Historical China is a cultural information website with Chinese history as the core, providing ancient Chinese history, economy and culture, Chinese medicine health care, painting and calligraphy, antique, religious philosophy, etc.

In journey to the west, there is a country buried under the flame mountain

This is a desert under the fire mountain, but it is buried with all secrets and dignity of a brilliant kingdom. Here, more than ten thousand cultural relics have been unearthed, especially a large number of ancient documents. Even a 12-year-old boy's homework 1300 years ago was found. He recorded the full text of the Analects written by Zheng Xuan in Han Dynasty, and wrote down his name: Bu Tianshou, and wrote down his name carefully. Naughty he was still after his homework, writing some children's songs like sentences casually. Guo Moruo was ecstatic for it, not only because the Analects noted by Zheng Xuan had been lost, but also because it revealed many precious information about the system, education, culture and so on of the country in that year. What kind of country is this ancient desert country? Why are they buried in desert

Gaochang ancient city in the sunset

Gaochang, once the territory of the front of the car division, sent Li Guang interest rate soldier of General Li Guang to the army of the emperor of Han Dynasty to seek blood and blood to seek a BMW. However, the army was exhausted and defeated. The emperor was furious and ordered that Han army not return to the East and kill those entering Yumen pass. So the team came to Turpan. They saw the climate here was pleasant and there was snow water in Tianshan Mountain, Liguangli immediately decided that the sick and tired wounded of the general would gather here to cultivate the fields. Since then, they settled down here. Since then, Gaochang has been growing population and economy is developing and flourishing. Because of its high topography and prosperous people, it is named gaochangbi, and Han people and Chinese culture are pouring in.

Gaochang ancient city, also called capital city in Uyghur language, means "King City", because it is the capital of Gaochang Uighur Kingdom, so it is named. It is one of the most complete ancient cities in the world. It is located in the wooden ditch River Delta, located 45 km east of Turpan City, at the south foot of the flame mountain. It is the only place and important gateway of the ancient Silk Road. Although after more than 2000 years of wind and sun, the city is clear in outline and the wall is magnificent. It is the first batch of key cultural relics protection units in China.

Gaochang is a large-scale city with high-rise city Guo, crisscross streets and yamen, and remains of river protection channels. The city walls are basically intact, which are divided into three parts: inner city, outer city and palace city. The outer wall is 12 meters wide and 11.3m high. There are 9 gates in the city, including 3 in the south, 2 in the East, West, North and in the face. The gate to the north to the west is best preserved. Two monasteries are preserved in the southwest and Southeast corners of the outer city, including one in the southwest corner, covering an area of 10000 square meters, which consists of gate, courtyard, sermon hall, sutra hall, hall, monk room, etc. the temple in the southeast corner still has a polygonal tower and a week's Grottoes, which is the only place in the city where murals are better preserved; In the middle of the northern part of the inner city, there is an irregular square castle, which is called Khan castle by local people. There are still many tall palace bases in the northern Palace City, which can be verified that there were palace buildings with 4 floors at that time.

Since Han and Tang Dynasties, Gaochang has been the hub connecting Central Plains, Central Asia and Europe, which is not only the hub of economic and trade activities, but also a gathering place of world religious culture. At that time, merchants from Persia brought alfalfa, grapes, spices, pepper, gemstones and horses from their country to Gaochang City, and from here they took silk, porcelain, tea and paper making, gunpowder and printing techniques of Central Plains. At the same time, religions from all over the world have been introduced to the mainland through Gaochang. At that time, the residents believed in Buddhism, Jingjiao and manichasm, and Gao Chang became the most active and developed place of ancient religion in the world. In 629 ad, in order to improve the Buddhist level, Xuanzang, 27, was not afraid of the scourge of killing his life, secretly left Chang'an and went out of Yumen, and then went to India along the Silk Road through Gaochang, and traveled all over Afghanistan, Pakistan and India for 17 years. In Gaochang, Xuanzang recited scriptures and spoke Buddhism, and worshipped the king of Gaochang as his brother, leaving a wonderful story for ages.

At the peak of the kingdom of Gaochang, it also bred rich Gaochang culture and became the precious heritage of Gaochang. The ten kings of the kingdom of Gaochang of Qu family are all Han people, so the influence of Han culture on Gaochang is obvious. In Gaochang, the Confucian culture of Han and Wei Dynasties was dominant. Shangshu, Shijing, Xiaojing and a large number of murals unearthed in Sanbao, the local Han nationality, all reflect that the mainstream culture of Gaochang is not Chinese culture.

More importantly, the Chinese characters as various official and private documents are fully absorbed by Gaochang. The striking Tomb of Astana also unearthed Fuxi Nuwa map which makes the world marvel. Fuxi Nuwa is the first snake body. Fuxi holds the rules on his left hand and Nuwa's right hand. The two hold each other in the opposite direction, and the lower part is intertwined. All kinds of star pictures are decorated around. This is consistent with Fuxi Nuwa map found in Central Plains. However, Gaochang is a miscellaneous area of zahu, and many ethnic groups, such as Cheshi, Uighur, Turk and later Tubo and Mongolia, etc., can be found in several languages and have rich and interesting languages.

In addition, Gaochang people are also very fastidious in their clothes. According to the history books of Sui and Song Dynasties, Gaochang people pay attention to clothing, while men wear Hu Fu Man crotch pants, and "the sword is strong for riding sheep"; Women's short jacket and Chinese skirt jade chain decoration, more beautiful. Gaochang people are also good at food, good at making all kinds of pasta and beef and sheep meat, and they have many ways to eat. Gaochang ancient music, which is well-known at home and abroad, is popular in Han and Tang Dynasties with strong exotic customs and rich artistic vocabulary, and is listed in 10 great music in Tang Dynasty. It can be understood that the charm of Gaochang is its profound cultural background, which makes it a model and specimen of the history of the western region.

Gaochang king of Xuanzang's father-in-law

In the third year of Emperor Taizong Zhenguan (629 AD), 700 years after the army of Emperor Wu of Han dynasty built Gaochang, Xuanzang, 27, went to Tianzhu in order to seek the Scripture of Buddhism and seek the truth. In violation of the regulations of the court prohibiting people from traveling in the west without permission, Xuanzang left Chang'an among four hungry people who fled from the famine and embarked on the way of Western Heaven to get scriptures.

Before that, in the first year of Zhenguan (627), Xuanzang had made a couple Chen Biao, and asked for the Western practice for law, but he was not approved by the court. That is to say, later, the master who became famous all over the world was a man who was a man of smuggling in the underground way. There was no documents of the Tang Dynasty, no proof of temples, and no support and recommendation from any authority and noble class. Tang monk was ordered to be captured by local officials of the Tang Liangzhou court. He was shot by zhanggongfang, a guard soldier at five beacon towers outside Yumen gate, and was often in the dark and in the daytime, and he was scared all day.

In addition to the investigation of the government, Xuanzang also faced the vast Yellow sand outside the guanwai. Hu, who was a guide for him all the way, later played a retreat drum. When he left, he gave Xuanzang an old horse to know the way, and told him that if he could see a small oasis after four days in the desert, he would have gone in the right direction. Xuanzang, who entered the deep Gobi, accidentally spilled all the water from his skin bag when drinking water. Xuanzang, who had no water, had to walk with his own faith, but finally he fell into the horse. After a long time, a cold wind woke him up. He finally walked to the small oasis, which was the rich Gaochang country.

Gaochang King believes in Buddhism, and the national capital temple stands in a forest, with an average of one temple for every hundred people. There are thousands of monks in Gaochang, but the king still feels that he lacks a real monk. After hearing Xuanzang's sermon in Liangzhou, the businessmen of Gaochang promoted it. The king of Gaochang was very excited to hear the news. Three years ago, when he went to Chang'an to pay tribute, he saw the grand temple and the learned monks. The customs and customs of the state of etiquette let him admire. After returning home, he ordered his subjects to comb the style of Tang people. Now there is a great monk in Tang Dynasty. I can ask him to speak to the Chinese people hongfo. What a good thing! As the saying goes, everything can not be met. Now the opportunity comes. The king of Gaochang personally holds the torch to meet him, and despite Xuanzang's tiredness, he talks happily with him all night. The same happens in the following days. The king kneels down in front of 300 disciples every day to let the master step on his back and go to the Dharma sermon.

But Xuanzang did not want to stay in Gaochang for a long time. He thanked the king for his kindness, but declined politely. He must go to India to seek the missing scriptures in Chinese Buddhist classics. In order to retain Xuanzang, the ministers also came up with a plan: to make Xuanzang the son-in-law of the king. But Xuanzang once again euphemistically refused the king of Gaochang.

Gaochang king saw Xuanzang even ignored his entreaties, and was furious. So Xuanzang threatened that there were two ways before the mage, either to stay or to return home, and ask the master to think twice. Xuanzang replied without hesitation: "what the king left was only the bones of the poor monk, and he could not keep the poor monk's heart." In order to be released, Xuanzang began to hunger. On the fourth day, he was extremely weak and dying. Gaochang king was shocked, so he asked Xuanzang to eat, recover his body and continue to travel west. But he sincerely invited Xuanzang to stay in Gaochang for three years when he returned from India. Xuanzang deeply felt the sincerity of piety and cultivation with the king of Gaochang, and promised him to return to visit again and to make a brother with the king of Gaochang. The king of Gaochang decided to invite Xuanzang to rise to the throne for a month and prepare him for all the things he needed for his journey to the West. Before his visit, Gaochang wrote 24 customs clearance documents to Xuanzang to all countries in the western region, and also gave horses and 25 servants. On the day of departure, the city was sent by the road. The king of Gaochang, Qu Wentai, hugged the mage and cried, and sent it to Jiaohe City 100 miles away, so he left for farewell.

Deciphering the ancient money code of "lucky"

In 1928, archaeologist Huang Wenbi found an ancient coin of "Gaochang Geely" in Turpan, Hami, Xinjiang. In 1970, there was also a "Gaochang Geely" ancient money in the hoard of Tang Dynasty ancient money collectors unearthed in Hejia village, Xi'an. So far, only a few coins have been found, weighing about 12g, and are read in circles and plain and vigorous. There are also objects in the Chinese history museum. With its simple and simple appearance, the ancient coins of Gaochang make people feel the rich ethnic minority atmosphere in the ancient western regions. The elusive history and the legacy of the old site lead to people into the reverie of nostalgia.

Around 1973, the Xinjiang autonomous region cultural relics and Archaeology team conducted archaeological excavation in Astana, Turpan, and unearthed a large number of valuable historical materials of cultural relics, including, in addition to the ancient official documents, silk, hemp, cotton, embroidery, wool fabrics, silk paintings, murals, various kinds of colored clay, pottery, wood, lacquer, iron, stone tools and coins, Besides fruits and pastries, a "Gaochang lucky" money was unearthed, which attracted the attention of the numismists. The money is the same as the one Mr. Huang Wenbi collected in Turpan in the past. The money was unearthed under the dead body without being disturbed by theft. At the same time, a epitaph of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty (642 A.D.) was unearthed. Therefore, we can conclude that the money should be cast in the Gaochang kingdom of Qu, thus providing us with valuable material materials for solving some questions of the long period of "Gaochang Geely".

For the word "lucky" on coins, some people think it is "great fortune" and "Dali", which means blessing and auspicious. However, this inference is not in line with the historical and cultural situation of Gaochang. According to experts' research, the characters "Geely" in the coins of "Geely" in Gaochang should be transliteration of ihk or IHG in Turkic language, meaning "Wang", and in ancient Chinese literature, it is generally translated as "jielifa" or "Jieli". Therefore, the term "Gaochang Geely" should mean "Gaochang king".

The purpose of Qu Wentai coins casting is to strengthen the need of the royal power first, and is the best way to show the power in the kingdom. Secondly, Gaochang is a subsidiary state under the Tang Dynasty, and it should obey the Tang Dynasty's dispatch in many matters. Therefore, in this point, the king of Gaochang is not satisfied in his heart, but he can not show it. Thus, Qu Wentai thought of the way to show his independence by casting coins.

The coins of Gaochang Geely are found to be rare in quantity, and most of them are not worn out and are made very well. Therefore, the coins of "Gaochang Geely" were not currency in the market for trade at that time, but similar to those of today's commemorative currency, which is used for reward or gift.

The coins of "Gaochang Geely" are the result of the interaction and integration of the Han culture of farming and the Turkic culture of nomadic. At the same time, it also reflects to the modern people that Gaochang society was characterized by the integration of Han and Hu. Through a coin, we can see the characteristics of the nation, region, culture, politics, language, marriage custom, funeral custom, clothing and so on.

A city destroyed by war

Gaochang finally disappeared, as every city was built and destroyed. After thousands of years of forgetting, he finally returned to people's vision. Regel, with the German Russian mixed blood system, was the first to release the ancient city of Gaochang to the world. He later arrived in Turpan in 1775 and took away the original information about the ancient city of Gaochang. In 1902, 42 year old Leke participated in the first German investigation and excavation in Turpan. A few years later, he personally led the expedition to go into Gaochang area again, took away a large number of cultural relics and became a foreign explorer who took the most ancient Chinese cultural relics. How did the ancient state of Gaochang perish?

After gaochangbi was completed, he became the governing Office of Captain Wuji, and a group of Han troops were stationed. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, gaochangbi, as a garrison of the Tun army, was gradually replaced by gaochanglei. Gaochang, as a wall or base, is mainly garrisoned. Therefore, the whole building has maintained a strong military color. On its ruins, Castle, barrier and construction work can be seen. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Gaochang was no longer a military camp for mysterious exchange of defense, and it had developed into a city with relatively fixed population.

In 448 A.D., the northern Liang exile regime of Ju Qu family merged the former state of Cheshi, and established a stable foothold in gaochangli. First, the first was the

The Turpan area was unified for the second time and the first independent kingdom in history was established. From then on, Gaochang changed from county to country, and its system system changed to that of the state. The history of Turpan began a new era of change. In 640 ad, the Tang Dynasty unified Gaochang, which was located in the west state, and it was under the jurisdiction of five counties. Gaochang has entered the best period of prosperity since then. After the middle of the 9th century, Uighurs established Gaochang kingdom of Uighur here. With the rise of timuzhen and the establishment of Mongolia, timuzhen was regarded as Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan launched a large-scale western March movement, conquering the vast area from Mongolia Plateau to Central Asia. The opportunity for Gaochang Uighur Yidu to protect Ba and AZU aleete was mature, which made it easy to murder the emissaries of the Western Liao Dynasty in Gaochang in 1209, and formally separated from the custody of the West Liao Dynasty and returned to the newly rising powerful Mongolian Empire on the grassland《 The secret history of Mongolia records the process of Yidu protecting Genghis Khan: the chief of the Commission of my species, also Wu tiei, sent his minister, atti killahi, to chengjisi and said, "I hear the emperor's name as cloud and clear sun, and the ice disappears and water is common. I like it! If you have a gift, you will be the fifth child who gives strength. " "You come, the woman will do it with you, and the fifth child will teach you to do it," Genghis said So "also Du wutiei" came to see the gold and silver beads, and Genghis then brought the woman named alealetun with him.

Although Gaochang capital city has been preserved, the Uighur kingdom of Gaochang has never recovered from now on. From the time of Jin (1308-1318 A.D.) when Yidu protected Newlin in the 13th century, Gaochang Uighurs have been loyal to the royal family of the Yuan Dynasty and the west of Mongolia
