Historical China is a cultural information website with Chinese history as the core, providing ancient Chinese history, economy and culture, Chinese medicine health care, painting and calligraphy, antique, religious philosophy, etc.


Brief introduction

Zhonghui, surnamed Ren and named LaiZhu, is the 12th grandson of Xi Zhong and another outstanding Xue Guojun after Xi Zhong.

When he was born, thunder, lightning, such as snakes, torrential rain, alleviated the drought in his hometown for many years. In ancient times, thunder was described as "Cobra", and Cobra was also a synonym for snake. Because lightning danced like long snakes when it rained, his father named his son "Cobra" and tattooed him with red snake. The second in the list is Zhongxu.

Zhong Hui is 24 years old. He is a man of great talent and political foresight after Xue Guo. During his stay in Xue, he carried forward the fine traditions of his ancestors, led the people in Xue, made efforts to improve production tools, and called on all villages to dig wells in low-lying areas to get water and develop agriculture. He also advocated raising livestock and vigorously developing animal husbandry. He set up agricultural officials to teach people to raise livestock with crop straw and use livestock manure as fertilizer to improve the fertility of the land. Zhonghui also attached importance to the development of handicraft industry. At that time, bronze ware manufacturing, handicraft manufacturing, leather, wine making, sericulture and silk weaving all developed to a certain scale. Under the leadership of Zhong Hui, Xue became an economically developed and powerful vassal state. At this time, the Xia Dynasty was in decline, and people were rebellious. Zhong Hui, with a long-term vision, happily joined the ranks of Shang Tang's extermination of summer and made a great achievement.

Together with Yi Yin, he was the right and left Prime Minister of Shangtang, assisting Shangtang to complete the great cause. "Zuo Zhuan · Ding A.D. records:" Xi Zhong, the emperor's ancestor of Xue, lived in Xue and thought that Xia Che was right, so Xi Zhong moved to PI. Zhong Hui, who lives in Xue, thinks that the soup is left. It can be seen that Zhonghui is the left Prime Minister of Shangtang after Xizhong. Xue is now 40 Li south of Tengxian County, Shandong Province. As the "left Prime Minister" of Shang Tang, Zhong Hui played an important role in the political life of the early Shang Dynasty. In the preface to the book of history, it was once mentioned that "Zhonghui wrote a patent", but it was lost in the Eastern Han Dynasty. "Mozi feimingshang" says: "I heard that in the summer, people corrected the fate of heaven, distributed the fate to the next, the evil of emperor's attack, Gong lost his master.". Zhonghui had a set of his own views on politics. Zuozhuan, thirty years of Xianggong, recorded Zhonghui's way of governing the country, saying: "those who are in disorder will take it, those who are dead will bully it, and those who are driven away from the country will keep it, which is also beneficial to the country." The "benefits of the country" mentioned here is what Zhong Hui said in the twelfth year of Xuangong in Zuozhuan: "taking chaos, bullying death, and being weak.".

According to the book of history, Zhonghui's Gao: "it is the prosperity of a nation to protect the virtuous and virtue, to show loyalty and pursue the good, to attack the weak at the same time, to take advantage of chaos and bully the dead, and to push the subjugation to survive.

Political views

Tang Zhixian, together with Yi Yin, assisted Shang Wang. "Zuo Zhuan" set the year of AD: "Xi Zhong, the ancestor of Xue, lived in Xue, thought Xia chezheng and Xi Zhong moved to PI. Zhong Hui lived in Xue and thought that he was the left Prime Minister of Tang. It can be seen that Zhong Hui is the empress of Xi Zhong, the left Prime Minister of Shang Tang, and the resident of Xue. Xue is now 40 Li south of Teng County, Shandong Province. It was mentioned in the preface to the book of history that Zhonghui wrote a letter, but it was lost in the Eastern Han Dynasty. "Mozi. Feimingshang" says: "I heard that in the summer, people corrected the fate of heaven, distributed the fate to the next, the evil of emperor's attack, Gong lost his master.". In Zuozhuan, in the 30th year of Xianggong, Zipi said: "Zhonghui Zhi says:" those who are in disorder will take it, and those who are dead will regret it. ". It can be seen that Zhong Hui has some political views.

Zhongxu as Gao

"Zhonghui Zhigao" -- Shangshu · Shangshu

The soup comes from summer. As for Da Di, Zhong Hui is the Gao.

Cheng Tang put Jie in the South nest, only shame virtue. He said, "I'm afraid I'll take Taiwan as my excuse in the afterlife."

Zhongxu wrote a letter, saying:

Wu Hu, only born people have desire, no master is chaos, but born wise when Yi, have summer dusk virtue, people fall on charcoal, heaven is Tin King Yong Zhi, show correct ten thousand nation, Zuan Yu old clothes. This is the rate of Jue Dian, according to heaven. The king of Xia was guilty. He framed heaven and ordered the next. Emperor use not Zang, style business ordered, with Shuangjue teacher. Simple and virtuous, practical and complicated. Our country was born in summer, if the seedlings had weeds, if the millet had chaff. In a small war, we are not afraid of being innocent. The virtue of giving is enough to hear.

But the king is not your voice, not your goods. Moral Mao Mao official, merit Mao reward. We should employ people only by ourselves, and we should not be stingy of making corrections. Ke Kuan, Ke Ren, Zhang Xin, Zhao min.

It was Gebo's first expedition to Gebo, his first expedition to the East, his first expedition to the west, and his second expedition to the south, his second expedition to the north The people of Youyu, who were celebrated by their families, said, "Yuyu was given to the empress and later to the Soviet Union." How old are the merchants of the people!

The prosperity of a nation lies in its virtue, loyalty, weakness, invasion, and survival. With the new development of morality, all nations are cherished; with complacency, all nations are separated. Wang Maozhao's great virtue is based on the people's interests. He uses righteousness to control affairs and propriety to control the mind. Yu Wen said: "a king who can be proud of his teacher is a man who is not ready to die. If he wants to ask questions, he will be rich. If he wants to use himself, he will be small.". Whine, careful Jue end, only the beginning. It's polite and violent. Respect the way of heaven and protect the destiny forever.


Tang and Zhonghui defeated the Xia army and annihilated the main force of the Xia army. From Xia's victory to Dadi, Zhonghui made a notice, which was the notice of the emperor.

Cheng Tang exiled Jie in Nanchao, feeling ashamed, and said, "I'm afraid that future generations in the next life will take me as a pretext."

Then he wrote a letter and said:

Whoo! The people born in heaven have seven emotions and six desires. If there is no monarch, there will be chaos. Only naturally intelligent people can often govern. The Xia Jie got retribution for his disorientation, which made the people in dire straits. God gave the king courage and wisdom to rectify the nations with signs, inherit what Dayu inherited, follow Dayu's ancient books and regulations, and honor these orders as heaven's orders.

King Jie of Xia was guilty. He falsely claimed that the slander came from heaven to issue orders to the common people. God used the evil Xia Jie, which made Shang accept God's order and made our army understand. It is true that this kind of person has many members of the same party. Since we established our country in the Xia Dynasty, they regarded our merchants as weeds in the seedlings and empty shells in the grains. All of us in business are afraid. No one is not afraid of being innocent and causing mischief. What's more, the virtue of our business people is good at speaking, which can move people to hear.

King, you are not close to singing and dancing girls, and do not collect money and property. Those who encourage morality are encouraged by official positions, while those who encourage merit are encouraged by rewards. Appointing others is like appointing yourself. You have no regrets after you correct your mistakes. Being able to be generous and benevolent clearly shows honesty to hundreds of millions of people.

Gebo and the food delivery man are enemies. Your conquest begins in Geguo. When you fight to the East, the Yi people in the West complain; when you fight to the south, the Di people in the North complain, saying, "why do you put us behind?" The people are looking forward to your coming. They all celebrate and say, "wait for our king. When the king comes, we will be reborn." The people have supported Shangtang for a long time.

To help the virtuous, to show loyalty, to recommend kindness, to annex the weak, to attack the ignorant, to seize the turbulent country, to insult the monarch, to overthrow the monarch, to consolidate the Lord, the country will prosper. Virtue is renewed day by day, and all nations in the world will bear it in mind; if they are satisfied with themselves, their relatives will also deviate. The monarch encouraged the great virtue, established moral character among the common people, controlled things with the best way of behavior, controlled people's heart with social behavior norms, and passed them on to future generations. I heard: "those who can find their own teachers can be king. Those who say others are inferior to themselves will perish. People who are modest and inquisitive will become richer and richer, and those who are self righteous will become smaller and smaller. " Whoo! To be cautious about the outcome, we should start from the beginning. Establish social behavior norms, subvert the tyrannical monarch. Only by respecting and advocating the way of heaven can the destiny be preserved forever.

Zhong Hui, the political assistant of Shangtang. After Shang Tang defeated Xia Jie's regime, Xia Jie fled to a remote place called Nanchao. Although he left a way for Xia Jie to live, Shangtang still felt uneasy and guilty. He worried that later generations would talk about him repeatedly, accusing him of immorality: banishing the emperor. Just as Shangtang was endlessly blaming himself, Zhonghui wrote down this gaoci, whose central idea was to comfort Shangtang: you don't have to blame yourself, you have nothing to blame. In a word, it is a classic work of Guessing "Shangyi" and a typical work of "praising saints". So, how did Zhong Hui complete his "pilgrimage to the saints"?

Zhong Hui first demonstrated the legitimacy of Shang Tang's defeat of Xia Jie from the perspective of political philosophy. He said that if there is no monarch, people will do whatever they want, which will lead to chaos. Therefore, God arranged a wise king to govern the people and prevent disasters. However, Xia Jie was not the holy King arranged by heaven. Because he does not meet the requirements of the king. He was a confused man and could not sympathize with the sufferings of the people. Under his administration, the people were in dire straits and faced with disaster at any time. In this case, God specially gives you wisdom and courage to save the people and become the people's dependence.

Next, Zhong Hui further comforts Shang Tang that Xia Jie's crime lies in forging the destiny and maltreating the people. God thinks that he is not good, so he entrusts you with the responsibility of governing the world. Once upon a time, our state of Shang was established in the Xia Dynasty, just as good seedlings were born among weeds. Although there were many sages, they had no power, so they were not attached by most people. In addition, the sound of virtue that we spread far away is indeed very dangerous. It's as if the wood is beautiful in the forest and the wind will destroy it. In this case, just because you don't love money, you hand over your official position to people with high moral standards and award awards to people with great achievements. Your generous virtue gradually becomes clear to the world. Therefore, from the beginning of the expedition against Gerber, when you went to the East, the West complained about you; when you went to the south, the North complained about you - they all complained that you left them behind. They look forward to your coming as soon as possible, like the clouds of drought, like the gospel of sinners.

After reading the complete gaoci, I feel that Zhonghui mainly talks about two themes: one is to demonstrate the rationality of Shangtang's extermination of summer, so as to untie the knot of Shangtang's self blame and self disturbance. Second, it expounds a set of universal political principles.

As far as the former theme is concerned, Zhong Hui's intention is to make the emperor feel comfortable. In order to enhance the effect of argumentation, he used some rhetorical devices, which were gorgeous and powerful. Although there is no record of "the great joy of the emperor" in the literature, it is estimated that it has produced good results. As for the latter theme, on the one hand, Zhong Hui wants to show his political responsibility and wisdom, on the other hand, he seems to have a secret intention of "taming the emperor". Because he stressed that the emperor should rely on the sage, and he himself is the sage around the emperor. Therefore, he is qualified to act as the "teacher of the king", and he is qualified to participate more in decision-making and influence the direction of politics.

However, if we believe that this gaoci really came from Shangtang era, then there may be another possibility: this gaoci was actually inspired by Shangtang.

At the beginning of this document, it has been explained that Zhong Hui wrote this gaoci because of his guilt and uneasiness after Shang Tang destroyed summer. However, how could Shang Tang be uneasy about this? If he really had such "women's benevolence", how could he achieve the great event of exterminating Xia? In the chapter of Tang Shi, on the eve of the expedition against Xia Jie, Shang Tang himself had made a righteous argument for exterminating Xia. It can be seen that for Shangtang, this problem has been solved theoretically and psychologically. Therefore, Shangtang's theory of inner uneasiness may not be true, but may be the result of the conspiracy between Shangtang and Zhonghui.

A more reasonable situation may be this: after Shang Tang was destroyed in summer, there were some criticisms of Shang Tang in the society. Moreover, the dominant public opinion is likely to be criticism and disapproval. In the face of enormous public opinion pressure, Shangtang and Zhonghui planned this important publicity plan

The first step is to let out the wind. After Shang Tang expelled Xia Jie, he was very ashamed and uneasy. In this way, we should conform to the public opinion and win the sympathy of the public opinion. In such a gesture, the public image of Shangtang is no longer a swaggering conqueror, but a person worthy of sympathy: he is restless, constantly blaming himself, ashamed and suffering from psychological suffering. This provides a reason for those critics to go down the ladder: if people feel that they are wrong, they will not pursue them.

The second step is to let Zhonghui represent the officials, the princes and the public opinion to comfort Shangtang and let Shangtang out of the shadow of self blame. Of course, in order to guide public opinion and manipulate public opinion, we should not just comfort Shangtang. In fact, Shangtang does not need this at all, but positively demonstrate the legitimacy of Shangtang's extermination of summer. Moreover, in order to divert the attention of public opinion, the focus of argument should not stay at the fact of "expelling Xia Jie" -- because it will constantly arouse people's nostalgia, but should focus on the fact of "Shang Tang as the savior": all over the world, people are looking forward to him, complaining about why he came so late, and so on. In this way, the attention of public opinion will be diverted. In addition, Zhong Hui's way of governing in the second half of the paper is probably the result of their joint planning. Its intention is to guide the public to look forward actively through positive and forward-looking political construction, instead of pestering the past.
