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Taijia (year of birth and death unknown), the son's surname, first name to. Shang Tang's eldest grandson, son of Tai Ding, nephew of Wai Bing and Zhong Ren, was the fourth monarch of Shang Dynasty.

At the beginning of Taijia's succession to the throne, Yiyin, the elder of the four dynasties, was the assistant administrator. Yiyin wrote several articles, such as Si Ming and Zu Hou, to teach Taijia to abide by the legal system of his ancestors and strive to be a wise king. Under the supervision of Yi Yin, Taijia was able to do well in the first two years after his accession to the throne, but not since the third year. He arbitrarily gave orders, indulged in pleasure, tyrannized the people, made the government confused, and destroyed Tang's laws and regulations. Although Yiyin tried every means to persuade him, he couldn't listen to it. Yiyin had to banish him to tonggong (now tangling community, Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City, Anhui Province) near Shangtang cemetery, so that he could reflect on himself and become Regent of the country, which is known as "Yiyin fangtaijia" in history. Taijia had been in tonggong for three years, and repented. Yiyin welcomed him back to bodu (now Qiaocheng District of Bozhou City) and returned him to power. Taijia, who was in power again, was able to cultivate morality. All the princes were subordinated to the king of Shang, and the people were in peace.

Taijia was in power for 23 years and died. It is said that he was buried in Licheng after his death.

Life of the characters

Yiyin assistant government

After the establishment of Shang Dynasty, Shang Tang died after 30 years in office. The inheritance law of the Shang Dynasty was that when a brother died, he passed on the throne to his son. Shang Tang had no younger brother, so his eldest son, Tai Ding, should ascend the throne, but Tai Ding died earlier than his father, so his younger brother, Wai C, succeeded him. Wai-c also died during his three-year reign, and his younger brother Zhong Ren succeeded him. Zhongren also died during his four years in power. At this time, Yiyin, the founder of the country, was in charge, and Taijia, the son of TAIDING, succeeded to the throne.

Taijia inherited the throne. Yiyin wrote three articles to Taijia to teach him how to be a good monarch. There is an article entitled "Si Ming", which focuses on how to distinguish right from wrong. It is clear about what should not be done and what should be done. The title of another article is "empress Yu", which is about the legal system of Shang Tang Dynasty. Taijia must act according to the rules set by their ancestors. They should not abandon their ancestors and love what they want.

Taijia was expelled

After reading these articles, Taijia was able to follow Yiyin's instructions and carefully abide by the rules left by her ancestors. In the third year, he was completely forgotten and thought that everything should be has the final say of him, otherwise he would be the king of a country and be managed by the Yin, the Prime Minister of the slave. He acted recklessly. Not listening to Yi Yin's advice destroyed the legal system left by his ancestors. He learned from Xia Jie and dealt with the common people with cruel means. The common people complained.

Yiyin naturally could not tolerate Taijia destroying the country left by King Tang. At first, he repeatedly urged Taijia to be more careful about his behavior. Later, seeing that Taijia did not change his ways, Yi Yin drove him out of office and exiled him to tonggong (now tangling community, Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City, Anhui Province), where Shangtang's tomb is located. During Taijia's exile, Yiyin saw that there was no leader in the court, so he took power and managed the country.

Start with a clean slate

Taijia was banished to tonggong, and his grandfather Shangtang's tomb accompanied him day and night. Although Shang Tang was the founding monarch of Shang Dynasty, its tomb is similar to that of ordinary people. There is only a low Palace on the cemetery for the annual ancestor worship. The old man who guarded the tomb heard that Taijia was exiled to the cemetery because he violated the system of his ancestors. He told Taijia the story of Shangtang's entrepreneurship and the rules set by Shangtang every day, and taught Taijia to be a wise monarch by following the example of his grandfather. The great achievements of his grandfather Shangtang made Taijia both fascinated and ashamed. He reflected on his own actions and felt more and more sorry for his grandfather's spirit, so he decided to correct his mistakes. Taking his grandfather as an example, he tried his best to help the old, the weak, the lonely and the widowed, and became vigorous in doing things. Taijia would never do anything against the patriarchal system and the laws of the imperial court.

Three years have passed. Yiyin always pays attention to what Taijia does in tonggong, and his action has already been reported to Yiyin. Taijia's repentance made Yiyin very happy, so he personally took Taijia back to the capital, Haocheng, with the Minister of culture and military, and seriously handed over the power to him. Taijia took the past affairs as the teacher, followed the rules and regulations handed down from the Shang Dynasty, followed the good advice and policies of the ministers around him, and managed everything from the state affairs to the people's life in an orderly manner. The Shang Dynasty entered a period of stable development.

Historical records

Recorded in the book of history

original text

On Taijia

Taijia is established. Unknown. Yi Yin released Zhu Tong. three years. Return to Bo. Think of Yong. Yi Yin wrote three chapters of Taijia.

But Hei Wang did not favor ah Heng. Yi Yin wrote a book and said. The former king Gu chentian's clear order. To inherit the gods. She Ji Temple. It's not just a matter of solemnity. Tianjian Juede. It's a big deal. Fushui Wanfang. But Yin bow Ke left and right juepi. The house master. Si Si Wang PI inherited Jixu. But Yin Gong was first seen in Xiyi Xia. From the beginning to the end. The phase is the end. His successor was the king. Wangke has an end. I have no idea. I'm not going to give up. It's just a juepi. Whether it can be done or not. Juezu. Wang Weiyong. I don't want to hear it. Yi yinnaiyan said. The former king had no idea. sit up and wait for daybreak. Mr. Pang qiujunyan. Enlighten future generations. There is no Yue Jue's life. Prudence is the virtue of thrift. Only cherish forever. If Yu Ji Zhang. To reflect on the degree is to explain. Qinjuezhi. The rate is the line of Zuyou. I'm sorry. There are words in the world. Wang Weike changed. Yi Yin said. This is unjust. habits become one's second nature. I'd like to visit Fushun. Camp in tonggong. Mi you, Wang Qixun. There's nothing to be lost in. Wang Jiantong palace. Worry about living. Ke zhongyunde.

Taijia zhong

There are only three sacrifices. Ten has a new moon in February. Yi Yin was crowned with clothes. The king of FengSi returned to Bo. The book says. The people are not the queen. Wang kexu made a living. It's not the people. Wang to open up the four directions. The emperor's blessing is business. The king of Bisi kezhongjuede. It's the end of the world. Wang Baishou said. Yu Xiaozi doesn't know his virtue. I don't like it. To be defeated. It's a rite of wanton defeat. He is quick in speaking. Heaven does evil. It's still a violation. He did his own sin. Don't forget it. In the past, I learned from my teacher. Funk was born in the early days of the war. It depends on the virtue of salvation. The picture is final. Yiyin worships the leader. He said. To cultivate the body. Let's cooperate with each other. Only after the Ming Dynasty. First Prince Hui was poor. The people take their lives. I'm not happy. And it has bangjue neighbors. He said. After me. Later there was no penalty. Wang maonaide. It is regarded as Jue Zu. There is no time to slack off. He thought of filial piety first. Next, Sigong. Seeing from afar is the only way to see. He who listens to virtue is wise. I accept the king's advice.

Under Taijia

Yi Yin said to the king. Whoops. But heaven has no relatives. We should respect but be close to each other. People are always in love. We have benevolence in mind. Ghosts and gods are changeable. Enjoy Kecheng. Heaven is hard. Rule by virtue. No moral disorder. The same way with governance is not prosperous. He never died with his colleagues. He was always cautious of syncope. Only when it's clear. The former king only respected Mao when he was young. It's God. Now the king's descendants have orders. I'm still here. If it rises. You must come down. Ruozhi ya. I will be with you. There is no light civil law. It's hard. There was no anjue position. Only danger. begin well and end well. Words go against your heart. We must seek all the ways. Words are inferior to Ruzhi. We must seek all the wrong ways. Whoop. It's not easy to worry about it. Fu is Hu Cheng. One person is good. All nations are loyal. Junwang's argument disrupted the old policy. Chen Wang was successful in his favor. The state is always prosperous.


On Taijia

He wrote a book to the king and said, "it's right for the former king Chengtang to take care of heaven's destiny. Therefore, he is respectful and serious in offering sacrifices to the gods and the state. God saw Tang's good governance, so he sent down a major mission to pacify the world. I, Yiyin, was able to help the monarch to stabilize the people, so the Hei Wang inherited the foundation of the former king. I, Yiyin, first saw the monarchs of Xiayi in the west, who made achievements with loyalty and faithfulness, and vice minister also made achievements; their successors could not make achievements, and vice minister did not. I want to warn you! You should respect your rule of being a monarch. If you are a monarch but not a monarch, you will humiliate your ancestors. "

Wang did not read or hear as usual. Yi Yin said: "when the sky was not clear, the former king thought about state affairs and sat waiting for the sky to come. He also asked Junyan's ministers to enlighten future generations, not to forget the teachings of their ancestors, so as to destroy themselves. You should be careful of the virtue of frugality, with long-term stratagem. It's as if yu opened his bow and only launched it after he saw that the arrow's tail was in accordance with the law. You should pay attention to your goal and follow the measures of your ancestors! In this way, I will be happy. You will have a good reputation through the ages. "

Taijia can't change. Yi Yin said to the officials, "it is unjust for the king to do so. I can't belittle those who don't obey the instruction. We should build a palace in Tong to make him close to the lessons of the former king, so that he will not be misled all his life. "

When he went to tonggong, he was in a sad environment and could achieve the virtue of honesty.

Taijia zhong

On the new day of December of the third year, Yiyin, wearing a hat and a formal dress, welcomed his successor Taijia back to bodu (today's Bozhou City, Anhui Province). He wrote a letter to the king, saying, "people can't live without monarch, and monarch can't govern all sides without people. God cares to help the merchants, so that the heir can achieve the king's virtue. It's the boundless beauty of merchants for thousands of generations! "

The king knelt down and kowtowed and said, "I don't know my virtue. I'm not good at it. Excessive desire corrupts the Dharma, and indulgence corrupts the system of rites. Therefore, it brings sin to itself. Heaven's calamity can be avoided, but self's calamity can't be escaped. In the past, I didn't blame myself for violating the teacher's teaching. I hope to rely on your kindness to seek a good ending for me. "

Yi Yin knelt down and kowtowed, saying, "if you pay attention to your self-cultivation and use the virtue of honesty to harmonize your subordinates, you are the emperor of Ming Dynasty. Tang Ci, the former king of China, loved the poor people, so the people obeyed his instruction without displeasure. Even his friends and neighbors said like this: wait for our monarch. When our monarch comes, there will be no disaster. The king should improve your virtue and imitate your liezu. He should not be at ease for a moment. When you serve your ancestors, you should be filial; when you receive your subordinates, you should be respectful. To see far away, to be obedient, to be virtuous, to be intelligent. In this way, I can enjoy Wang's happiness without end. "

Under Taijia

Yi Yin repeated his warning to Wang: "ah! God does not have regular relatives, and those who can respect God will be close to him; the people do not have a monarch who often belongs to them, and they belong to a benevolent monarch; ghosts and gods do not often enjoy food, and they enjoy food from people who can be honest. It's not easy to be in the position of the son of heaven!

"Rule with the virtuous, and mess without the virtuous. There is no one who does not prosper in the same way as those who govern; there is no one who does not perish in the same way as those who disturb. Always and always carefully choose their colleagues, is a wise monarch.

"The former king tried his best to cultivate his virtue, so that he could match God. I hope you will continue to enjoy a good foundation!

If you go up, you must start from below; if you go far, you must start from near. Don't despise the affairs of the people, but think of its difficulties; don't settle for the throne, but think of its dangers. Be careful to start from the beginning!

"If some words do not conform to your mind, we must examine them from morality; if some words do, we must never examine them from morality.

"Ah! How to harvest without thinking? If you don't work, how can you succeed? The son of heaven is so good that the world is pure and upright. The monarch should not use sophistry to disturb the old government, and his subordinates should not rely on arrogance and wealth to succeed. In this way, the country will remain beautiful forever. "

Other records

When Tai Jia first ascended the throne, he indulged in wine and sex because he was young. Yiyin wrote Yixun, Siming and yuhou to show Taijia. I hope Taijia can inherit the law of Shangtang and rule the world. "Shi Ji Ji Jie" said: "the" Si Ming "is what Chen Zhengjiao should do; the" Yu Hou "is what Tang's Dharma is."

But Taijia didn't listen to persuasion. "Mencius wanzhangshang" records: "Taijia subverts Tang's punishment, and Yiyin releases it to Tong." (Yi Yin drives him out of power and exiles him to tonggong, where Shangtang's tomb is located. Yi Yin is Regent.)

Mencius also said: "three years later, Taijia repented and felt sorry for himself. Three years later, after listening to Yiyin's instruction, he returned to Bo. " After three years of exile in Taijia, Yiyin repented of his mistakes and returned to Taijia.

The records of the historian is more detailed: "emperor Taijia lived in tonggong for three years, repenting and blaming himself for his mistakes. Therefore, Yiyin was granted the government by the emperor Taijia. Emperor Taijia's moral cultivation, princes' salt return to Yin, and people's peace. Yiyin Jiazhi wrote three chapters of taijiaxun, praising emperor Taijia and calling it "Taizong". "[6] (three years later, Yi Yin saw that Taijia had reformed, so he solemnly handed over the power to him. After the restoration of Taijia, he learned a lesson and became a saint who worked hard and devoted himself to the people. The name of Taijia temple is Taizong. " After Taijia's "tonggong repented", he cultivated morality and health, and finally became a Ming emperor. Mencius respected Taijia as one of the sages in Shang Dynasty.

Yiyin's taijiaxun has been lost. It is said that the saying "If heaven does evil, you can still violate it; if you do evil, you can't live" comes from taijiaxun. In the book of rites, the word "Huo" means "Fu", which means "escape".

The Bamboo Annals unearthed in the Western Jin Dynasty has another conclusion about Yiyin and Taijia. Since the ancient edition of Bamboo Annals was lost in Song Dynasty, what we can see in modern times is the edition of Qing Dynasty and modern people. The ancient bamboo annals collected by Fang Shiming and Wang Xiuling are recorded in Taiping Yulan, Jinshu, Shitong, Wenxuan and Tongjian waiji

Yi Yin put too much armour in Tong and self-reliance also. Taijiaqian comes from Tong. Kill Yiyin. He set up his sons Yizhi and Yifen to restore his father's land and house.

Bamboo Annals was written by the historiographers of Wei state in the Warring States period. It is five or six hundred years since Shang Dynasty. Compared with historical records, it has little advantage in time. Moreover, the 11 oracle bone inscriptions with the name of "Yiyin" found so far all show that Yiyin enjoys a high status and enjoys the same level of sacrifice as Shang Tang and Shang Gaozu's shangjiawei. In Ancient Bamboo Annals, Yiyin usurped power, but the oracle bone inscriptions were written. Anyway, he enjoyed the honor of Yin merchants and was not a regicide.

Legend of tombs

In the picturesque south-east of Wohushan reservoir in Zhonggong, Jinan, there is a Taijia mountain. It is located in the throat of Jinxiu, Jinyang and Jinyun, surrounded by mountains and springs. The origin of the name of Taijia mountain is derived from the ancient Lishan Mountain. It is said in Huanglan, annotated in the annals of the Prefecture in the later Han Dynasty that there is a tomb on Lishan in Taijia, which is attached to Licheng in Jinan. "Tongdian" also said: "Lishan has taijiazhong." Later, the ancient Lishan disappeared, and the folk transferred the legend to install the mausoleum in Taijia mountain, which is more than 40 Li south of Licheng.

According to folklore, Taijia's son was very unfilial and would never listen to his father. When Taijia asked him to go east, he turned west; when Taijia asked him to beat dogs, he turned chickens. Too a in order to educate the son, and he was angry for a lifetime, but ultimately no effect.

Until Taijia was dying, he found Mr. Feng Shui to pick a good graveyard for him, just beside the South Spring at the foot of the mountain. Taijia also takes a fancy to the confluence of the three rivers and wants to be buried at the foot of the mountain. Considering that his son was always against him, he told his son that he must build his tomb on the top of the mountain. The implication was that he expected his son to bury him on the edge of the South Spring at the foot of the mountain. After that, Tai Jia closed his eyes. Unexpectedly, the son repented after his father's death and felt ashamed of his father for most of his life. He thought, "my father never heard of him once when he was alive. If he dies, I'll listen to him this time." So he buried Taijia in the highest mountain according to Taijia's "instructions". That's why Taijia mausoleum was built on the highest mountain. Later this mountain became Taijia mountain.

Whether there is Taijia mausoleum on Taijia mountain or not, the villagers believe it. Experts hold a different view. Fang Daoguo, a research librarian of Jinan Institute of archaeology, said that although the saying of Taijia mausoleum on Taijia mountain has been widely spread by the villagers, whether it is true remains to be verified by the archaeological department. Later, according to the reporter's investigation, there were only two big holes on the top of the mountain. According to the situation, it is likely that these two holes were dug by people who stole tombs. As for what they dug, it is not known. Villagers nearby said that a few years ago, some people went to the mountain to steal tombs and dig holes on the top of the mountain. As a result, the deeper they dug, the more the soil collapsed. Later, people did not dare to dig any more. But some people said that taijialing had been stolen for a long time.

In addition to these two caves, no other evidence has been found on the whole mountain to show that there is taijialing.

Predecessors have long doubted the above legends. Sun Xingyan thought that this theory was "wrong" in his research on Taijia mausoleum. He pointed out that Taijia mausoleum should be in Lishan, northeast of Heze. Licheng county annals written by Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty and poet Dong Yun also disagreed with Taijia mausoleum, saying that "there are no tombs on the mountain today", which is really not true. Dong Yun once wrote a poem "taijialing debate" and a poem "taijialing", which said: "who is the monk in the stone path who is leaning on the thin rattan, loosening the snow and setting the sun. There is no trace of the empty mountain all the time. Who will hang the taijialing mausoleum that year? " That is to say, there has been no mausoleum in this mountain since ancient times. How can Taijia be involved? Later, Ji'nan poet Qiao Yue failed in his investigation, saying that "there is no way to find Taijia mausoleum".

The reason why the legend of Taijia mausoleum came into being is that the former mistakenly attached Taijia mausoleum to "Jinan national Licheng". Moreover, the ancient Lishan Mountain in Jinan is so famous that "Nanshan has the name of" Li ". Taijia mountain and the mausoleum of King Shang are only a distant affiliated meeting.

Historical evaluation

As a king in the early Shang Dynasty, Taijia's action is remarkable. According to the oracle inscriptions of Yin Ruins, the later Shang kings still revered this monarch very much, and their sacrifices were also very grand. Some oracle inscriptions record that it was sacrificed together with other emperors of Shang Dynasty.
