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What are the other reasons for the two reincarnation fatalism over the Eastern Han Dynasty?

In the two weeks, the Han Dynasty, the two Jin Dynasties and the two Song Dynasties, the two dynasties were named by the East and the west, and the two Han Dynasties were different from the other three. The Eastern Han Dynasty and the Western Han Dynasty were all the unified dynasties of the first generation, and the nine states in the Han Dynasty were in their hands. The Western Han Dynasty was founded by the emperor of the people Liu Bang, and the Eastern Han Dynasty was Liu Xiu, a scholar. The two people had different identities and experienced the same legend. Liu Xiu's character is quite high compared with Liu Bang. It is not a stain for his life to be the emperor for the people. The only disadvantage is that he has too much affection for his family (because he lost too many relatives in the war and chaos era).

The Han Dynasty lasted for 195 years. The 14th emperor of the eighth Dynasty, Hun, Xianbei and Wuhuan in the northern grassland, Qiang people in the desert of Northwest China and other people beat them into a collapsing army. In the end, the foreign forces were unable to get cheap. Wang Fu, a thinker in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, evaluated "the country will be destroyed by the weak, while the Han Dynasty only died by the strong". The powerful and powerful under the imperial court of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the powerful, the powerful, the powerful, the powerful, the powerful ones, the Han Dynasty, were defeated by the weak With a good field of ten thousand mu, hundreds of private soldiers and wealth, the manor is a small kingdom. Wang Fuzhi gave such an evaluation, half praise, half is emotion.

The authority of the central court and local government in the Eastern Han Dynasty was not as good as before and after. The powerful families in various regions could compete with them. What the imperial court should do was absolutely impossible without their help. This is because the Eastern Han Dynasty died in the strong and powerful. The Eastern Han Dynasty was strong, but it was destroyed because it was too strong. It seemed to be a paradox, and actually contained the truth of everything. This is also the reason why thousands of later generations have advocated it. No one wants their country to be invaded and destroyed by foreign enemies.

In Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Five Dynasties were all due to the decline of national military power, the oppression of foreign enemies, the rebellion of farmers, and the domestic and foreign difficulties leading to the national subjugation. When Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, opened up his country, the Han army was invincible. The barbarians around him were not the opponents of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and were overwhelmed by the pressure. The leaders of Hu people with a little ambition would move eastward to avoid the Han Dynasty. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the Qiang people in the Northwest were in disorder, and the northern Wuhuan Xianbei violated them. The army of the Eastern Han Dynasty could still cope with it freely. Evil and chaos are not in foreign enemies, but in internal worries.

During the yellow scarf uprising, the central government of the Eastern Han Dynasty played a series of rotten cards. First, the State animal husbandry system was used to let the local people sit large, and it was difficult to control the mobilization of military power and food and pay, and then allowed the powerful clans and local governors to recruit soldiers to fight against rebellion. Finally, general He Jin, who had no political mind, was led by people to walk, let the eunuchs who should have been in power died, leading Dong Zhuo to the disordered country in Beijing.

Eunuchs, foreign relatives, vassal towns, rear palaces and power ministers were more or less common diseases in feudal dynasties in the past dynasties, while the Eastern Han Dynasty suffered from eunuchs and foreign relatives. The eunuch disaster and the chaos of foreign relatives lasted until the establishment of Wei Shu Wu Three Kingdoms. In the history of Eastern Han Dynasty, eunuchs and foreign relatives were in power alternately, while the eunuchs were strong, while those with foreign relatives were weak. As soon as the emperor was in power, foreign relatives began to be strong; after a while, the emperor became familiar with the Empire, and the eunuchs began to be strong. During the period of the alternation of eunuchs and foreign relatives, there was a bloody struggle.

The power of eunuchs and foreign relatives represents the power of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and they can be controlled arbitrarily. Each emperor inevitably meets two forces. However, if the fire is played accidentally, it is likely that there will be a tragic death. The emperor will die. The culprit who caused the situation will also die for a long time because they have broken the rules of the game and are not recognized by the world and historical books.

There are two reasons for this situation, which are also the two fatalistic reincarnations that are enveloped over the Eastern Han Empire. First, the Eastern Han emperors are mostly short-lived. Of the 14th emperors in the eighth Dynasty of the Eastern Han Dynasty, only three people who lived over 40 years old are the two fathers and sons of the emperor Liu Xiu, the emperor of the Han Dynasty and Liuzhuang of the Ming Dynasty, and the Liu Association, the emperor who gave the Emperor Han Dynasty. The first two were the two emperors who started in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the latter one was the one at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Liu Xiu is 62 years old, Liu Zhuang is 48 years old, Liu Xie is 53 years old, and none of the other 11 emperors of the Eastern Han Dynasty are over 35 years old. Three of the 11 were infant age, and others were not good enough, which led to the young emperor to govern the world only relying on the courtiers. The emperor was just a mascot, sitting in the hall, and everyone in his name gave orders and exercised the imperial power on behalf of him.

Second, the queen of Eastern Han Dynasty was unable to bear a son because she could not bear a son. In the patriarchal system, the queen was born the first son, with the highest inheritance right, destined to inherit the throne, and the court had the highest voice and many supporters. Among the 14 emperors of the Eastern Han Dynasty, except Liu Xiu, the first emperor, the other 13 emperors inherited the general rule, only two were the descendants of the queen.

The two fatalism brought great potential for rule. Except the first three emperors, all the 11 emperors were young people, and none of them were over 15 years old. The Lord and the young suspect that it is a matter of course that the empress dowager, as guardian, is listening to the government in the imperial court, instead of the weak emperor to supervise the officials and the state. The Empress Dowager is not powerful enough to find his own brother, that is, foreign relatives, to suppress the officials in the middle of the dynasty. Then when the emperor grows up and becomes a crown, he has the ability to bear the responsibility. Is it not the Empress Dowager and the foreign Qi willing to greatly harm his own interests to help the emperor? Would you like to give the power out? In this way, the sensible emperor has no actual power and no support from the courtiers (the external Qi is powerful), how can the next emperor regain the power and truly take charge of the country? The eunuch group has come on the stage.

Eunuchs were born to be despised and suspected by the scholars of the court. They were not easily recognized by their families. They could not be buried in their ancestral graves after death, unless the state had great achievements. The eunuchs who live in the palace closest to the emperor and can only rely on the imperial power are the best candidates for the emperor to regain the power. In the process of regaining authority, eunuchs must be given various convenience. If they are not healthy, they will be mentally unhealthy. What unusual things they do are normal. Besides, some things of foreign relatives are more than normal.

The emperor was in power, the eunuchs were inflated, and the foreign relatives were withered. The emperor died early in the years. Without laying a good way for the prince, he could only reincarnate again. The foreign relatives were in power and the eunuchs seized power. The Empress Dowager will use foreign relatives in the imperial court, and the emperor will take power and use eunuchs. The emperor must use coup to seize power, and it is certain that blood is flowing into a river, which is one of the reasons why the eunuch's disaster is more serious than the disaster of foreign relatives.

This fate of reincarnation came to an end until the time of Liu Xie, the late emperor of Eastern Han Dynasty and the last emperor, who survived. Interestingly, being an emperor will be short-lived is the normal of all dynasties. When he is older, he will die soon, and he will die early soon when he is young. Otherwise, it will appear, but in 1200 years, there are more than ten emperors.

Later: the Han Dynasty, which declared "never dominate" to the outside world, was a superpower standing on the top of the East all the time. The western countries were respectful and fearless.
