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Zhuan Xu (leader of ancient tribal alliance)

 Zhuan Xu (2342-2245 BC), surnamed Ji, Gao Yang, grandson of the Yellow Emperor and son of Changyi. The leader of the ancient tribal alliance, one of the "Five Emperors" and one of the cultural ancestors.

Zhuan Xu helped SHAOHAO to make a great contribution. His fiefdom was in Gaoyang (now Gaoyang Town, Qi County, Kaifeng City, Henan Province), so he was named Gaoyang family. After his death, SHAOHAO defeated Gonggong, who was fighting for the throne, and became the leader of the tribal alliance, calling himself "Gaoyang.". After Zhuan Xu died, he was succeeded by DIHE, the great grandson of the Yellow Emperor. In the legend handed down, Zhuan Xu was the emperor in charge of the north. Zhuan Xu was recorded in the book of five emperors in historical records: "Jingyuan was a wise man who knew things by dredging.".

Life of the characters

be born

According to historical records, Zhuan Xu was the grandson of the Yellow Emperor and the son of Changyi. According to shuijingzhu, Changyi, the second son of the Yellow Emperor, was demoted to Ruoshui as a vassal because of his low ability and virtue (the virtue was demoted to be a vassal is the saying of Li Daoyuan's family, and xuanxiao is the eldest son of the Yellow Emperor). After being granted the title of Ruoshui, Chang Yi married Chang Fu, the daughter of Shushan family, and gave birth to Zhuanxu in the wild of Ruoshui. According to the records of dadailidi series and Emperor Century, Changfu, Changyi's imperial concubine, also known as Nvshu, one night saw the vision of "the stars of Yao light passing through the moon like a rainbow", so she was pregnant and gave birth to Zhuanxu. However, there are different records in Shanhaijing and haineijing. Zhuanxu is considered to be the great grandson of Huangdi and the grandson of Changyi, and Zhuanxu's father is Hanliu.

To be emperor

Although Zhuan Xu was born in Ruoshui, he actually lived in poor mulberry. He was granted the title of Gaoyang for his contribution to SHAOHAO. [7] After the death of SHAOHAO, Gonggong and Zhuanxu fought for the throne [4]. Zhuanxu defeated Gonggong and succeeded SHAOHAO in governing [5], known as "Gaoyang family". After Zhuan Xu became the leader of the whole world, his capital was qiongsang, then moved to Shangqiu, and later lived in DiQiu. The five virtues were always said to have taken shape in the Warring States period. The so-called "Xuangong was the palace of the north, the North was black, and the five elements belonged to water". Therefore, the ancients said that he took shuide as the emperor, also known as "Xuandi", which obviously belonged to later generations. Zhuan Xu took DiQiu as his capital, goumang as muzheng, zhurong as huozheng and Goulong as Tuzheng. After he ascended the throne, he strictly followed the policies of emperor Xuanyuan and made the society stable and peaceful.

Calendar making

The calendar in the early Han Dynasty basically followed the Zhuanxu calendar since the Qin Dynasty. Zhuanxu calendar is an ancient quarter calendar, with 3651 / 4 days as the length of regression year, 29 499 / 950 days as the length of new moon, and 19 years as seven intercalations. During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, gongsunqing, Husui, Simaqian and others were ordered to build the Han calendar. Finally, among the 18 plans to change the calendar, the 81fenlu calendar made by Deng Ping was selected as Taichu calendar. The length of the lunar calendar is 365 385 / 1539 days, and 29 43 / 81 days. At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Xin revised the Taichu calendar and renamed it the Santong calendar.

Zhuanxu calendar was completed in the 19th year of Qin Xiangong (366 BC). The beginning of the calendar is October, the first day of the first month of the summer, and the leap is after September. Zhuanxu calendar has two characteristics: one is that the Qin regime was still in Yongzhou at that time, and did not communicate with other countries. Therefore, the calendar was not carried out until the Qin Dynasty unified the whole country. However, it was only when the Han Dynasty established the Qin calendar that Zhuanxu calendar was regarded as the "orthodox" calendar. Secondly, at that time, the theory of the ancient quarter calendar was very mature. The so-called Zhuanxu calendar was just due to the difference in the construction of the moon, but the calendar policy was still drawn up by a "Cho Ren" who came down from the mountain by a master. Since the first day of November in the 367 year before the lunar calendar, the Ganzhi was Yimao (the nianganzhi was also Yimao!) The Zhuanxu calendar is a branch of the Yin calendar. The issue of "orthodoxy" in the relationship between the two calendars is really a "negation of negation" with the view of history.

Create Kyushu

According to the historical records, his territory "extends to Youling in the North (now Hebei and Liaoning), Jiaozhi in the South (now Guangdong, Guangxi and Vietnam), Liusha in the West (now Gansu) and Bamu in the East (now East China Sea)," is extremely vast.

Composing "Chengyun"

According to the ancient music of Lu's spring and Autumn Annals, Zhuan Xu, the emperor, was born as if he were in water, but in fact he was born as an empty mulberry. But the harmony of heaven, the wind is the line, the sound if the Xi Xi Qiqiang. Zhuan Xu, the emperor, ordered the flying dragon to write the sound of the eight winds. He ordered the cloud to be inherited to sacrifice to God. He was the first to make music. He is a recluse, with his tail and his belly, and his voice is Yingying.


Zhuan Xu was in power for seventy-eight years, and died at the age of ninety-eight. He was buried in Guangyang Li outside dunqiu town in Puyang, East County.

Anecdotes and allusions

Contending for a place

Shuishen Gonggong is a descendant of Emperor Yan and has many conflicts with Xuanyuan family. After emperor Zhuan Xu took the throne, Gonggong gathered discontented gods to oppose Zhuan Xu. The rebellious gods elected Gonggong as their leader and formed an army. When Emperor Zhuan Xu heard of the change, he lit 72 beacon towers and called all the princes to support him quickly. On the other hand, he ordered all the troops to guard the capital and went to meet him personally. A fierce battle started. Several times later, Emperor Zhuan Xu's troops killed more and more. The tiger tailed Tai Feng drove Wan Daoxiang light from Heshan to Guangshan. The dragon head's plan was driven from Guangshan to Guangshan by the wind and rain. The proud insect with two beehive heads led the poisonous bee venom scorpion from Pingfeng mountain. The Gonggong's troops killed less and less. Kubi's neck was only cut with a layer of skin The prince's hands, feet, head, chest, abdomen and even teeth were all cut off and scattered all over the ground. Gonggong went to the foot of Buzhou mountain in the northwest, and there were only thirteen riders left. Buzhoushan is a strange and abrupt mountain, standing upright and standing in the way. The mountain is actually a pillar supporting the sky. In desperation, Gonggong sent out an angry cry and ran into buzhoushan. Buzhoushan was cut off by him and collapsed. Once the pillar of heaven was broken, great changes took place in the whole universe: the northwest dome lost its support and tilted downward, so that the sun, moon and stars tied to the northern zenith could no longer remain in their original positions. They could not help but break free from the shackles and slide toward the low slanting West sky, which became the running line of the sun, moon and stars we see today and relieved the suffering of people at that time Day is always day, and night is always night's misery. On the other hand, the huge rope hanging from the southeast corner of the earth was broken by the violent vibration, and the southeast earth collapsed, resulting in the high terrain in the northwest and low terrain in the southeast, and the scene of rivers flowing eastward and rivers returning to the sea. Gonggong's behavior finally gained people's respect. After Gonggong's death, people regarded him as the master of water conservancy. His son Houtu was also regarded as the God of society (that is, the God of land). Later, when people swore that "heaven and Houtu are on top", they referred to him, which shows people's respect for them.


It is said that in the later years of Emperor Huangdi in Xuanyuan, Jiuli believed in witchcraft, worshipped ghosts and gods and abandoned human affairs. Everything was decided by divination. There were people in the common people's families who were engaged in Divination as witchcraft history. People no longer sincerely offered sacrifices to heaven and were not at ease with agricultural production. In order to solve this problem, Zhuan Xu decided to reform his religion and offer sacrifices to the ancestors of heaven and earth in a pure and sincere way. He also appointed Nan Zhengzhong to be responsible for offering sacrifices to heaven in order to make peace with the gods. Beizhengli was appointed to be in charge of civil affairs to comfort the people, persuade them to follow the laws of nature to engage in agricultural production, and encourage them to open up land. Forbid the folk activities of divining people and gods, and make the society return to normal order. Zhuan Xu's son, qiongchan, was the ancestor of Shun. It is said that Zhuan Xu lived in 78 years and died at the age of 98. He was buried in Puyang. In the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the king of Chu was his descendant. In Lisao, Qu Yuan claimed to be emperor Zhuanxu, and then Qu Yuan and the king of Chu were of the same family. He is intelligent, resourceful and has high prestige among the people. The ruling territory is also much larger, north to Heilongjiang, South to Lingnan, east to the East China Sea. According to the ancient history books, Zhuan Xu was warmly received by the tribal people wherever he visited.

God Man

Zhuan Xu is a mythical figure in legend. He has extraordinary experience, superhuman power and supreme power. According to legend, there is a yellow water monster in the southwest of Neihuang, who often spits yellow water to submerge farmland and destroy houses. When Zhuan Xu heard about it, he decided to surrender it. But the yellow water monster has great powers, and they fight fiercely in 981 days, regardless of victory or defeat. Zhuan Xu went to heaven to ask Nu Wa for help. Nu Wa borrowed the heavenly king's sword and gave it to Zhuan Xu and taught him how to use it. Zhuan Xu defeated the yellow water monster with the heavenly king's sword. In order to benefit the world, he turned dashagang into a mountain with Tianwang sword, named Fuyu mountain, and rowed a river beside the mountain with sword, named Xiaohe river. From then on, there are mountains, water, forest and food, and people have a good life. Zhuan Xu had a high position in the hearts of the local people, and was honored as "Lord Gao". It is said that Zhuan Xu punished the yellow water monster before he died, but he could still withdraw water to save the people after he died. It is said that one day, Lord Gao appeared to be a white haired old man, sitting on the steps of the temple, and closed his eyes. Soon. It rained heavily, floods rolled in, and fields were destroyed and villages flooded. The flood flowed in front of the old man with white hair and no longer flowed forward. Two monsters, who were neither human nor beast, emerged from the water. The white haired old man waved, and the monster obediently sank into the water. Then, the flood slowly receded. A flood disaster was avoided in the area of gaowangmiao.

Character evaluation

Zhuanxu and DIHE were the second and third emperors in the "Three Emperors and five emperors" in ancient times. They inherited Yanhuang and later enlightened Yao and Shun, and established the foundation of China. They were the common cultural ancestors of the Chinese nation. In the compendium of general history of China, Fan Wenlan, a great master of Chinese culture, wrote: "before the Han Dynasty, people believed that Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, Zhuanxu and Diku were the ancestors of the Chinese people. There were many disputes about the five emperors in history, but among the five known orders, Zhuanxu was listed in the list, which shows his achievements.
