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Secret not mourning: was Qin Shihuang killed by Zhao Gao?

In other words, the death of those big people in history is strange, the death is unclear, mysterious. This has exacerbated the suspense of history, the thickness of history, and even has been shrouded in the mystery of conspiracy theory. The original transparent deep palace presents ghost images.

For example, Qin Shihuang, the main leader of the time, has a wide range of opinions about his death, and most historians tend to die of disease. However, there are different opinions about what diseases he died of. There are different opinions about epilepsy, meningitis, bronchitis, chondropathy, heatstroke, etc. Many historical books have been clearly recorded about his death, and there seems to be no doubt. However, the following people of the violent death dunes were not lost. Since then, there were also some famous strange throne replacement events in history. However, some historians with sensitive smell suspected that there was fraud in this, and it was no fault that the emperor died in the wrong way. This is also in line with the legend of "the first emperor of Qin, to the death of dunes" recorded in the wild history, which can not cause rich association.

So how did the emperor die? Since everyone has doubts, it is better to distinguish the historical cattle books such as the historical records and the general learning of Zizhi.

But Qin Shihuang, who was a brave and vigorous man, enjoyed a grand tour, made his fifth tour in the thirty seventh year (210 BC), which was his last grand tour, because he died inexplicably in this magnificent royal luxury "self driving tour", and after avoiding the "Jingke dagger, Zhang Liang's iron cone and the high-rise and gradual attack", he was strong and strong The ground hung up, and realized the real life of many self driving travel enthusiasts said "would rather die of the journey than die in bed" the heroic words. For his death, Taishigong even said "July, the emperor collapsed on the dune platform", and a few words were put in the past, which seemed to be confused with his death. He was afraid to speak in vain and could only point to a point.

The first reason for this last grand tour of the first Emperor Qin was superstition, which was to resolve the life crisis that he was cursed.

As we all know, Qin Shihuang, who is in power, is a relatively "afraid of death" person. For this he also ordered Xufu, a half immortal, to go out to sea to search for immortal drugs for him. Since being ambushed and stabbed, Qinshihuang, whose life is threatened, is a little bit panicked and can not be used all day long. He always wants to find immortal drugs to kill himself. Especially, there were meteorite inscriptions of "beginning emperor died and where the emperor died" and immortal family prophesied that "this year's ZuLong died". Therefore, in a person, he was in a position to find the immortal medicine to seek for good and avoid the evil Under the advice of the senior officials, even if he is ill, he has decisively implemented this fifth life tour, and it is important to keep his life.

According to the general book of Zizhi, except for Li Si, the prime minister left, accompanied him on the trip, because the youngest son Hu Hai was the favorite of more than 20 sons of Qinshihuang, he said he would like to go with his father (who doesn't like it) to visit with his father (who doesn't like it) and Qinshihuang has no reason to refuse as the Pearl of the heart and liver.

As for the Royal luxury self driving tour, how they view the cloud dream, look at Yu Shun, sacrifice Dayu and write the male text, we omit 500 words here. Since it is dedicated to the death of the first emperor of Qin, we will go straight to the theme and jump to how he died.

Anyway, the emperor and his officials were running around in such a way that they were all the way round happily and happily. The time passed quickly. There was an unexpected situation in the sky. When the coastal West went to the plain and Tianjin, he fell ill.

Qin Shihuang, who was very taboo to die, was sick and sickly, struggling with death, even more afraid of his sudden death, so the officials avoided a dead word, dare not mention it. In the spirit of respect for life, and the nostalgia for glory and wealth, the sick Emperor Qinshihuang or hard to endure, and ran to the sand dunes 140 miles away to raise his illness. Finally, he died there. Is it a prophecy?

It is said that Qin Shihuang was still more conscious at this time. Although he was more and more ill, he could at least let the accompanying favorite minister, zhaogao, the commander of Zhongche mansion and the official seal, be responsible for sending the written imperial edict with the imperial seal to Fu Su, the eldest son. He was ordered to "participate in the funeral treatment, and the coffin will be buried after Xianyang". At the same time, he should still live well. It was just a sealed edict. Somehow Zhao Gao put it in a high Pavilion, and did not let the emissaries serve Fusu. Finally, the Emperor Qin could not escape the curse of fate. On July 20, he died in the desolate sand dune Palace (and the king zhaowuling, who was riding and shooting at that time, was said to have died hungry at the sand dune Palace). He died early in the British year. Although he died of death, he was named deer at that time The inexplicable action of Zhao Gao, the official of Ma, gave the later generations reasonable reason for the Emperor Qin Shihuang to be killed.

According to some historical researchers, Zhao Gao, as the biggest beneficiary, has the biggest suspicion or motive to kill the boss Qinshihuang from the later regime handover form and results, and is the No.1 murderer.

Because after the death of Emperor Qin, the Fu Su who should have been replaced by the shift died, and the Meng brothers who had close relationship with Fusu died. Even Li Si, the "informed person" who followed the tour of the emperor, was killed. This series of tragic deaths, especially the cross death of Lisi, was the most typical killing act.

Although Taishigong did not say clearly what Zhao Gao did after the death of the first emperor of Qin, the records already implied that Zhao Gao was the biggest suspect.

After the death of the Emperor Qin, because the emperor accidentally died outside the capital, Li Si, the very careful prime minister, was fighting for the emperor in order to fear the succession of the imperial power. Dozens of princes competed to be the emperor. It was not so chaotic that it was strange that the coffin was kept secret. Only the coffin was placed in a cool car which was closed and ventilated, which could adjust the cold and warm. All things were done according to the specifications before the emperor died, including accompanying, eating, playing, playing Things, no matter what, but also installed special, and eunuchs in the cold car pretend to drop the imperial edict and sign, busy not too much. At that time, only Hu Hai, zhaogao and five or six eunuchs were in favor of the Emperor Qin who knew that the emperor died, which was strange and unusual.

Anyway, these people with ghosts and ghosts go forward without any accident, and soon they will arrive at Jiuyuan from Jingxing. However, because of being in the summer, how to adjust the cold and warm carefully, the dragon body will stink for a long time. In order to cover up the truth, it is unnecessary to load the stinking abalone in the car so that people can not tell whether it is the corpse odor or the fish stink.

It was not the Fusu, which was the emperor who was appointed by the first emperor of Qin, but Hu Hai, the second Qin who had no virtue and incompetence, which was closely related to Zhao Gao.

So far, all doubts about the death of the Emperor Qin have been strongly supported.

First, before the emperor was emperor, Zhao gaozao had been afraid that Mengtian, valued by Fu Su, replaced Li Si, who was valued by Fu Su, and cooperated with him to tamper with the imperial edict of the emperor, and then falsely told the king to kill himself, which cleared the biggest obstacle to the upper level of Hu Hai. It was after Fu Su died that the outside huhai rushed back to the upper capital; Secondly, Zhao Gao was killed after returning to the capital city, and killed his brother Meng (Mengyi had killed him for Zhao Gao's guilt, but he was saved by the emperor). Meng Yi, a traveling attendant, was suddenly supported when the emperor was seriously ill, which was even more contrary to Zhao Gao's ill intentions. Finally, he also took the "partner" Lise who had good intentions to tear him up, and Zhao Gao's killer was exposed.

In summary, Zhao Gao is the chief culprit of Qin Shihuang's death. Only because according to the result of Qin Shihuang's helping the Soviet Union, Mengtian must be the prime minister. The Mongolian brothers are in charge of the government. Zhao Gao also cannot escape the fate of being killed. Instead, he should take the lead in the world. He was not in the heavily guarded palace in the capital city at that time, and at the beginning of Qin, a sick cat, Qin Shi In front of the emperor, the chances of success have increased greatly. The sudden increase of success rate also makes Zhao Gao, who is good at pointing deer for horses, is crazy about killing. Only when he turns out to be a seriously ill boss who is a bit in the way, he has the chance to keep his political future once and for all, even life. So he can only do this. This is the closing statement.

At this point, the death of the first emperor of Qin evolved into thousands of possibilities, different, let you infinite guess, this is the greatest charm of history, can maximize the development of your open thinking.
