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Taiyuan, the capital of the early Tang and Yao Dynasties

Taitai's "xuanfen block Ze, start Taiyuan" extended Taiyuan civilization to the Yellow Emperor era of "5000 year civilization history". After Tai Tai, there was another world-famous Great figure in Taiyuan, Yao. In the age of Yao, many events in social life could only be passed on by word of mouth because mature characters had not yet appeared. According to historical records, Yao, surnamed Yiqi (also known as Yiqi), was named Fangxun. He was first granted Tao and then Tang, so he was named Tao Tang. Tang Yao was the name of his emperor. In fact, Yao was a famous leader of the tribal alliance at the end of the patriarchal clan in the primitive society of our country? The so-called honorific title of the emperor comes from the respect of later generations. Tang Yao, who is well-known to women and children for thousands of years, once led his tribe to live in Taiyuan by crossing rivers and mountains. His "early capital" was in Taiyuan, which gave birth to the ancient names of "Tang" and "northern Tang". He left Taiyuan a "legacy of Tang Yao" which was recorded in the history of the Qing Dynasty and made a brilliant record in the history of Taiyuan.

Tang Yao moved to Taiyuan

About 4500 years ago, the tribe of Tang Yao lived in the Hutuo River Basin from Tang county to Wangdu in Hebei Province. To this end, the Tang County article in the annals of prefectures and states in the later Han Dynasty quoted a note: "the emperor's century says that Yao sealed the Tang Dynasty, Yao mountain was in the north, Tang water entered the river in the west, and Wangdu was in the south." This theory is held in many famous ancient geographical records, such as shuijingzhu, Yuanhe county records, Yudi Guangji and Taiping Huanyu records. Mr. Xu Xusheng also said in his "legendary age of ancient Chinese history" that "the old town of Tao Tang family should be the generation of Tang county and Wangdu in Hebei Province today." Zhou Changfu, on the other hand, pointed out in his book a brief talk on Tang Yao's family through the characteristics of Longshan Culture: "in terms of age and distribution, Hebei Longshan culture is equivalent to Tang Yao's ancient family." So why did Tang Yao lead his tribe to leave his hometown and move westward to Taiyuan? In his famous book the history of Yanhuang, Mr. He Guangyue believes that because of the growing power of the Dongyi people, Tang Yao, the leader of the tribal alliance, led his troops to move westward to avoid the invasion of the Dongyi people. "He set out from Tang county and Wangdu to travel southward to Tang Dynasty, passed Jingxing along the Hutuo River, passed through Taiyuan, and then entered Pingyang." (try to talk about Tang Yao's family) Mr. Zou Heng also thinks that this is the case. He pointed out in his collection of archaeological papers of Xia Gao Zhou and on pre Zhou culture that "most of the ancient cultures in Taiyuan area are xutan type and Guangshe type of Longshan (Culture) in Hebei Province, and a large number of pottery unearthed from them are similar to the gully type of Longshan culture." The above discussion and the mutual evidence of the unearthed cultural relics reveal the close relationship between Taiyuan xutan culture, Guangshe culture and Hebei Longshan culture, which also confirms the real possibility of Tang Yao Tribe moving westward from Tang county and Wangdu area of Hebei to settle in Taiyuan. What needs further explanation or correction is that the route of Tang Yao leading his tribe to move westward to Taiyuan should not be "crossing Jingxing along Hutuo River and passing through Taiyuan". What's more, Mr. He Guangyue's argument that Tang Yao moved westward to Taiyuan was "replaced by Emperor Shun of Dongyi nationality" is also worth discussing. First, the Hutuo River flows from Yuxian County of Shanxi Province to Jinxian and Dingxian County of Hebei Province, and Jingxing is not in the Hutuo River Basin. The Tang Yao Tribe can only go down the Henan Province of the Tang Dynasty and enter Yuxian County of Shanxi Province along the Hutuo River in the West. Then, along the main tributaries of Hutuo River, Wuhe River, Wenchuan River and Yangxing River, the tributary of Fen River, it flows down to Taiyuan.

Secondly, the "abdication" between Tang Yao and Yushun, or the "coercion" by Yushun to Tang Yao, should be after Tang Yao moved from Taiyuan to Pingyang, not before that. According to historical records, "Yao ruled Pingyang and Shun ruled Puban". The so-called "after being replaced by the Emperor Shun of the Dongyi nationality", the saying that Taiyuan was the apprentice of Caixi is far from the actual geographical area, and it is also not in line with the development of the facts. According to the historical data, floods were rampant in the Shanghai River Basin in history. Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, there were 387 major floods in the 580 years from 1368 to 1948, which can be described as "two disasters in three years". In particular, the Sanggan River system and Hutuo River System in the upper reaches of Shanxi Province and the lower reaches of Hebei Province are characterized by "fast flow, wide up and narrow down, large amount of sediment carried by the upper reaches, sudden decrease of flow velocity after entering the plain, sediment deposition, river bed filling, and unsmooth tail end, which are prone to disaster". (Hebei Fengwu annals) Tang county and Wangdu, where the Tang Yao Tribe lived, are just located in the connecting zone between the Taihang west slope and the North China Plain. There are Yanghe River in the North (the lower reaches of Sanggan River), Hutuo River in the south, and Tang River in the West. The river network is dense, which is exactly the flood prone city. The reason why Tang Yao was a Western disciple is to avoid flood. Because most ancient books have records about flood when they talk about Tang Yao. "Shangshu · Yaoqu" said: "when Yao was in flood, it was very dangerous"; "Huanyu Tongzhi" said: "when Yao was in flood, the water in the upper reaches of the river was not dragged, but straight out in all directions"; and "Jin chengsoulue" said: "when Yao was in flood, it shocked the imperial capital." Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Perhaps it was because of the frequent disasters of the Tang River and Hutuo River that Tang Yao took his tribe away from his long-lived hometown. From the gentle area in the eastern part of Taihang, he moved westward along the Hutuo River, moved to a higher place, crossed the Taihang gorge, and entered today's Shanxi Province. In today's Yu County, there are also the Wuhe River and Wenchuan River, tributaries of Hutuo River, and Yangxing River, tributaries of Fen River Far bigger than today), continue to trudge southwest, and finally came to the valley of the middle reaches of the Fenhe River, today's Taiyuan Basin. The rich loess, the slow flowing Fenhe River, the Green East and West Mountains, the flat and open valley plain, the trickling Jinshui River, and the honest and plain Taiyuan ancestors retained the long-distance migration and hardship of Tang Yao Tribe, and they settled here. At that time, Taiyuan was the era after Taitai's "xuanfen block Ze, the beginning of Taiyuan". Due to the lack of historical records, the details are unknown. At that time, according to Hanfeizi Wugu and Huainanzi spiritual training, the Tang Yao Tribe had mastered the technology of building large-scale housing buildings. The buildings they built were "no cutting in the grass, no cutting in the rafters" and "no cutting in the pujue, no good opening in the plain". In modern words, the thatch on the roof of the building is not trimmed, the rafters on the eaves are not cut, and the beams and columns on the forehead are not painted. Moreover, the Tao Tang clan, who are good at pottery making, brought these techniques to Taiyuan and taught them to the aborigines. Therefore, on the plain of the middle reaches of Fenhe River, Tang Yao Tribe and Taiyuan ancestors quickly blended into one, built their homes together, and jointly created the Longshan culture of Taiyuan.

Taiyuan, the capital of Tang and Yao Dynasties

For thousands of years, there have been abundant legends about Tang Yao's establishment of Taiyuan, the capital of the early Tang Dynasty. For these legends, there are many records in local local chronicles and steles. Limited to space, we don't go to recall them one by one. Only the ancient books and records belonging to Xinshi are recorded later. The historical records, which is known as "the best song of the ages, the rhymeless" yusao ", is included in its" justice of the Five Emperors " "The capital of zongguo" says: "in the state of Tang, it was granted by the descendants of Emperor Yao. In the Han Dynasty, it was called Taiyuan county. In the west of Taihang Hengshan Mountain in ancient Jizhou, there was Jinshui in the south." The first great work of China's dynastic history, Ban Gu's Hanshu geographic records, states: "Jinyang originated in the Tang Dynasty, and Yao began here." The capital records, which is specially written about the famous ancient Chinese cities, also says: "there is a Tang City in the north of Jinyang, which was built by Yao." Until the Tang and Song Dynasties, Xu Jian's "Chuxueji" and Zhu Xi's "shijizhuan" still said that the Tang city was built by Emperor Yao and located in Taiyuan and Jinyang.

The city is a special product of Chinese culture. It has a prominent symbol, constitutes a magnificent Chinese cultural landscape, and reveals the cultural characteristics and historical origins around the city. It is not far fetched to say that the city of our country occupies a very important position in the 5000 year history of civilization. The word-of-mouth legends and literature records of the Tang city and the early capital of Yao in Taiyuan tell us a historical fact: as early as the Tang Yao era, which is about 4500 years ago, there is a primitive settlement in Taiyuan with a relatively developed culture and dense population. This primitive tribe not only developed its economy and created its own culture, but also established a strong tribal alliance and established an ancient city Tang city to protect itself from invasion. Just because of the long history and the great changes in history, and because of the appearance of Jinyang at or near the old site of the ancient Tang City, the "Tang city" which was circulated orally and recorded in the history books gradually disappeared. This is a legend, because the immature characters at that time can only be passed down from generation to generation through oral hearsay. This is also a historical record, which focuses on the "historical records" of legends. However, there is a real "shadow of history" in this legend which has been handed down for hundreds of generations. Isn't there many legends that have been proved to be history by unearthed cultural relics! Objectively speaking, in a certain sense, legend is the original history, or the history of human beings starts from legend. For example, in cities and overseas, which ancient civilization has a better history? Since Taiyuan was the capital of Tang Yao at the beginning of Tang Dynasty, and the Tang city was built in Taiyuan, Taiyuan had the ancient names of "Tang" and "Tang state". Tracing back to the ancient meaning of "Tang", ShuoWenJieZi is interpreted as "Tang, Dayan." "Baihutong · Hao" is interpreted as "Tang Dynasty, swanky also, moral appearance is also the greatest." It can be seen that Tang is a word of understanding, with the basic meaning of big words, bold words and orders, and the extended meaning of words and orders issued by people with the greatest morality. At the end of the primitive society, in the period of the patriarchal clan alliance, who could preach bold words, spread orders, and command the tribal groups? Only Yao, the leader of the tribal alliance, is such a hero. Therefore, it is from this that Yao was given the title of Tang. The ancient saying that Yao got the name of Tang because he granted the name of Tang is debatable. The fact may be on the contrary. It is because Yao got the name of Tang that his territory got the name of Tang. There are at least three place names of "Tang" in ancient times, such as "Tang" in Hebei, "Tang" in Taiyuan, and "Tang" in southern Shanxi. They all got their names because Tang Yao moved there many times and once settled there. This fully proves the reason that the name of Tang Yao came first and then the name of "Tang". Yao and Yao's tribe, I do not know is out of the pioneering spirit of their own tribe? Or because the Fenhe River was blocked by Huoshan at that time and there were floods? After staying in Taiyuan for a period of time, they left their own ethnic group, their achievements, the Tang culture and ancient Tang city of Taiyuan, and continued to migrate along the direction of the south flow of Fenhe River, finally settled in today's Linfen basin Pingyang. This was also recorded in later history books. Zheng Xuan, a native of the Eastern Han Dynasty, said in his book of Songs: "Yao first lived in Jinyang, then moved to Hedong." "Shangshu Shuzheng", written by Yan ruoju, a famous Han calligrapher in the Qing Dynasty, also said: "Yao was the son of heaven, and actually he first lived in Jinyang, and then moved to Pingyang." As a result, there is the saying of "the capital of Yao was Pingyang", which also confirms the ancient record of "the capital of Yao was Jinyang at the beginning, and later moved to Jinyang". Another ancient name of Taiyuan "Beitang" is that after Tang Yao moved his capital from Taiyuan to Pingyang, because Taiyuan is located in the north of Pingyang, in order to distinguish the early capital of Taiyuan from Pingyang, he added the word "Bei" in front of Taiyuan Tang according to the geographical location, which is the reason why Taiyuan is also called "Beitang".

Why can't Tang city be the symbol of Taiyuan's construction

The activity of "commemorating the 2500 years of Dayuan city" marked by the establishment of the ancient city of Jinyang was officially launched in 2003. The Tang Dynasty was more than 2000 years earlier than the ancient city of Jinyang. Why not take the establishment of Tang Dynasty as the symbol of Taiyuan? If the appearance of Tang city is taken as the symbol of Dayuan's construction, won't Taiyuan have a history of 4500 years? However, Tang city can not be regarded as the symbol of Taiyuan. This is because: in China's 5000 year history of civilization, there are written records of the previous history, known as prehistory. The study of prehistory is just like what Mr. Fan Shujie said: "before the invention of writing, our history was a legend handed down by word of mouth." if we analyze these legends scientifically, it is not difficult to find the reliable historical data contained in them. Archaeological discoveries have increasingly clearly revealed the background of the activities of the "Three Emperors" and "Five Emperors" in ancient historical legends, providing conditions for restoring the history of the legendary era. " However, in any case, we can not regard the legend as a history of faith. Although the history of "Tang Yao moved to Taiyuan in the west", "the early capital of Jinyang" and "the construction of Tang city" reflect the truth of history, we can draw extensive references and argumentation when telling the regional history of Taiyuan. However, taking the establishment of "Tang city" as the symbol of the history of Taiyuan city construction, there is still a lack of restoration of archaeological discoveries, which is not mature. This is one of them. Secondly, it is a very serious matter to hold the activity of "commemorating the 2500 years of the founding of Taiyuan city" in the name of the government, which involves history and must be based on faith history. The ancient city of Jinyang was founded in 497 B.C. for 2500 years until 2003. It is worthy of the name and can not be replaced by other cities. This is my humble understanding of Taiyuan, the capital of Tang Yao's early days. Limited to the mastery and control of historical materials, due to the limitations of my own knowledge and ignorance and paranoia, I hope that experts and scholars will not hesitate to teach me.
