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Gonggong (g ō ng g ō ng, let's say g ò ng g ō ng): ① people's name, namely: Emperor Zhi, xuansun of Emperor Yan, brother of King Jingyang (Lu Xu). ② The clan name of Gonggong, also known as Gonggong. It is the water god in ancient Chinese mythology. ③ Gonggong clan was a tribal name in the Yellow Emperor Dynasty of Xuanyuan origin, which included Gonggong and zandou, Sanmiao and Zan into four crimes. ④ The title of leader of Gonggong tribe. It is said that Gonggong is a tribe among the descendants of Emperor Yan.

Life of the characters

Gonggong is not the mythical Gonggong (the mythical Gonggong is the character of Fuxi Nuwa regime), but the general name of "shuizheng" tribal leaders in the period of zhurong, the fifth emperor of kuiya regime of Yan Emperor. It is also the last ruler of kuiya regime of Yan Emperor, who was defeated by Shennong and led the tribe to change its name to "Gonggong". Kua Fu was the ninth grandson of Kui Kai's family, and also the great grandson of Yan Emperor's Gonggong (there was only one Gonggong, so only one Gonggong).

Shiji: the five emperors' Chronicles: in the past, Emperor Hong's family was not talented enough to cover up their righteousness and hide thieves. They were good at committing crimes, which was called chaos in the world. Shao Zhen's family is not talented, who destroys faith, detests loyalty, and worships evil words. Zhuan Xu's family is not talented and can't be taught. If you don't know what to say, it's called Taowu in the world. These three groups are worried about the world. As for Yao, he could not go. Jinyun family has not talented, greedy in food, take bribes in goods, the world is called gluttonous. There are three evils in the world. Shun Bin in the four doors, but the flow of the four evil families, moved to the four descendants, in order to resist the evil spirit, so the four doors opened, say no evil people. In the book of history, Yao Dian: Chen Dou said to work together, but Yao said that he could not try to work together. Yao thought that it was impossible for the four mountains to control Hongshui. Yue Qiang asked him to have a try, but he failed, so it was inconvenient for the people. The number of Sanmiao in Jianghuai and Jingzhou is chaotic. So Shun GUI, speaking of the emperor, asked Liu (emperor Hongshi) to work together in Youling to change Beidi; released Shao (Shao Xu's) to Chongshan to change Nanman; moved Jinyun (Jinyun's) to Sanmiao to change Xirong; and Zhuan Xu (Zhuan Xu's) to Yushan to change Dongyi: Four sins to make the world Xianfu. "Liu Gonggong worked in Youzhou, put his pocket in Chongshan, ran through Sanmiao in Sanwei, and took his place in Yushan. The four crimes are common in the world." According to Shanhaijing haineijing, "the wife of Emperor Yan, the son of Chishui, listen to wo shengyanju, Yanju begets Festival and festival, festival and festival begets Xiqi, Xiqi begets zhurong, zhurong falls in the river, begets Gonggong." "In the past, Gonggong and Zhuan Xu fought for the title of emperor. They were angry and touched the mountain. The pillars of heaven were broken and the earth was destroyed. The sky tilts to the northwest, so the sun, moon and stars move; the earth is dissatisfied with the southeast, so the water and dust return. "

The materials of Jiang Liangfu's Chuci Tonggu Zhulong are all copied from Yu's, but they are quite different. He thinks that "Zhulong" is the sound of "zhurong"

Shanhaijing haineijing: Zhu Rongjiang is in the river, living and working together. Zhu Rong is Li Zhu, also called Li Lou. Today, yinglou in the Tianshi river basin is the place where Zhu Rongli and Zhu Shenggong worked together. Shanhaijing dahuangdong Jing: the Great Valley outside the East China Sea, the land of SHAOHAO. Zhuanxu, the Rudi of SHAOHAO, lived here. SHAOHAO's capital is in Qufu, very close to yinglou, where Gonggong was born. Therefore, Zhuan Xu and Gonggong were originally neighbors, and their common leader was the powerful SHAOHAO.

Zhuan Xu and Gonggong should have been able to live in harmony. However, due to the decline of SHAOHAO clan and the rise of Gonggong clan in the later period of SHAOHAO's rule. SHAOHAO, the original ruler of the river basin, had no ability to restrain the rising Gonggong, so Gonggong challenged SHAOHAO's ruling power. This is exactly what is recorded in Guoyu Chuyu: the decline of SHAOHAO's family, the disorder of Jiuli's virtue, and the subsequent restoration of Jiuli's virtue by Sanmiao. Historically, Gonggong was also known as the emperor River, which means the emperor of the river. Facing the rise of Gonggong, Zhuan Xu, the successor appointed by SHAOHAO, was naturally unconvinced, so he ordered Chongli to fight against Gonggong. Chongli refers to the tribe and Li tribe. Zhong is the son of SHAOHAO, also in the river basin; Li tribe is Zhuan Xu's wife Nu Lu's family tribe, nu Lu's Lu is the interchangeable word of Li. Nulu's tribe, also known as teng'ao, is a branch of Zhu Rongli's descendants. Teng Bao's family is also called Teng Ben's family, and Ben is the adulteration of Teng. The word "Ou" means fountain, and "Teng" means Teng Yong's fountain. Teng's family is in today's Tengzhou, Shandong Province. Tengzhou is named after tengyong's fountain. Li (Lu), surnamed Teng, is located in the area of Tengzhou today. It is very close to yinglou where his ancestor Zhu Rong lived. Some descendants of Nu Lu and Zhuan Xu are also called Zhu Rong. Teng Kuo and Gonggong belonged to the same clan, but because of the unhappy separation of their brothers, they also came out to support Zhuanxu in attacking Gonggong.

In this way, with the support of the Chonghe Li tribe in the river basin, Zhuan Xu's strength increased greatly and forced Gonggong away. Wenzi said, "Gonggong was a flood disaster, so Zhuan Xu killed it." At this time, Gonggong was still strong. In order to achieve long-term peace, Zhuan Xu and Gonggong also got married. Zhuan Xu and the descendants of nulu, Lao Tong, married Gonggong ministers genshui and Jieshui.

There is also a record in the book of mountains and seas: "the valley of Chaoyang, God said tianwu, is the water uncle.".

During the period of emperor Zhuanxu (about the 25th Century BC), the Zhuanxu tribal alliance and the Gonggong tribal alliance fought in the Central Plains (now northern Henan). In the late primitive society, it is said that Zhuanxu, the grandson of the Yellow Emperor, was named Gaoyang, and became the leader of the tribal alliance after the Yellow Emperor. He was born in Ruoshui and lived in DiQiu (now Southeast of Puyang, Henan Province), near the East Bank of the Yellow River (about now Weihe River). The descendants of Emperor Yan Gonggong were the leaders of the tribe alliance of Gonggong, a branch of Emperor Yan's clan. They lived in Hexi area in the middle reaches of the Yellow River in Jiuzhou (about Huixian County in Henan Province today), and in the upper reaches of Zhuanxu tribe alliance. When Zhuan Xu's Gaoyang regime took the position of Yellow Emperor (the Yellow Emperor was not alone, but the leaders of the regime in a period), Zhuan Xu led the army to fight in the South and North under the pretext of subduing various vassals, and Gonggong was one of them.


Mountain and sea classics

The original text of Shanhaijing, xishanjing, buzhoushan (from Warring States to Han Dynasty): from Changshan mountain to the northwest 370 Li, it is called buzhoushan. In the north, you can see the mountains of fengbi, the mountains of Chongzhi, and in the East, you can see the river water, which is the original muddy bubble. So there are fruit, in fact, such as peach, its leaves, such as jujube, yellow and red, eat without labor.

According to Shanhaijing haineijing, the wife of Emperor Yan and the son of Chishui, tingao was born in Yanju, Yanju was born in Jiehe, and Jiehe was born in Xiqi, Xiqi was born in zhurong, zhurong was born in Jiangshui, and Gonggong was born.

Mandarin records

"Guoyu · Lu Yu Shang" (spring and Autumn period and Warring States period) records: Gonggong's uncle Jiuyou. Bo Jiuyou is in charge of Kyushu. In fact, Gonggong was once the master of Kyushu, a leader of the Central Plains tribal alliance. This reflects that the nine clans live in nine places, among which the Gonggong clan occupies the primary position. Xu Xusheng said that Gonggong lived in Huixian County, Henan Province. Guo Moruo said: Gonggong's long-term activities are in the Yishui and Luoshui river basins in western Henan. This place was called Kyushu in ancient times, which probably originated from the nine families of Gonggong. Later, in the mountain area to the west, there was the military of Kyushu, which was probably inherited from the rest of the Gonggong family.

Huainan Zizai

"Huainanzi · chuixiang" (Western Han Dynasty): Gonggong was born of Jingfeng.

"Astronomy training of Huainanzi": in the past, Gonggong and Zhuan Xu fought for the title of emperor, but they were angry and touched the mountain. The pillars of heaven were broken, and the earth was broken. The sky tilts to the northwest, so the sun, moon and stars move; the earth is not satisfied with the southeast, so the water and dust return.

Historical records

In historical records, supplement to the three emperors (Tang Dynasty): "the princes have Gonggong family, who are appointed to be wise and punished. They are powerful but not king; they are fighting with Zhu Rong by water and wood. If you are too angry, you will not be able to touch your head. The mountains will collapse, the pillars of heaven will break, and the earth will be short. " This battle may also be said to be the battle between Zhuanxu, Shennong, Nuwa, Gaoxin and Gonggong. 

Gonggong is the descendant of Shennong in ancient legend. It belongs to Yan Emperor. As a water god, Gonggong has human face, hands and feet and snake body. In the era of Zhuan Xu, the successor of the Yellow Emperor, who ruled the world, he rebelled and was defeated by Zhuan Xu. After that, Gonggong continued to make trouble (representing the outbreak of flood) and was finally controlled by Yu Cheng (referring to the success of flood control).

Records in various books

According to the book of mountains and seas, dahuangxijing, "Yu attacked gonggongguoshan." Guo Pu of Jin Dynasty notes: "the words attack his country, kill his ministers, and restrain each other in this mountain. The divination says: Gonggong, human face, snake body, and Zhu FA."

In Song Dynasty, Luo Mi's Lu Shi, Hou Ji Er quoted Guizang Qishi as an annotation: "all workers face snake body and hair."

It is said that Gonggong is the God of water. In the 17th year of Zhaogong in Zuozhuan, it is said that "Gonggong's family was named after Shuiji, so it was called Shuishi.

"Guanzi · kuidu" says: "the king of Gonggong, who is the seventh in the water and the third in the land, takes advantage of the heaven's power to control his men by the pass."

"Huainanzi Ben Jing Xun" said: "in Shun's time, Gonggong Zhentao flood, with thin air mulberry." Gonggong myth is the most famous author, so this war is actually the continuation of Huangyan war. And Zhu Rong (historical records, supplement to the three emperors' original Chronicles); Yu was a member of the Yellow Emperor system, which should also be in the aftermath of the Huangyan war. Today, in Qixian County, Henan Province, "Nuwa mends the sky" refers to Gonggong and zhurong, while Nuwa and coffin are brothers and sisters. Gonggong and Zhu Rong had a dispute over eating swan eggs. Gonggong bumped into Buzhou mountain, and the sky collapsed and flooded. Nuwa had a way to mend the sky, which seemed more primitive. See "worry about the sky". 

Wu Renchen of the Qing Dynasty wrote in his book Shanhaijing Guangzhu: "the Minister of Gonggong is called XiangLiu, and Guo (referring to Guo PU) said: Gonggong is from Jiuzhou; the nine heads eat from Jiushan, and Guo said: each head eats from one mountain, and it's hard to be satisfied with greed and violence. Renchen case: XiangLiu, frog and yingzi's three talented paintings all work together to suppress each other. First of all, the difference between Gonggong and XiangLiu is the Heilong family of Taihao, who is in charge of water. Gonggong hongzikang came back to Heilong family, also known as Gonggong. When Tai Hao collapsed, Nu Wa stood, and the above was not inferior to each other. The female leader Bo Jiu you was in the same Dynasty. He violated the black emperor, and assisted him in suppressing theft and protecting Hebei. "

Character evaluation

It is said that the surname of Gonggong is Jiang, a descendant of Emperor Yan. Gonggong is another person who has made important contributions to the development of agricultural production after Shennong. He invented the method of building embankments to store water. About his legend, almost all related to water, the most famous story is: Gonggong angry touch Buzhou mountain. The frequent flooding of the Yellow River threatened the survival of the tribes. Gonggong led the people to fight against the flood bravely. They used the method of "blocking" instead of "Dredging" to control the flood, which failed to cure the flood, but accumulated experience for future generations. Gonggong is the hero of water control in China, and is respected as the God of water by later generations. The spirit of never giving up shown by Gonggong water control is the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation. Later, he competed with Zhuan Xu for the position of tribal leader, while Zhuan Xu used the superstitious psychology of the people to claim that Gonggong's flood control would "offend heaven", which led to the failure of Gonggong's support. In order to defend its great cause of water control, Gonggong committed suicide by bumping into a mountain, which means that "look, this has not" offended heaven. ". The story of Gonggong and Zhuan Xu fighting for the throne was later interpreted as a myth of "angry and touching the mountain of no Zhou".
