Zisi to Hengyang" poem: "Dongting frost wind last night, lightly want to climb stone and Zhu Rong."

[Daochang] zhurong invented the method of making fire by turning wood, but he couldn't keep and use it when he had a kind of fire. After Zhu Rong invented the method of using fire and keeping the kind of fire, the Yellow Emperor granted him the official of normalizing fire. Later, because Zhu Rong was familiar with the situation in the south, he sent him to be a situ near Hengshan. After his death, he was buried in Hengshan. Therefore, Hengshan is Zhu Rong's Taoist center. Now the highest peak of Hengshan is called zhurong peak, and there is zhurong hall on the top.

Historical records

The zhurong family in Hengshan is a Xia official of the Yellow Emperor

The six prime ministers of the Yellow Emperor mentioned in Guanzi are Zhu Rong. The six prime ministers refer to heaven, earth, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Among them, Zhu Rong is the official name of Xia. Zhu Rong, the official name of Xia Dynasty, was taken as the clan name.

Zhu Rong's family in Zhengzhou is an official of the Xia Dynasty

Chongli juhuozheng was ordered to be zhurong by the emperor, and his younger brother huozheng was also ordered to be zhurong. Huozheng is the official of Xia Dynasty. Zhu Rong, the official name of Xia, is also taken as the clan name.

Zhu Rong's burial in Hengyang

According to the book of Lu Shi Qian Ji, Zhu Rong's burial in Hengshan was named after the sun.

Zhu Rong's burial in Zhengzhou

"The history of the road · the history of the country": "there are zhurong tombs in Zhengzhou today.

Zhurong's family in Hengshan is a descendant of Lishan's family.

In Shanhaijing, haineijing, "tingwo, the wife of Emperor Yan and the son of Chishui, was born in Yanju. Yanju was born in Jiebing, and Xiqi was born in Jiebing. Xiqi was born in zhurong.". According to the "spring and autumn composite map", "spring and autumn yundoushu", "Huangdi Lu" and other documents, "Hengshan zhurong's name is Rongguang, and he is the great Sima of the Yellow Emperor, that is, zhurong (zhurong and the great Sima are an official post). Rong Guang is Zhu Rong, the six prime ministers of the Yellow Emperor in Guanzi. According to the legend of Hengxiang, "Rong Guang is Zhu Rong and situ", "Tu Wuling (now Changde, Hunan Province), because it also has the name of Rongshan, a southern mountain, is between Shi Rong and Rong Mei.". "Rong Guang also took (married) the Zhoushan family, and called it Nu Qian, who gave birth to Ji Ge, who gave birth to Shou ma.".

Zhurong family in Zhengzhou is a descendant of Zhuanxu family.

According to the records of the history of Chu family, the ancestor of Chu came from emperor Zhuanxu Gaoyang. Gaoyang is the grandson of Huangdi and the son of Changyi. Gao Yangsheng said that he was born in the chapter of volume, and the chapter of volume was born in Chongli. Chongli was Emperor Ku. Gao xinju was huozheng. He was very meritorious. He was able to light the world. Emperor Ku ordered Zhu Rong. Gonggong's family made trouble, and the emperor's envoys paid more attention to Li. The emperor took Geng yinri to punish Chongli, and his younger brother Wu Hui as Chongli. After he returned to huozheng, he became zhurong.

In Zuozhuan, Zhuan Xu's son, Li, was Zhu Rong.

Shi Ben Di Xi: Zhuan Xu married the Teng family. The son of the Teng family was called his daughter Lu and gave birth to an old child. Old Tongsheng attached great importance to Li and Wu Hui.

In Zhouli, Zhuanxu's son, Li, was worshipped as kitchen god for Zhu Rong.

"Zhuan Xu gave birth to an old child" in the book of rites of the great emperor. Old Tong Sheng attached great importance to Li and Wu Hui.

In the book of Jin, "Chongli, the son of emperor Gaoyang, is the" Xiaguan zhurong ".

It is generally acknowledged in official history that Zhu Rong's family in Zhengzhou is the descendant of Zhuan Xu. Some modern scholars use conjecture to deny that Chongli was the descendant of Zhuanxu, which is not serious.

The official history recognized that zhurong Chongli in Zhengzhou was the descendant of Zhuanxu

The official history recognized that zhurong Chongli in Zhengzhou was the descendant of Zhuanxu's family. Some people confuse zhurong's family in Hengshan with zhurong's family in Zhengzhou, which leads to the fallacy that Chongli is after Emperor Yan. Similar family names, different nationalities, different people with the same name, different people with the same official position, etc. are common, such as the state of Wei of Marquis Yi and the state of Shan Dong, Han Wangxin and Han Xin of Huaiyin, Boyi of Guzhu and Boyi of Siyue, Sima of Sima zanju and Sima of Uncle Xiu of Sima Cheng. Zhurong's family name is zhurong's family name in Hengshan and Gaoxin's family name in Zhengzhou. Zhurong's family name is zhurong's family name in the same way.

physical truth

Chu was the descendant of zhurong family in the northern Central Plains and became the ruler of the south, so the zhurong family in the north and the South began to be confused.

Influence of later generations

Legend one

Zhu Rong is the emperor of China. He was called Red Emperor by fire. It is said that Zhu Rong is also a musician. He often plays melodious and touching music on the mountains, which makes the people excited, in high spirits and full of love for life. After Zhu Rong died, he was buried in the sun of Hengshan Mountain (now Nanyue District of Hengyang City). In memory of him, later generations called the highest peak of Nanyue Mountain zhurong peak.

Legend 2

In ancient times, when Emperor Ku (K ù yinku) was in power, there was a man named Chongli, who was the great grandson of Zhuan Xu. Chongli is emperor Kuo. Gao xinju is huozheng. He has made great contributions to the world. Emperor Kuo ordered Zhu Rong The Emperor Zhu Chongli took his younger brother Wu Hui as Chongli, and after he returned to huozheng, he was named Zhu Rong His official position is "huozheng", that is, huoguan. Zhongli was loyal to his duty and worked hard to serve DIHE and the people. When he was a fire official, DIHE was granted the title of "zhurong". "Zhu" means forever and continuously, and "Rong" is the symbol of light. It is the hope that Chongli will continue to shine on the earth with fire and bring light to people forever. After Zhu Rong's death, he was buried in the south peak of Shun temple in Hengshan Mountain, which is now under Zhu Rong peak.

Legend 3

During the period of the Yellow Emperor, the Yellow Emperor could not distinguish the direction of his southern tour, so he asked Zhu Rong to distinguish the south. That is to say, Zhu Rong first distinguished the Nanyue in Hengyang, so he took the position of situ. Later, Zhu Rong was granted the land of Chu and became the ancestor of Chu people. At present, there is a zhurong hall at the top of zhurong peak in Nanyue District of Hengyang City. There are stone railings on the rocks behind the hall to view the scenery of Beishan Mountain. How did Zhu Rong, the ancestor of Chu people, become the God of the sea? The ancients believed that the South belongs to fire, and fire is the symbol of light. The origin of fire lies in water. Therefore, Zhu combined water and fire as a God, which is in line with the hexagram image of King Wen of Zhou that Li (see the picture below) belongs to fire, and the position is in the south.

During the period of the Yellow Emperor, the Yellow Emperor could not distinguish the direction of his southern tour, so he asked Zhu Rong to distinguish the south. That is to say, Zhu Rong first distinguished the Nanyue in Hengyang, so he took the position of situ. Later, Zhu Rong was granted the land of Chu and became the ancestor of Chu people. At present, there is a zhurong hall at the top of zhurong peak in Nanyue District of Hengyang City. There are stone railings on the rocks behind the hall to view the scenery of Beishan Mountain. How did Zhu Rong, the ancestor of Chu people, become the God of the sea? The ancients believed that the South belongs to fire, and fire is the symbol of light. The origin of fire lies in water. Therefore, Zhu combined water and fire as a God, which is in line with the hexagram image of King Wen of Zhou that Li (see the picture below) belongs to fire, and the position is in the south.

▅▅▅▅▅  ▅▅▅▅▅
▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ (the hexagram of Li)

Legend 4

During the reign of Yao Dynasty, the flood was so great that the mountain was flooded and the mausoleum was destroyed. The common people lived in deep water. Yao ordered him to control the flood, but nine years later, there was no effect. Later, he knew that there was a treasure called "xirang" in the sky. As long as he threw a little bit of it into the earth, it would immediately grow up, accumulate into mountains and build dikes. So he tried to steal xirang from the sky to the world. Use it to block the flood, the earth finally gradually can't see the flood trace. However, the emperor of heaven knew that xirang had been stolen, so he sent the God of fire Zhu Rong down to earth to kill him in Yushan and take back the rest of xirang. The emperor also ordered Zhu Rong to monitor the water control in the world, and ordered him to take charge of one side of the water. As Zhu Rong was the God of the south, he became a god of water and fire, and also the God of the South China Sea.

Legend 5

Beishui God King fights with Huoshen zhurong and is tempered to death by zhurong's real fire. From then on, Zhu Rong became the God of water and fire.

Legend 6

The origin of zhurong, the God of fire in the South China Sea

Nanhai temple is the most complete and largest architectural complex left in the ancient sea god temple in China. The temple was first built in 594, the 14th year of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty. It has a history of more than 1400 years. In the following dynasties, it was rebuilt and expanded. The existing architecture is Qing Dynasty architecture, but it still retains the scale and system of Sui and Tang Dynasties. Since 1988, the government has also made three major repairs to Nanhai temple, which has basically restored the ancient appearance of the temple.

The main hall before the restoration is the only one left. Today, the temple has a large scale, covering an area of 30000 square meters. The main building is a hall with five entrances. From south to north, it is the head gate, the instrument gate and the corridor, the ritual Pavilion, the main hall and the Zhaoling palace. There is a stone archway in front of Nanhai temple, with the title of "the sea does not raise waves". There are many stone carvings in the temple. There are Huabiao, Shishi, Hanyu stele Pavilion, Kaibao stele Pavilion, Hongwu stele Pavilion, Kangxi Wanli Bicheng stele Pavilion and other ancillary buildings, forming a large group of ancient buildings. The temple also preserves important cultural relics such as the bronze drums and bells of the Han and Ming Dynasties, as well as the jade seal of Nanhai God. There are kapok trees, acacia trees and other ancient trees. The Han Dynasty bronze drum stored here is one of the three existing bronze drums in China. There is a "bath day Pavilion" on a small hill in the west of the temple. In the song and Yuan Dynasties, "Fuxu bath day", one of the eight sceneries of Yangcheng, refers to this place.

From the Tang Dynasty, Nanhai Temple became more and more popular, and the governments of various dynasties also sent people to manage the temple affairs. As a matter of fact, it has become one of the temples with the most pilgrims and the highest status, which is mainly determined by the increasingly developed status of Guangzhou's maritime trade.

The maritime Silk Road in ancient China began to form in the Western Han Dynasty and reached its peak in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Especially in the Tang Dynasty, the trade fleets from Guangzhou passed through South Asian countries, crossed the Indian Ocean, reached West Asia and the Persian Gulf, and reached the east coast of Africa in the West. After the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it went further to Europe and America. The route is more than 10000 kilometers long, connecting political, economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the west, and expanding China's influence in the world.

In ancient times, Nanhai temple, an important part of this route, had a wharf. Outside the wharf, there was the vast sea, the South China Sea. The South China Sea is actually the part of the Pacific Ocean close to the Southeast Asian continent, and the sea is closely connected with the Pacific Ocean and leads to the Indian Ocean. Ships sailing to the sea or from afar have to pass through the ancient wharf located in Nanhai temple. So many merchant ships stopped to go to the temple to pray for the safety of the route and smooth business. As a result, the town of Fuxu near the temple was full of business and frequent temple fairs. The prosperity of Nanhai temple has become a historical witness of the prosperity of maritime trade in Guangzhou. It is not surprising that many precious historical relics have been left, including inscriptions and inscriptions given by the emperor. Of course, the common people are more grateful to the God of Nanhai who has protected them for their smooth sailing, peace and good fortune.

Nanhai temple is located in the north and south, covering an area of 30000 square meters. It is the architectural style of Ming Dynasty, magnificent and simple.

Outside the temple, there is a stone archway called "the sea does not raise waves". From south to north, the main buildings of the temple are Toumen, Yimen, Li Ting, Da Dian and Zhaoling palace, with five entrances, one higher than the other. Other ancillary buildings are centered on Wujin and symmetrical. This is a typical Chinese traditional temple building.

The story of Zhu Rong in Nanyue legend

There was a fire official in the Yellow Emperor's time. His official name was Zhu Rong. His name was Rong Guang. He was the son of a clan leader. He had a red face. He was majestic and intelligent, but he was hot in nature. He would be furious when he met with something unpleasant. At that time, Tunnellers invented drilling wood for fire, but they were not very good at preserving and using fire. But Rong Guang especially likes to be close to fire. So I became a master of fire management in my teens. The fire is in his hands, and it can be preserved for a long time as long as it is not long-distance. Rongguang can cook vegetables, cook, warm, light, expel wild animals and drive away mosquitoes. These skills, at that time, were very important. So, we all respect him. Once, Rong Guang's father took the whole clan to a long-distance migration. When Rong Guang saw that it was inconvenient to walk with the fire, he only took the sharp stones used to drill wood for fire with him.

Once, as soon as we settled down, Rong Guang took out the sharp stone, found a large barrel of wood, and sat in front of a stone mountain, wheezing and wheezing, drilling into the fire. Drilling, drilling, drilling for three hours, but no smoke, Rong Guang very angry, his mouth gasping, very unhappy. But without fire, he had to drill again. Drilling, drilling, drilling for another three hours, the smoke came out, but there was no fire. He was so angry that his face turned black and red that he stood up and smashed the sharp stone to the stone mountain. Who knows has been drilled very hot sharp stone hit on the rock mountain, "click" out of a few dazzling Mars. Smart Rong Guang saw it and soon came up with a new way to make fire. He picked some sun dried reed flowers and banged them with two sharp stones. The sparks splashed on the reed flowers and they were squeaking and smoking. With a little more blowing, the fire will go up.

Since Rong Guang discovered the method of making fire from stone, he no longer had to spend a lot of time to make fire from wood, nor did he have to do anything to preserve the fire. The Yellow Emperor of the Central Plains knew Rong Guang had made such a great contribution, so he asked him to be a fire official. The Yellow Emperor thought highly of him and said, "Rong Guang, I will appoint you as Zhu Rong in the future. Zhu is forever and Rong is bright. May you bring light to the world forever." Rong Guang was very happy and kowtowed his thanks. From then on, everyone changed his name to Zhu Rong.

During the reign of the Yellow Emperor, there was a clan leader named Chiyou in the south. He often invaded the Central Plains, making people in the Central Plains unable to live. The Yellow Emperor ordered the people of the Central Plains to unite and be led by Zhu Rong and several other generals to fight against Chiyou. Chiyou had a large number of people, especially his 9981 brothers, who wore animal skins and bull horns one by one. They could spray thick fog in their mouths. At the beginning of the war, the Yellow Emperor's troops lost their way as soon as they got into the fog. They lost contact and did not care for each other. Chiyou's troops took advantage of the situation to attack the Yellow Emperor's headquarters and fled northward until they stopped in Zhuolu. The Yellow Emperor was surrounded by Chiyou in Zhuolu and did not dare to fight for a long time. Soon, because of the invention of the compass, no longer afraid of fog. Later, when Zhu Rong saw that Chiyou's men were all dressed in animal skins, he offered another plan. He taught his men to fight a torch and set fire everywhere. Chiyou's troops were in a state of anxiety and fled to the south in a hurry. The Yellow Emperor drove the guide car and took the troops to chase south. After crossing the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and Lishan Mountain, Chiyou was killed. Zhu Rong made a great contribution for his invention of fire attack. The Yellow Emperor rewarded him heavily, and he became an important Minister of the Yellow Emperor.

When the Yellow Emperor's troops returned to Korea, they passed a group of mountains in the south of yunmengze. The Yellow Emperor called Zhu Rong to him and asked, "what kind of mountain is this?" Zhu Rong replied, "this is Hengshan." The Yellow Emperor asked, "what's the origin of this mountain?" Zhu Rong replied, "in ancient times, heaven and earth were in chaos, like an egg. Pangu created a new world and created a new life. He lived for 18000 years. After his death, he lay on the Central Plains, with his head facing east, turning into Mount Tai; his toes facing west, turning into Mount Hua; his abdomen protruding, turning into mount song; his right hand facing north, turning into Mount Heng; his left hand facing south, turning into Mount Heng. " Just finished, the Yellow Emperor then asked: "well, why is it called Hengshan?" Zhu Rong immediately replied, "this mountain lies between Yunmeng and Jiuyi. Like a steelyard, it can weigh the weight of heaven and earth and measure the moral status of emperors. So it is called Hengshan." The Yellow Emperor was very happy to see his reply and said with a smile, "Wow! You are so familiar with the affairs of the south, I will entrust you with an important task! " But the Yellow Emperor did not say what it was.

The troops are stationed in Hengshan. The yellow emperor ascended the highest peak and accepted the worship of various tribes in the south. Many clan leaders gathered together, and everyone was very happy. On the spur of the moment, Zhu Rong played the music of Xianchi, which was composed by the Yellow Emperor himself. Leizu, the imperial concubine of the Yellow Emperor, also danced with the beat. Everyone jumped around the Yellow Emperor. After having a good time, the Yellow Emperor asked everyone to calm down and said, "since I was in place, I have been pingyuwang, killing Chiyou, working out the calendar, inventing characters, creating temperament, compiling medical books, as well as Leizu's rearing silkworms, managing silk and making clothes. Now that the world is unified, I want to lay the foundation of five mountains: Taishan in the East, Huashan in the west, Hengshan in the south, Hengshan in the north and Songshan in the middle. From now on, huozheng zhurong will guard Nanyue. " As soon as we heard it, we all cried out: "eternal life! Long live Zhu Rong then knew that this was what the Yellow Emperor said.

After the Yellow Emperor left, Zhu Rong was left in Hengshan to manage the affairs of the south. He lived on the highest peak of Hengshan Mountain and often visited the people everywhere. When he saw that the people here often ate raw food, he told them to take fire and teach them to cook things before eating. When he saw that the people here were feeling in the dark at night, he told them to use huosongming. He saw that there was a lot of miasma and mosquitoes here, and people often got sick, so he told them to light a fire and smoke to drive away mosquitoes and miasma. The people all respect him very much. After the autumn harvest in August every year, they come to worship him in groups. Everyone said, "Zhu Rong, we have a thriving population, flocks of chickens and ducks, and plenty of grain. You have brought us so many benefits, we thank you, we want to respect you as emperor. You use fire to make fire. Fire is red. Let's call you Red Emperor! " Since then, Zhu Rong has been respected as the Red Emperor.

Just as we were living and working in peace and contentment, suddenly thunder and lightning came from the Central Plains. The people were so scared that they all came to ask Zhu Rong what happened. Zhu Rong told them, "this is a fight between Gonggong and Zhuanxu for the throne." After fighting for a long time, they were still neck and neck. They were so angry that they jumped up and bumped into the mountain. This Buzhou mountain turned out to be an extraordinary mountain. It supported the sky and did not let the sky fall down. It tied the earth and did not let the earth tilt. Gonggong bumped into it, only to hear a loud "boom". Sparks splashed and lit up for a long time. The pillars supporting the sky broke and the ropes tied to the earth broke. From then on, the sky tilted to the northwest, and the sun, moon and stars fell to the northwest. The earth inclines to the southeast, and all rivers and lakes flow to the southeast. Originally, Nanyue Hengshan was about to collapse, and the land was about to turn over. One by one, the common people were holding big trees and climbing rocks. They were so scared that they began to cry. Zhu Rong quickly used his whole body skills to support this place like a big pillar. The genius did not collapse, and the mountain did not collapse. There was a poet in the Tang Dynasty who specially wrote this story: "the southeast is more and more humble, and Weiyue is a pillar stone. Before Zhu Rongju, on the brush zhuniahe Later, another poet also wrote: "to Yong a peak show, high support South Chutian." Zhu Rong lived on Nanyue Mountain until he was over 100 years old. The people buried him on a peak of Nanyue Mountain and named it CHIDI peak. The highest peak he lived in is always called Zhu Rongfeng. On the top of zhurong peak, people built a zhurong hall to commemorate his merits forever.

Zhu Rong's fire attack tactics

Zhu Rong is a god of fire widely worshipped in China for a long time. According to the eighth volume of Luo Mi's Lu Shi Qian Ji, Zhu song's family is Zhu Rong's family It was called Red Emperor by fire, so later fire officials thought it was called "fire official" The Chu family in historical records: "Chongli was Emperor Ku. Gao Xin lived in huozheng. He was very meritorious. He was able to integrate the whole world. Emperor Ku ordered Zhu Rong." It is said that Zhu Rong is not only an expert in fire control, but also discovered the method of striking stones to get fire, and invented the method of fire attack.

Zhu Rong's original name was Li. It is said that he was born in the clan society and was the son of the clan leader. Li had been particularly fond of fire since he was a child. At that time, Suiren had just invented drilling wood to make fire, and people lacked knowledge of how to preserve and use fire. Once, he went on a long-distance clan migration with his father. Because it was inconvenient for him to walk with fire, he only took stones to make fire. In the evening, everyone wanted to use fire, but Li couldn't get it out. He was so angry that he threw the stone to the mountain. Unexpectedly, the stone fell down and splashed a few sparks. Smart Li saw an idea, immediately came up with a new way to make fire. He picked the dried reed flowers and knocked them several times with two sharp stones. The sparks splashed on the reed flowers, and then the fire started with a light blow. This is the later method of making fire by striking stones. Therefore, at that time, the Yellow Emperor appointed him the official of fire and named him Zhu Rong.

The legend of fire attack is also the earliest invention of Zhu Rong. At that time, there was a clan in the south. Its leader was Chiyou, who often invaded the Central Plains. Zhu Rong was ordered to fight against it. Chiyou has a large population and is very strong. Zhu Rong ordered his subordinates to fight with torches and exploding objects. As soon as Chiyou's people arrived, they set fire everywhere, burning Chiyou's team to pieces. They took advantage of the victory and finally defeated Chiyou. For this reason, the Yellow Emperor rewarded him and ordered him to take charge of the fire in the world and guard Nanshan.

Zhu Rong is an expert in fire management. He not only invented new methods of making fire and fire attack, but also taught people how to cook food with fire, how to use fire for heating and lighting, how to use fire to drive out miasma and mosquitoes, and how to prevent disease. Zhu Rong has won people's respect by using fire. Because fire is red, people call him "Red Emperor" and worship him every autumn.

In the era of backward science and culture, people's understanding of fire is only superficial. They think that fire is very mysterious and God dominates it. Zhu Rong uses fire for the benefit of the people, so later generations regard him as the God of fire. Every year, a grand sacrifice is held to express people's gratitude and memory for Zhu Rong.

The legend of zhurong, the God of fire, has a mythical color, but it reflects a kind of hope for human beings to fight against fire, hoping that the God of fire can bring more light and happiness to people, drive away evil and eliminate disasters. However, in order to prevent fire and avoid the harm of fire to human beings, it is useless to worship gods and seek Buddhists. We have to rely on science and human wisdom to overcome fire. Today, human beings have a scientific understanding of fire, and there is no need to pray for the protection of the God of fire any more. However, the image of fire zhurong, who benefits human beings with fire, will continue to be handed down as a beautiful legend.
