Historical China is a cultural information website with Chinese history as the core, providing ancient Chinese history, economy and culture, Chinese medicine health care, painting and calligraphy, antique, religious philosophy, etc.

You Hu

There is the Hu family, the name of the ancient tribe, the surname Si, which is a tribe or chieftain in the Xia Dynasty.

It is said that during the reign of Yu, there was a war of "attacking the hous" and "practicing their religion". After gaining power, he held a banquet for tribal leaders in Juntai. Hu was very dissatisfied with Qi's destruction of the abdication system and refused to attend the Juntai meeting. In the name of "gongxingtian's punishment", Qi crusaded against those who disobeyed him. Therefore, there is a record in Shiji · xiabenji that "the Hu family refused to accept the attack and fought against Gansu". The result of the war was that Youhu was defeated, and xiahouqi destroyed Youhu, and its people were reduced to herders.

The battle of GaN

The battle of Gan between the two powers was very fierce. However, there are few recorded historical materials left. The main one is a mobilization order of Gan in the book of history written by Qi. The full text is as follows: "fighting in Gan is calling for six ministers. Wang said: Ho! I will swear to you that you Hu's bullying the five elements, abandoning Sanzheng, and destroying his life. I'll give you the punishment of only honoring heaven. If the left does not attack the left, you will be disrespectful of your life; if the right does not attack the right, you will be disrespectful of your life; if the emperor is not the right horse, you will be disrespectful of your life. If you use your life, reward your ancestors; if you don't use your life, kill the society. " [1-2]

The first paragraph introduces the background of the oath of Gan, which is the oath that Qi called the senior officials to declare the discipline before the war in GaN. "Liuqing" used to be interpreted as the general of the six armies. In fact, both "Liuqing" and "Liujun" appeared after the Zhou Dynasty. They were the words borrowed from later generations when the book was finished. They refer to the "person of six affairs" in the following. In ancient Chinese characters, Shi and Shi are the same word. In oracle bone inscriptions of Shang Dynasty, Shang King's "I Shi", "Zhen Shi", "Dong Shi" and "Xi Shi" often took part in the war, so it's easy to understand that after Xia Dynasty, he called "people of six things" to convey the war precepts. The second paragraph is the full text of the oath. First of all, it is announced that the charge of Youhu is "bullying the five elements and neglecting the three justice", which means that the enemy is disrespectful to the heavenly phenomena and ministers, causing anger and resentment. Therefore, attacking Youhu is a punishment on behalf of heaven. Secondly, he announced military discipline, ordered his subordinates to follow orders, be loyal to their duties, and fight hard. He also ordered that those who followed orders would be rewarded in ancestral temples, and those who disobeyed orders would be executed in front of the Social altar. Compared with the oath of Yu written by shusanmiao, it can be seen that the chief executive of Qishi was incomparable in the previous historical era.

It is said that at the beginning of Qi Dynasty, "I was defeated in fighting with you Hu family in GANZE". The reason is that "my land is not shallow, my people are not few, and I was defeated in fighting. My virtue is weak but my education is not good". So I worked hard to rule, "my relatives are long, I respect the talents and I can use my skills, and I have Hu family clothes in my old age.". It can be seen that Qi won the battle of Gan, and it was not easy to "destroy the Hu family and the Xianchao Dynasty".

Textual research on the location

There are various explanations for the "Gan" in the fierce fighting between the two sides. Most experts believe that in the area of Ganting town in Huxian County today. "Suoyin" explains: Xia Qi felled, Ganting in the south. Some experts believe that in ganyi (now Luoyang South). Some experts believe that in today's Huxian Ganhe township area. In ancient times, there was the state of GaN. It was a small and pocket country, and the largest river in the country was the Gan River. Tracing back to the origin of a Hundred Surnames holds that the surname Gan originated in Ganhe Township because it was the place of the ancient state of GaN.

Huxian, Shaanxi

According to the geography annals, Fufeng County is the state of Hu. It is said that the three characters of Hu, Hu and Shan have different ears If so, Hu's hometown should be in Huxian, southwest of Xi'an.

Yuanwu area, Henan Province

Contemporary scholars Gu Jiegang and Liu Qiqiao believe that the hometown of Hu family in Xia Dynasty is the place name "hire" in the oracle inscriptions of Yin Dynasty, which is located in Yuanwu area on the North Bank of the Yellow River in the north of Zhengzhou. At the same time, it is proved that Gandhi was the feudal capital of ganzhao Gong in the spring and Autumn period. There are Ganshui and Gancheng, which are located in the southwest of Luoyang today.

Southwest of Yuanyang, Henan

According to the literature, Mr. Zheng Jiexiang infers that the Hu family should be in the southwest of Yuanyang, Henan Province, and then proves that Gandhi is in the southern suburb of the Hu family, which should be the ganzhize or Ganshui coast of guxing county to the west of Zhengzhou. This can also be said.

Historical records

Before the battle between Qi and Youhu, he took the oath of Gan, which is recorded in the oath of Gan of Shangshu

Qi and Youhu fought in the field of GaN and wrote the oath of GaN. War in Gansu, is called six Qing. Wang said, "ho! I swear to tell you that you Hu's bullying the five elements, neglecting the three principles, and heaven's extermination of his life will be punished by heaven. If the left does not attack the left, you will be disrespectful of your life; if the right does not attack the right, you will be disrespectful of your life; if the emperor is not the right horse, you will be disrespectful of your life. If you use your life, you will be rewarded to your ancestors; if you use your life, you will be killed by the society; if you give it, you will be killed. "


The main idea is: there is going to be a big war in Gansu, so Xia Qi called the general of the Sixth Army. Wang said, "ah! Officers and men of the Sixth Army, I want to declare to you: you Hu's disobeyed God's will, despised the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, neglected or even abandoned our calendar. Therefore, if God wants to cut off their national fortune, I can only pursue God's punishment for them. If the soldiers on the left side of the chariot are not good at shooting the enemy with arrows, you will not follow my orders; if the soldiers on the right side of the chariot are not good at stabbing the enemy with spears, you will not follow my orders; if the soldiers driving in the middle do not know how to drive, you will not follow my orders. Those who obey orders will be rewarded on the ancestral throne; those who disobey orders will be executed in front of the ancestral temple, and their wives and sons will be sacrificed on the altar.
