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Han Wudi can be called a emperor of the ages, why is it the bitter fruit of the destruction of the Han Dynasty!

Before emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, eunuch did not specifically refer to servants in the court, but widely used for people around the emperor. In fact, eunuchs in the true sense have no high status. Even the position of ordinary court bodyguards is not as good as the emperor's "private property". However, this situation changed in the late reign of Emperor Hanwu.

According to Zizhitongjian, Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty especially loved banquets in his later years. What was banquets? This is a kind of garden banquet, and when the king of a country puts a lot of energy into this aspect, naturally some problems begin to appear. At this time, Su Wen's eunuch began to become emperor Wu's confidant. How much did Emperor Hanwu trust them? First of all, before that, eunuchs did not have the right to contact the emperor to read the memorial, let alone express their opinions.

However, when Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty still visited banquets frequently, eunuch dictatorship began to appear. The most typical one is Su Wenjin's slander that Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty killed the prince. Even his own son didn't believe it, so he adopted the eunuch's absurd theory of "poison poison". Although after the death of the child, Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty also regretted it, but this can not hide the fact that he used eunuchs.

In order to strengthen the centralization of power, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty accepted the suggestion of Zhu Fu Yan and issued the decree of Tuen en, which allowed the kings to divide their land to their children and establish smaller vassal states. The main contents are as follows: in addition to being inherited by the eldest son, the princes' throne can also be enfeoffed by other sons in the form of "Tuen en" (that is, to spread the favor so that more people can enjoy the privilege). This undoubtedly led to a further increase in the number of nobles. It is true that many historians believe that Emperor Hanwu's policy effectively strengthened the centralized rule. Although there is some truth, the policy should not be explained from a simple point of view.

In the end, the Han dynasty fell down and fell under the environment of "eunuch dictatorship" and "four princes rising". This environment was closely related to many behaviors of Emperor Hanwu. Although Emperor Hanwu could be regarded as the "eternal Mingjun" both politically and militarily, he used Huo Guang and Huo Qubing to subdue Turks for the first time, but his life style was different, In the process of training children, they still did not reach the standard of "good emperor".
