Historical China is a cultural information website with Chinese history as the core, providing ancient Chinese history, economy and culture, Chinese medicine health care, painting and calligraphy, antique, religious philosophy, etc.

Huangdi, the ancestor of humanity

Huangdi, the ancestor of humanity
Huangdi (2717-2599 BC): the leader of the ancient Chinese tribal alliance and the co leader of the Chinese nation in ancient China. The head of the five emperors. He was honored as the "ancestor of humanity" of China.

The Well Field System in the Western Zhou Dynasty

The Well Field System in the Western Zhou Dynasty
In the Western Zhou Dynasty, roads and canals crisscrossed, dividing the land into squares, shaped like "well", so it was called "minefield". The minefield was owned by King Zhou and distributed to the common people.

Neng, bear and totem of Xia Dynasty

Neng, bear and totem of Xia Dynasty
When I was a child, I read the complete set of twelve volumes of "Chinese fairy tales" in "Han Sheng version". I remember that there are two rewriting stories about the "myth" of the two founding kings of the Xia Dynasty.

Why Liu Bang and Huns and relatives

Loujing, the striking subordinate of Liu Bangqian, was once advised to see his mind. He gave a plan to say: "Hun is a man who is fierce and fierce. It is a man who will love beauty. Instead, he would send more Princess and beauty to make a great deal of peace with her. The next generation of this life is your grandson. You are the grandfather of the emperor. Everyone is relative, The Huns are no longer so bloodthirsty and belligerent. At least they will be a little bit of a mouse

Ha ha, this move is really making, and also play Chen Ping style "beauty plan", it can be said that is a pulse, or with beauty for peace that, as long as can keep Jiangshan, beauty is a thing, Liu Bang loudly praise: "this is high! That's what you do! "

Loujing, a man who also wears ragged clothes on the emperor, is a very personality person (Liu Bang likes people with ability and personality most, and he is absolutely unrestrained to reduce talents), and an important adviser of Liu Bang. He has three great contributions to the Empire in his life, namely, three strategies, namely, relocation, family and relocation. I listen to all three strategies, It also played a very important role in the political stability of Han Dynasty, which was just established. He had great achievements.

However, one Liu Bang did not listen to Lou Jing, that is, the time when Han Wangxin was chased and the Huns were surrounded by Mount Bai in Pingcheng for seven days and seven nights, and almost lost his life. At first Lou Jing opposed Liu Bang to send troops. He thought it would not be good for the Han Army to go, because the Huns were the master of fraud, and they were actually proved. It was a wonder.

Speaking of Huns, the nomadic people in the North who had made Liu Bang suffer from dumb losses. In fact, they took advantage of the opportunity to strengthen their own strength and gradually strengthened their strength at the time of the world dispute in Qin and Han Dynasties. Cunning and brave people were more than alone in taking the opportunity of fighting between Chu and Han in the Central Plains to take into account other fighting events, and quietly controlled the vast area of the northern part of the Xia state, and had more than 400000 elite cavalry, The appearance of a strong army at one time became the main military force in the north. When Han Dynasty was established, Huns became the biggest border trouble in the north of Han Dynasty, and the harassment was constant, and the war was frequent.

Why would Liu Bang be surrounded by Huns in the white mountain climbing? This question has a long story. We have picked up the question before. We will talk short here.

In the six years of Han Dynasty, the ambitious and ambitious people were forced to siege Ma Yi. Hanwangxin could not resist the iron hoof of Hun and declared surrender. In the next year, he colluded with Hun rebellion and attacked Jinyang. He saw that the local people would be threatened by Huns. In order to repair the anti bone child, Liu Bang had to take more than 300000 troops to fight against the enemy. When the army arrived in Jinyang, Liu Bang sent envoys to Huns to investigate the truth. Unexpectedly, the shrewd Hun only skillfully staged a good play of "Yin Qiang to show weakness". He deliberately hid the powerful generals like wolves, only to the Han Dynasty emissaries who came to spy on the military sentiment to see the old and weak soldiers of Huns, leaving the impression that the Huns were weak and incompetent and unable to fight. In his plot, it was a kind of weapon and not to be tired of fraud. The emissary who came back after the scouting of enemy feelings did not know that he had won the way of others. The emissary blinded by the surface phenomenon said that the Huns were weak and strong, and they said that they were blind and strong. The Han army would surely destroy the dead and decadent when they were drunk. He thought that the Huns easily defeated Han Wangxin, It will never be a mob. There must be some strange changes that we cannot understand. Therefore, he urged the masses to discuss that Huns intended to lure the enemy into the depth, and let the Han army get into their pocket "to fight for profits by the strange soldiers". In addition, it is also believed that the Han army should not attack lightly, otherwise, it will suffer great losses.

Originally Lou Jing was right. Liu Bang was inspired and bewitched by the so-called "seeing is real" of the emissary. As a result, we also know that the Hun army, dressed as a pig and eating tigers, was besieged by the Hun army who dressed as a pig and ate tigers for seven days and seven nights in the white mountain climbing in Pingcheng. Only by his persuasion can Liu Bang break out and finally lose and return to the enemy, we know Lou Jing's bitter heart and regret that he should not listen to his words, So because of his foresight and vision of Superman, Liu Bang promoted him to build a letter Hou, and sincerely asked him for a good plan to deal with the powerful Huns.

Loujing then analyzed the situation of the world for Liu Bang in detail, and thought that "if the world was initially established, the soldiers would not be able to win the war", that is to say, when the world was initially established, everyone just climbed out of the gunfire, and were a little tired of fighting. Moreover, because of the long-term civil war, the world was short of material and capital, so it was only necessary to implement the policy of "rest and raise living and living and interest" for peace and develop production, It is impossible to militarize any more. So he proposed the above-mentioned policy of "harmony with relatives", that is to say, it is the best policy to marry the first princess of Han Dynasty to Hun and to carry out "harmony". Especially after loujing returned from the Hun field investigation, he believed that Hun was indeed powerful, and that only 700 miles from Chang'an, the capital of Han Dynasty, his tribe could arrive at the iron hoof one night, which was too great for the national security threat of Han Dynasty. In order to alleviate this threat, send beautiful women, in other words, to replace peace with "beauty plan", Take a kind of gentle posture.

Therefore, Liu Bang, who was very strong at that time, had a strong sense of hard work, and made a "agreement with his relatives" with Hun. Han Dynasty married the patriarchal daughter as a princess to Shan Yu as the surname of Wu, and sent a large number of articles such as floc, wine, rice and other things to Huns every year, and entered into border trade activities with Huns, which greatly relieved the pressure of border defense. Later, the policy of "harmony with relatives" became a basic national policy which was implemented by Han Dynasty to Huns for a long time, and it did receive better results.

Since we talk about the historical term "harmony", we are willing to waste more time here. Because the "harmony" proposed and planned by Lou Jing, an outstanding civilian counselor of Liu Bang, can be said to be a landmark political event with epoch-making significance and become a classic historical event in the future, because it is its unique pioneering nature, That is to say, the large-scale and sustained "harmony" policy began in Han Dynasty. Although there has been a lot of debate and bad conclusion about this, there is no record in historical data, but it should be right to say that the large-scale and personal Han Dynasty were right.

Of course, the harmony and relatives have happened in history. Small-scale and sporadic ones often occur. The earliest ones can even be traced back to the reign of Zhou Xiang in 651 BC.

It is said that at that time, King Xiang of Zhou wanted to attack Zheng State, but he was afraid that the power was not enough, so he married daughter Di as Queen and became his family. In this way, he formed alliance with Rongdi army to fight Zheng together and formed military alliance by marriage to strengthen military strength. This was a kind of marriage action with obvious political purpose. Although it was not considered as false marriage in strict sense, But it is very different from the traditional marriage (and the parents can have children) in the real sense. This may be the earliest "harmony" event in history, which is the most direct political purpose. It is to say that marriage and beauty are exchanged for peace, in exchange for the reduction of political and military pressure of the country, This kind of typical political marriage is also a kind of naked political transaction behavior, which is basically independent of love.

So "harmony" is, in the word, a national level foreign affairs activity of marriage and marriage in the name of national peace. Therefore, it has a very clear political purpose and serves the ruling class. In history, it is considered that it promotes friendly exchanges among all nationalities and social economic and cultural progress, and is conducive to the unity of the country and the unity of the nation; It is a policy of humiliating compromise and surrender to sell the country, and there is no stand or human sentiment in sacrificing the personal interests of the princess.

Ha ha, this world thing is strange, what simple things to different people will become complex and become different.

There are two kinds of harmony in its form, namely, high climbing and lower marriage. When the national strength is weak, in order to please the strong enemy and ease the national conflicts, take the initiative to send the door (which has a high taste) to exchange for breathing opportunities; When the national strength is strong, in order to show good wishes to the weaker and smaller nations around, the other party requires that the princess be married purposefully to promote friendly ethnic exchanges, especially the policy of Huairou for the foreign rulers, so as to achieve the effect of "controlling the foreigners by foreigners".

So the political function of this kind of amiable is very obvious. In my heart, it is only sometimes that the Royal princesses who sacrifice their feelings and even happiness for the future of the country suffer. The government reduces the political pressure because of the beautiful women. So what personal life pressure have the princesses who were given to the Hu people alone? After all, there are obvious differences in the living habits and living background. Only the parties know the hardships in this case. Therefore, even the daughter of the emperor and aristocrat can not dominate their happiness, and become the victim of political struggle and military struggle. How high are their happiness indexes?

Alas, there is no way. People have no absolute freedom. Even Liu Bang's life can be taken away by the enemy at any time. Let alone personal feelings. To do business, sometimes there is a choice. Who is called beauty is also productive force?


Why is Li Guang difficult to seal

According to the general study of Zizhi, the emperor of Han Dynasty in the sixth year of Yuanguang (129 BC), the invincible Huns waved their troops South and invaded Shanggu county (Huailai County, Hebei Province), where they burned and looted, and did nothing wrong. Facing the evil behavior of Hun, the Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty who failed to do his work in Mayi for keeping secret work failed, had long held up his strength and wanted to fight with Hun to sweep up depression.

Therefore, the talented emperor of Han Dynasty, resolutely appointed Wei Qing, who had been born in the early years, as the general of the chariot, and sent a great hope to defeat the Huns. This time, the emperor of Han Wu also painstakingly divided the soldiers into four ways. Wei Qing sent troops from Shanggu County, general Gongsun Ao from the generation, and light truck general Gongsun he sent troops from the cloud (now northeast of toketo, Inner Mongolia). The striking flying General Li Guang sent troops from Yanmen. They each carried 10000 fine horses, and surrounded the Hun army near the border trade market. Results in addition to the first time Wei Qing played a Kaige, directly rammed Longcheng (the holy land where the Huns worshiped the ancestors of heaven and earth), cut 700 enemies, breaking the myth that Huns had not failed for many years. The historical significance was very important and greatly encouraged the fighting spirit of the Han people“ The military genius of Wei Qing, who rode slaves, also made the emperor bright, and from then on, Wei Qing had a lot of success in singing.

Unfortunately, the Han Army on the other three roads failed both ways and returned without success. Gongsun he returned empty handed. Gongsun Ao lost 7000 soldiers. The most humiliating thing was Li Guang, who was very capable of fighting with the famous "flying general". He was not only defeated in a mess, but also was captured by Huns as the commander of the army. This is a big shame.

Li Guang, who once played the Huns in a dazzled face, was cleverly seized the Huns' mount by pretending to be dead and paralyzing the enemy. He ran back to Han country by beating horses, so he would be more embarrassed and more embarrassed. No wonder Wang Bo, a poet in Tang Dynasty, has left a sigh of "Li guangdifficult to seal" for such a "achievement". After all, you are a real loser and have nothing to say.

In fact, although Li Guang is very capable of fighting and is popular with soldiers, he is not very popular with "governing the army" (relative to the Orthodox), and almost "the people and the army are in love with the fish and water". You take my chest and I pat your thighs. What the family loves to do is do what it is. It is very pleasant and easy to say. Li Guang has fought with Hun army for more than 70 times in his life, and he is brave and difficult to seal the Hou, Finally, the most tragic suicide was still alive, probably related to his military management mode.

Some people have summed up the deep reasons for Li Guang's bad luck in his life, such as his bad luck, and his personality defects. He was finally run by his competitors and abandoned by the emperor who didn't have a good impression on him. The most important thing is that he was too eager to fight, often out of his mind and lost in the absence of discipline and no rules, It's like diving athletes often fail in pursuing difficult movements (for example, he often flies to the enemy's eyes to set off arrows, and indeed has a hundred shots and hundreds of results).

According to the general study of the Zizhi, Li Guang, who was stationed in Yunzhong County in June, was removed from office in June, which was stationed in Yunzhong county. At the same time, another general who was dismissed was unknown. He was stationed in Yanmen county at that time.

The two brothers took the opposite approach. Li Guang did not have a fixed formation and ranks of troops. He always emphasized on-site play and contingency, and most of them had some effect. Anyway, Li Guang used soldiers and liked to be innovative and innovative. He always liked to choose a place where water and grass were rich and beautiful to be stationed. Then everyone would be free to let go of sheep. You can even gamble money. Besides sending scouting guards to monitor the enemy in the far away place, the Chinese books of the army are simple and extremely simple and are in the same shape and are empty, But few things happen; Another general, who did not know exactly the opposite, emphasized discipline, paid attention to procedures, often overtime, prepared unremitting, and it was OK to happen. Cheng did not know that he had made a good comparison between the two different methods of war, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The final result was that Huns were more afraid of Li Guang, and the soldiers were more willing to follow him to fight. He was free.

Therefore, simaguang, a historical bull, once evaluated that Li Guang's tactics of war were ferocious and rare. This can be seen from Li Guang's life of the rough experience in the army. Throughout his life, Emperor Wen, Jing and Han Wu fought with Hun for a lifetime, "but flying dragon city in, not teaching Hu Madu Yinshan", Xiongnu was afraid of the tiger like general, and finally because of the frequent situation of military use, he lost his way in the war of North indi, and failed to participate in the war during the loss period. He was afraid of being judged guilty of suicide and made people sigh.

For Li Guang's "unconventional" use of soldiers, simaguang said: "Yi" said: "teachers to learn to law, no Zang evil." The general idea is that the army must have strict discipline when it moves out, otherwise it will be ferocious whether it wins or fails. Li Guang fell into a bad situation. He always had loose discipline in the war. Everyone was self-discipline, almost "there was a joke in the army". In other words, no words would be necessary to travel, and there would always be deviation and even failure.

If only by Li Guang's talent, the common people may win, but if we want to promote it, it will be harmful! Because, in the end, human nature is easy and evil. If there is no strict military discipline, if there is no such a military God as Li Guang, who can live in the town, he will inevitably fail because he is in a disorderly formation when approaching the disaster.

Therefore, even if Cheng didn't know how to run the army, he would have rules to follow, evidence to advance and retreat, and no confusion. Even if he couldn't win the war, he could still guarantee that he would not lose or lose in a mess; However, if we use Li Guang's method, we can rarely avoid the end of the whole army, which is not worth the loss.

Based on this, although fighting with Li Guang was very flexible, arbitrary and pleasant, it was easy to go up and down because he was too erratic and disorganized. Sometimes the commander was captured when he lost. After he was captured alive by the Huns in 129 BC, he was almost executed by the military law. Finally, he used money to atone for his loss before he was demoted and escaped.

Why is it that Wei Qing, who is both a pioneer and a soldier of low birth, can always win? Because Wei Qing is a military genius with broad vision and high vision. In addition to being brave and resourceful, he also has the ability of overall planning that ordinary people don't have. He has the basis to advance and retreat, and eventually becomes a great weapon. Li Guang, though fighting a lot, was too erratic. In the last battle, even Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not allow him to confront the enemy head-on, which reflected Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was a wise emperor.

In a word, after Wei Qing's first battle, which broke the Hun's invincible gold body, the Huns had endless nightmares. After ten years of fierce pursuit (later, Wei Qing also won seven battles and seven victories), in 119 BC (the fourth year of Yuanshou reign of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty), general Wei Qing defeated Yi Zhixie Chanyu, and Hussar general Huo Qubing defeated Zuo Xian, the Hun king, and granted the wolf residence in Xushan, From then on, it completely solved the problem of Xiongnu, and also made Emperor Wu of Han set up the "peerless martial arts" which was admired by all generations, which can be said to be a great delight to the people.


The historical background of gale song

In October 195B. C. (the 12th year of emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty), the village of zhongyangli in Chenyi, Peixian county was very busy. In a humble temporary palace, a group of civil and military ministers and another large group of common people.

However, after drinking, Liu Bang's pain sobered him up a lot. The arrow wounds that yingbu left to him made him hate these damned kings of different surnames more, and also increased his desire for strong men and good generals. At the beginning, Han Xin, Peng Yue, and yingbu, which one is not the only one, the most powerful talent? However, their contributions were so great that they could not obey the orders of the imperial court, and they could compete with the emperor. They have vast territory, heavy troops in their hands, and they are respectful on the surface, but they even sleep with a bright sword. Therefore, the first thing after Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu was that he once again seized the military power of Han Xin, the eldest of them, with 300000 elite soldiers in his hand ("rushing into the wall of the king of Qi and seizing his army"), and changed him to be the king of Chu in the south, which was not peaceful. In the next few years, Liu Bang successively killed Zang Da, Han Wangxin, Han Xin, Peng Yue, yingbu, Lu Wan, etc. It can be said that the threat of the king of different surnames was almost completely cut off, and the rest of Changsha, Fujian and Vietnam, and southern Guangdong were not enough. It is said that Liu Bang should be happy. Why is there so much melancholy and helplessness?

We checked Liu Bang's schedule and found that the emperor had not stopped since the establishment of the Empire: in October of the sixth year of emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty (that is, when he officially became emperor), Zang tanfan, king of Yan, was attacked by Emperor Gaozu; In December, Han Xin, the king of Chu, was demoted to Huaiyin; In the 7th year, Han Wangxin rebelled and Gaozu attacked him; In the same year, he attacked the Xiongnu at Pingcheng and was surrounded for 7 days. By Chen Ping's stratagem, he got away with it; In 2008, he attacked Han Wangxin; Ten years later, Chen Chen turned against Dai Di and Gaozu attacked him from the East; In the spring of 2011, Han Xin was killed; Autumn, kill Peng Yue; In July of autumn, King yingbufan of Huainan attacked him. In other words, almost every year, Liu Bang personally led the army to fight. His drummers (Zhou Bo), goutu (fan Kuai), coachmen (Xia Houying) and cloth dealers (Guan Ying) were not in the same level as the king of different surnames. As for Liu Bang's Wang family members who wanted to rely on him as a barrier, they were all food eaters. Whenever there was a war, they either died or died. In this way, the great emperor Liu Bang became a fire brigade leader. He led the army to fight all day long. He couldn't even sleep in his warm bed. How could he not even be as good as the first emperor of Qin Dynasty!

However, Liu Bang was able to grow up from a local ruffian to the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, which shows that he is not a layman after all, and his mind is very clear. The king of different surnames has been pacified, but the world is not peaceful. In the north, taking advantage of the struggle between Chu and Han, the powerful Xiongnu was ready to go south to make a lot of money; In the south, those small states which were independent one after another at the end of the Qin Dynasty still disobeyed the orders of the central government; In the interior of the Kingdom, though the newly established kings of the same surname did not succeed, they occupied nearly half of the territory of the country, and the fertile land in the eastern part of the Han kingdom was almost owned by them. In a few decades' time, will our descendants follow in the footsteps of the previous dynasties, fight against each other, eat by the law of the jungle, and treat the central government and their legitimate descendants (the emperor) like weeds? Thinking of these, Liu Bang often couldn't sleep at night. How many generations can the hard-earned land be passed down (he thought of the lessons of the second emperor of the Qin Dynasty)? I don't think I'll be able to survive for many years (Liu Bang's arrow injury worsened after the emperor's reign, and he died in April the next year). If the world changes, where can I find a brave and invincible warrior to guard the four directions? Thus, there is the rich connotation of "an de Meng Shi Xi Shou Sifang". From a literary point of view, although the song of gale is a bit nonsense, it is absolutely full of emotion. There are not only the anxiety of internal and external troubles, but also the helplessness of talent decline, and the sadness of the uncertain future of the Han Dynasty. No wonder the rogue emperor can't help but "be generous and sad and cry". Poor parents! Pity the emperor!

There is nothing wrong with Liu Bang's consideration. After his death, there was no outstanding military commander who could compare with Han Xin, Peng Yue and yingbu. In 154 BC, the rebellion broke out among the seven kingdoms, and Liu Bang's nephew Liu Bi led the kings of the same surname to revolt. It took nearly a year for the Wang Dynasty to exert its power over the whole country. The final solution to the problem of Wang with the same surname depends on the implementation of "Tuen Ling". In 133 B.C., on the basis of the economic strength accumulated after more than 70 years of recuperation, Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, took the initiative to fight against the Xiongnu with the "strategy of Mayi". During this period, although Wei Qing and Huo Qubing made many achievements, there were also Li Guangli's repeated defeats and humiliations (these three were Liu Che's nepotism, and their military abilities were far from those of Bai Qi, Lian Po, Li Mu, Wang Jian and Meng Tian at the end of the Warring States Period! I think Liu Bang's so-called "warrior" should belong to this level. In the end of the Western Han Dynasty, the government failed to completely solve the problem of Xiongnu's foreign invasion. There are many objective reasons for this, but it is undeniable that there is no good general in Han Dynasty“ How can a brave man defend all sides? Liu Bang's worries are indeed prescient!


Emperor Hanwu's way of making money

The first period in Chinese history was the period of Emperor Wen and Emperor Jingdi of Han Dynasty, which was called "the rule of Wenjing". In the last years of the Han Dynasty, the local government warehouse was filled with grain, and stored for a long time even caused grain decay. The imperial treasury is full of copper, which amounts to several billion. A lot of money is rotten and the quantity can't be calculated. Liu Che took over such a country with peaceful, strong economic strength and had been resting for many years (seventy-six years). However, the Empire in liuche's hands for only 50 years, quickly declined.

It is with strong economic and military forces that backed up the Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, once he changed the national policy of rest with the people in the early Han Dynasty, he was more extravagant and eager to engage in military activities outside the country. Frequent battles, patrols, Zen, asking for immortals and medicine, offering Song Mountain, Fengtai mountain and sacrificing God of heaven and earth. These activities are very expensive, and the money spent is hard to calculate. The activities with various patterns, various names and huge cost have reached the level of "dizzying, boring life". As a result, the wealth accumulated by the government over the years has been consumed, and social contradictions are increasingly acute.

In order to make up for the lack of support, Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty tried to search for the wealth of the people. According to records, the means of collecting money successively introduced by Han and Wu dynasties include Yantie official camp, calculation of the amount of money, loss, gold, calculation of Fu, selling of the Lord, redemption of death and Atonement, etc.

Salt iron official camp.

It's a big deal. This is

All losses. Except for the high quality ones, the tribute of every prefecture and country should be transported directly, and the general tribute should not be sent to the capital teacher again, but sold by the officials who are all transported to the local government at a high price; Or simply use the cash of the tribute discount for commercial operation, and earn the difference by buying low and selling high. The measures of average transportation make tribute commodity, reducing the loss in the past. However, the officials who lost all the official power "to sit down the real list of four, sell goods for profit", and strong buy and sell, the public is very angry.

Gold. Refers to the money that the emperors offer to the ancestral temple in August. The emperor of Han Dynasty formulated the law of "Jin", which stipulated that when the emperor was personally in charge of the ancestral temples, the princes must sacrifice the gold to help them. The amount paid shall be calculated by the number of people in their jurisdiction, and four or two shall be paid for each thousand people, and fourorfor for those with a population less than 1000. The gold in Han Dynasty was two thousand and five hundred. However, the real burden of this money is not the Lords, but the vast number of working people. And after the princes collected the gold, they often tried to strip them from the middle market. In the five years of Yuanding, due to the poor color and insufficient weight of the gold presented by the princes, the Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty ordered "Wang Qixian, Hou Jieguo", and the number of the seized lords reached 106, which was called "the golden event".

Calculate and mouth Fu. The tax of the person who was paid to the adult was calculated and granted, which was implemented in Qin Dynasty. front

sell offices and barter ranks.

Redeem the dead and atone. That is, money is exempted from punishment.

It should be said that the above measures increased the government's financial resources, temporarily eased the financial tension caused by the war and the extravagance of the Emperor Han Wu, but the negative effect caused by this is also very serious.


Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty created Taixue

The thought of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty was unified,

According to historical records, Taixue was the highest institution of learning in ancient China. It was a kind of University in ancient China, which was established in the Han Dynasty. In 124 BC, Emperor Wu of Han dynasty founded Taixue, which also marked the formal establishment of the feudal official university system in China.

Because if we want to carry out Confucianism, we need to run Confucian education by the government, so the Imperial College came into being. At that time, it was said that Taixue only used the five classics of Confucianism as the main textbook, and other schools of thought were not open to speak. In this way, it needed a master of Confucianism to be a professor. Therefore, it set up a doctor of the five classics, and only studying the five classics of Confucianism could it be qualified to be a doctor official. At the same time, as a kind of supporting project, Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty also "ordered all prefectures and countries to set up school officials", that is, to set up rural schools, all of which required the teaching of Confucian classics, and all of them were "excellent and teaching officials" by the doctoral students. After this battle, the world's officials changed their ways and turned to Confucianism.

As some historical researchers have said, "since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established a doctor of the five classics, he set up his disciples, and" set up a department, shoot a policy, and persuade them to be officials and get a salary. ". This is because it is obviously practicing the most classic idea of feudal society, that is, to be a good scholar is to be an official. It forcibly binds the establishment of education with the official selection system. Without the protection of Confucian classics, even the promotion of officialdom will be blocked. This is a very powerful move. Later, because of the temptation of huge interests, everyone flocked to it. Shi said, "the inheritors are prosperous, and the branches are rich. Once they speak, there are more than a million words, and there are more than a thousand masters." More than a thousand Confucian masters emerged as the times require, which is the most attractive fame and wealth.

Sure enough, it is the classic philosophical saying: "the world is prosperous, all for profit."; The world is bustling, all for the benefit of( Historical records (biographies of cargo colonizers).

With the driving force and pressure of running a school, the feudal court must be able to effectively control the centralized and vertical bureaucracy at all levels. It must use the Taixue and Xiangxue established by the great unification of Confucianism as a unified production line for officials, cultivate a group of officials armed with the great unification of Confucianism, and firmly establish the idea of the great unification of Confucianism and the patriarchal clan system, In order to be obedient to the supreme ruler, the official school also became the key to the maintenance and consolidation of the centralized system, so the emergence of Taixue became the first talent training supporting project to be solved by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It also effectively solved the problem of official administration. It can be said that it killed two birds with one stone, and the means were not ordinary.

It is said that two historical figures contributed to the establishment of Taixue. Of course, Dong Zhongshu, the master of Confucianism, was the first to bear the brunt; The other is Gongsun Hong, who is a very good Yin man (he also governs Confucianism and Legalism).

The only difference between them is that one is to use one's mouth, the other is to use one's hands, the other is to give advice to the front, and the other is to implement it as the prime minister. One theory is put forward and the other is put into practice, and the cooperation is perfect. Taixue came into being from scratch. They made great contributions and were pioneering figures.

Everything is from scratch, from small to large. Similarly, the establishment and development of Taixue is also in line with this universal development model.

Historical data show that the scale of Taixue in the Han Dynasty was very small, which was about the same as that of rural primary schools. There were only a few teachers (doctors of Confucian Classics) and dozens of students (students of doctor's degree), which was similar to rural private schools. In addition, the militarism in the Han and Wu dynasties made the finance very tight, and the school funding was even more difficult. Therefore, the school started to run, but its development was relatively slow. Until "Zhaoxuan Zhongxing", the national strength was strong, and the resurgence of education was also put on the agenda. In particular, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty was determined to rectify the administration of officials and cultivate talents. Therefore, Taixue also had the feeling of "withered wood and spring" and got a certain development.

It is said that there were 100 students in the reign of emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty, but it increased to 200 in the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty. In the last years of the Western Han Dynasty, although the dynasty was declining, the number of Tai students was increasing“ During the period of "Wang Mang's New Deal", the Imperial College was expanded and doctors were added. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, no matter how the political situation changed, Taixue maintained a certain development. By the time of emperor Zhi of Han Dynasty, the number of Tai students was as high as 30000, and this situation lasted until the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Therefore, some education experts believe that China's ancient education was in the forefront of the world, and they don't know whether this inference is scientific, at least the number of Tai students is obvious to all.

Although Taixue was not very prosperous in the Han Wu era, it was a start-up period, but its pioneering significance was the most valuable. Moreover, the lack of teachers and students did not mean that Hanwu emperor had nothing to do. In fact, Hanwu emperor made great contributions to promoting the development of Han Dynasty culture.


Why did empress Lu chop Peng Yue into meat sauce

When it comes to Peng Yue, who is known as one of the three famous generals of the founding of the Han Dynasty together with Han Xin and yingbu, the former "bandit leader" with great observation and commanding ability, and the "father of guerrilla warfare" who used guerrilla tactics to make Xiang Yu run for his life, how did he get to the opposite side of the Han Dynasty and end up with Han Xin's head in a different place?

In other words, Peng Yue should be a famous general who died unjustly. Because Liu Bang wanted to consolidate the imperial power, he had to die. In order to establish Liu's world and eradicate the king of different surnames, Peng Yue had to kill him. This is beyond doubt, and it is necessary to investigate, that is, the sentence "everyone is innocent, It's the old adage of "let's be guilty".

To be honest, Peng Yue is also one of Liu Han's great heroes in winning the world. Although he is not as good as Han Xin in military strategy and command ability, he can be compared with Han Xin in terms of achievements, and he has made great contributions.

In the Chu Han war, he led his troops to carry out the mysterious guerrilla war in the rear of the Chu army. He used the flexible tactics of "the enemy advancing and retreating, the enemy garrisoning and harassing, the enemy exhausting and fighting, the enemy retreating and chasing" to deal with the Chu army. He became Xiang Yu's most troublesome "naobei Wang". It can be said that general Peng was the only one who dared to attack immediately, which not only dealt a heavy blow to Chu's military supplies, It also made Xiang Yu fight on both sides and be tired of running, so that the logistic support of the Chu army was almost paralyzed, and the military supplies and armaments could not be effectively transported and supplied, which greatly reduced the combat effectiveness of the Chu army on the front line and reduced the pressure on the frontal battlefield. It can be said that the Chu Han war was also in the frontal defense of the Han army On the basis of the perfect combination of Han Xin's breakthrough and encirclement of a second battlefield and Pengyue's guerrilla warfare behind the enemy, he finally annihilated Xiang Yu's exhausted division in the final battle of cuxia encirclement and won the decisive victory of the Han Dynasty's founding.

Since Han Xin, who has a specific complaint, once let him go because Liu Bang didn't want to kill a meritorious minister, what heinous crime did Peng Yue commit when he was finally chopped into meat sauce by Empress Lu?

It's really cruel. I think that when I worked in the Liu family's fields, I was very kind to the little beauty LV Zhi, who brought water and food to the old man. How pure she was. Finally, because of the competition for power, she became the most poisonous woman in the world.

Alas, power is indeed the best medium to make people crazy, and it's also the most powerful double-edged sword to hurt people. To make a woman go bad quickly, it's better to let her fight for power in the harem.

It also involves Chen Chen and Han Xin conspiring to rebel in Daidi.

In the autumn of the 10th year of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang led his troops to fight against Chen Chen. When he arrived in Handan, he wanted to strengthen his army on the one hand, and on the other hand, he wanted to explore the reality of Peng Yue, king of Liang, so he wanted to recruit. As like as two peas in the same tone as Han Xin, they all said they were ill, but they sent their generals to Handan to meet Liu Bang. It seems that Liu Bang's imperial hero was a matter of fact. He was very perfunctory. Liu Bang was enraged.

At that time, Liu Bang was also suspicious about Han Xin, as if he wanted to doubt everything. Looking at Peng Yue's attitude, he seemed to be singing a duet with Han Xin. Liu Bang was very angry when he thought about it in this way. No matter whether Peng Yue was really ill or pretended to be ill, there was not much rational Liu Bang immediately sent someone to blame Peng Yue for neglecting the monarch. If it was not done well, he would be killed. So Peng Yue began to feel afraid. After all, Liu Bang is the king of a country. He may be neglecting the owner himself by doing so, so he planned to come to apologize in person, and he did not dare to play a big card.

Seeing that the master was forced to serve the king, it seemed that he was also in danger. His ministry Hu often gave a quick suggestion and said, "the king can't go. King, think about it. At the beginning, you didn't go to Miansheng. Now you are angry with the emperor. He scolds you before you go. There must be no good fruit to eat. Isn't this going to the wolf's den? Anyway, it's all a dead end. Instead of being caught, it's better to learn from Chen Chen and send out troops to rebel. Maybe there's still a chance of life. "

It is said that Peng Yue did not listen to Hu's suggestion, but insisted that he was ill. The key is that Peng Yue is very dissatisfied with what his servant did and is ready to kill him. Like Han Xin's younger brother, the servant went to Liu Bang in a hurry and told Peng Yue and Hu to conspire against him. As a matter of fact, Liu Bang was wary of Peng Yue, who was very strict, methodical and resourceful. During the Chu Han war, he was capricious again and again. Liu Bang was also very afraid that his Liangdi would become an independent kingdom and threaten the central government. He was trying to find some reasons to make him, but his insiders came to provide Liu Bang with "shells", Of course, Liu Bang was very surprised. He also quickly sent people to catch Peng Yue unexpectedly, and then imprisoned him in Luoyang.

Finally, after three court trials, the trial officials also thought that the evidence of his rebellion was conclusive, so Liu Bang finally decided that he could be punished severely according to law or be lenient, which was a word from the emperor. In the end, Liu Bang pardoned Han Xin just like he pardoned him this time. Everyone had worked together for many years, and Liu Bang couldn't bear that heart. Although Liu Bang was also on guard against the threat of these independent princes and kings in history, the soft part of human nature finally prevailed, which was one of Liu Bang's strategies. It was important to keep stability, Don't blow too much.

Peng Yue was later banished to Qingyi County, Sichuan Province. At the same time, he appointed Prince Liu Hui as king of Liang and Prince Liu you as king of Huaiyang, which gradually weakened the power of the princes and killed two birds with one stone.

It's a pity that Peng Yue had bad luck all the way. When he went west to Shu and arrived at Zheng county, he just caught up with the evil empress Lu, who was also planning to run his own forces, who came from Chang'an. That is to say, Peng Yue, who was not so lucky, met empress Lu, who was going to Luoyang. Peng Yue was probably confused. He didn't know the most poisonous woman's heart, especially the political woman poison, and thought of his grievances, He cried to empress Lu like a little girl, telling her that he didn't revolt. He was a man with ulterior motives. His loyalty to the emperor can be learned from the sun and the moon. Finally, he went straight to the theme, hoping that the upper class would not exile him to Shu. It's better to let him go back to his hometown Changyi to spend the rest of his life.

Empress Lu is a woman with great political wisdom. Even before Liu Bang underestimated her political energy a little. Only in the move of changing the crown prince did Liu Bang deeply realize that I underestimated her power. Originally, her father, Lu Taigong, did not make a random investment. He helped Liu Bang when he was not famous, but now his daughter took it 100 times, He is the most shrewd businessman and investor. Liu Bang thought he had found a bargain. It turns out that Liu Bang is the biggest money making machine and political hostage of the LV family.

So empress Lu pretends to agree, because at the moment when Peng Yue cries about her grievances, empress Lu is more aware of the political threat and appeal of Peng Yue's innocence, and is about to kill her.

So empress Lu went east to Luoyang with him. Then empress Lu stated to Liu Bang the reason for killing Peng Yue. She said, "King Peng is a brave and brave warrior. Now he is exiled to Shu. Isn't this a disaster for him? Since Han Xin can be killed, it's better to kill him at the same time. So I've brought him back on my own, waiting to be released. "

Since Peng Yue has no choice but to die for this reason, no matter whether your rebellion is unnecessary or not, you can only die to thank the world because of your great achievements and great abilities. This is a political need, not related to worldly principles, and not a set of ethics.

Liu Bang, who has experienced too many political events, has seen through all kinds of power, love and kinship, all of which are branded with the mark of interests. Can interests be above everything else? Anyway, the more Peng lives to the end.

As a result, empress Lu, who is an expert in conspiracy and calculation, immediately came up with a routine of "if you want to add a crime, why don't you say so". First, let Peng Yue's disciples accuse him of conspiracy and rebellion again. Then, after a simple trial, Tingwei Wang Tian reported to Liu Bang, asking to destroy Peng Yue's family and abolish the feudalism.

What can Liu Bang do? For the sake of the long-term stability of the Han Dynasty and future generations, he can only put Peng Yue, his former close comrade in arms, on the road with a stroke of his pen. Liu Bang was even moved to tears by luanbu's crying after Peng Yue's death. He was moved by luanbu's loyalty to his master's personality and released him. Unexpectedly, this episode highlights Peng Yue's political influence and appeal. He was immediately punished by Empress Lu, who was so angry that he chopped Peng Yue into meat sauce and gave it to all princes to taste as a warning, It's right to make an example.

In the spring of the 11th year of the Han Dynasty, empress Lu quickly stepped onto the political stage after killing Hou Hanxin of Huaiyin by cutting first and then playing. As one of the three famous generals of the founding of the Han Dynasty, yingbu, who was once one of Xiang Yu's "five tiger generals", was very scared. He also knew what Tao meant to him, and could not say that the next one at the muzzle of the gun was aimed at him. He certainly knows.

Liu bangwai, who was angry and wanted to commit suicide because he sat on the bed arrogantly, but he didn't want to commit suicide this time, so he quickly raised the banner of rebellion in order to protect himself. This time, it was not so easy to deal with yingbu, who was extremely brave and determined to fight back. That time, Liu Bang died at the Hongmen banquet because he conquered Hangu pass, Liu Bang, who was on the Royal expedition this time, was even hit by his arrow. He was seriously injured. His life was exhausted because of this arrow, and the lamp was withered. One report for another. Our jargon is good. If you come out to hang out, you'll have to pay it back sooner or later. Liu Bang and he do not know who owes whom.

Anyway, in the summer of this year, empress Lu killed Peng Yue, the king of Liang Dynasty, and chopped him into meat sauce, dressed him up like a demonstration and gave it to all the princes. There is no need to say more about the meaning of this.


Xiang Liang's plan to help Liu Bang is to kill two birds with one stone

Xiang Liang took over Liu Bang and lent him 5000 soldiers and ten military officials. In fact, he didn't have any good intentions. He killed two birds with one stone and tried to kill people with a knife. On the surface, Liu Bang finally recaptured his hometown Fengyi, but Xiang Liang soon took all the Peixian and Sishui counties, which was tantamount to asking Liu Bang to fight Fengyi for Xiang's family. After that, he ordered Liu Bang to leave his hometown and lead only ten thousand troops to attack Qin to the west to fight against the hundreds of thousands of Zhang Han troops. Xiang Liang is killing two birds with one stone. Sishui County, Peixian county and Fengyi were originally Liu Bang's territory, but now Xiang Liang's soldiers have no blood blade. Liu Bang is called to attack Qin. If he wins, Xiang Liang will get the benefit. If he loses, he will kill others with a knife.

In the following five months, Liu Bang attacked the Qin Dynasty to the west, some victories and some failures, but no gains. All the land money and grain he gained went to Xiang Liang, and the defeat was inevitable. Xiang Liang, however, won a great victory by annexing and slaughtering other rebel forces before fighting with the main force of the Qin army. The king Huai of Chu, who has set up a puppet, is called Wu Xinjun. Xiang Yan assisted the puppet king of Chu in the good situation, lost 20 years after Qin Shihuang unified China, now the old dream has come true. In just a few months, Xiang Liang occupied Kuaiji County, Jiujiang County, Donghai County, Sishui County, Xuejun county and dangjun County, almost half of the state of Chu and half of the state of Wei. In the territory dominated by them, the crown oppressed all the rebellious princes. Liu Bang is just a pawn to take the place of the ghost. Sooner or later, he was defeated and killed in the great confrontation between the enemy and Liu. Like many rebellions, he soon became a ghost. Liu Bang was already under the control of others at this time. He could not move. He was not inferior or had a different intention. Xiang Liang's five thousand men and ten five doctors and generals could immediately kill Liu Bang and his buddies in Mangdangshan, together with the old revolutionary party in Qipei, just like killing Qin Jia and his king of Chu. Liu Bang does not know that he is in danger, and he must always be looking for opportunities to escape. Soon, the opportunity came.

Liu Bang's second dangerous situation has a turn for the better, or to ask Zhang Han.

In September of the second year of the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Liang, who thought he was a famous general and was proficient in the art of war, moved the capital city from xutai to Pengcheng (moved to Pengcheng in September), intending to govern the former place of Chu and Wei. Unexpectedly, after the occupation of Linji and the annihilation of Zhang Han, the king of Wei, on the one hand, he ordered the Ministry to attack Tian Dan, king of Qi, in dong'a, on the other hand, he led the main force to Xiang Liang. Xiang Liang doesn't know the danger is approaching, so he orders Liu Bang and Xiang Yu to save dong'a (Qin Jiwei). Peigong and Xiang Yu went north to save dong'a. When Liu Bang and Xiang Yu entered the Eastern Arab League, the besieged Qin army was defeated and retreated to the West. Xiang Liang didn't know what the plan was, so he led the main forces to pursue the West. At the same time, he ordered Liu Bang and Xiang Yu to attack Chengyang, so as to divide the enemy's situation and coordinate the main forces' attack. Liu Bang and Xiang Yu stormed Chengyang. It is estimated that they suffered heavy casualties. After the destruction of the city, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu slaughtered the city in Chengyang

Zhang Hanbao was naturally overjoyed when he heard that he did not divide his troops to save Chengyang. Instead, he ordered Li you, the prefect of Sanchuan, to lead a miscellaneous army to entangle with Liu Bang and Xiang Yu in the west of Dang county. On the other hand, he led the main force to Dingtao. When Liu Bang and Xiang Yu killed Li you in yongqiu (Peigong and Xiang Yu killed Sanchuan Shouli in the western part of yongqiu), Xiang Liang was restrained by Dingtao, and his main force was exposed in the wilderness. Zhang Han seized the opportunity and ordered the Qin army to go at a gallop to launch a surprise attack on Xiang Liang. In the first World War, he completely annihilated Yu Dingtao, the main force of Chu army, and killed Xiang Liang under Ding Tao City.

When the bad news came, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were shocked. Xiang Yu fled quickly, retreated more than 500 Li to the East, and returned to Pengcheng. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liu Bang followed suit, but he did not return to Pengcheng. Instead, he stationed in Dangcheng, which is about 200 li away from Pengcheng. After this defeat, Liu Bang suffered a heavy loss. Originally, there were only 5000 disabled soldiers left in 14000 troops. The 5000 people Xiang Liang gave should have been taken away by Xiang Yu. Liu Bang's troops suffered at least 4000 casualties. This figure can be verified by the fact that after Liu Bang annexed more than 4000 people from Chen Wu, the number of troops still could not exceed 10000. People and horses are the capital to live in the war years. Liu Bang had nine thousand troops before he returned to Xiang Liang. In just five months, there were only five thousand left. It can be said that he lost his old capital.

What's more sad for Liu Bang is that his mother, Liu Yi, died in xiaohuangcheng. After more than 40 years of anonymity and more than 15000 days of humiliation, it was a hope in my heart. Now it has finally become a grudge and can no longer be realized.

The only thing that made Liu Bang sad was that he escaped from the tiger's den again and regained military power. Xiang Yu's men and horses just purified the revolutionary team, and now they can make their own decisions. They are once again on the journey for their mother's last wish and the life dream of Mangdangshan.


Xiao He's depravity is only for survival?

Xiao He is a very important counselor under Liu Bang. I believe everyone has read the story of chasing Hanxin under the moon. It is this man who chased Hanxin and made irreplaceable contributions to Liu Bang's great cause.

Later, Xiao he had been following Liu Bang to build a self-made business. They escaped the mountains together, discussed countermeasures together, defeated Xiang Yu together, and created a century old foundation of the Han Dynasty. Liu Bang, who had just become the emperor, was not an ungrateful man. He also knew the credit of Xiao He, so he became the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty. It can be said that under one person, above ten thousand people! Liu Bang at this time, I believe he is sincere to Xiao He. He didn't guard against him at the beginning and didn't trust him.

But sometimes time will really change a lot of things, when the emperor for a long time, Liu Bang's mind also changed. His desire for power and control made him suspicious.

Especially after Han Xin was killed, yingbu felt that he was also very dangerous, so he decided to rebel. In this critical situation, in order to boost morale and urge the rebellion, Liu Bang personally led the army to fight the rebellion and had to leave Xiao He in Chang'an. But Liu Bang was still worried. He was afraid that Xiao He would rebel like yingbu when he was away. But at the same time, he had no choice but to let Xiao he manage the rear area of Chang'an?

Besides, in such a critical moment, Liu Bang can only rely on Xiao He to take care of the rear area. If there is a fire in the rear area, it will be troublesome. But Liu Bang's suspicions still drive him to doubt whether Xiao He will betray him like Han Xin and yingbu one day. So when Xiao He sent people to deliver food, grass and strategic materials to Liu Bang, he asked:

"What is Xiao doing?"

He replied, "prime minister Xiao loves the people like a son. When your majesty is away, you can rest assured that Prime Minister Xiao is in Chang'an.".

As soon as Liu Bang heard this, his face changed, and his heart was even more murmuring: "why do you actively accumulate good people's livelihood, and your reputation is so high? What do you want to do?"?

Liu Bang's unhappiness was written on his face. No matter how stupid the man who sent food and grass was, he could see it. After returning to Chang'an, he told Xiao He about it, but Xiao He didn't think so. He was completely unmoved. What should he do or what should he do.

At this time, Xiao He's disciples could not see his silly appearance, and they were worried that they would lose their jobs. So I quickly said to Xiao He:

"The prime minister will have a disaster soon. Where should we go?"!

Xiao He looked at him with doubts on his face and said, "why did Gong say this?"

He replied, "you are now the prime minister, the head of all officials. In terms of status, you are below one person and above ten thousand people. You are still so diligent and loving the people, which will only make the emperor suspicious of you. "Don't you know?" he said

Xiao He didn't say a word and fell into meditation

The door guest then said, "now the emperor always asks people what you're doing. I wish I could watch you all the time. Isn't that the best proof? At this time, your majesty may only doubt you, but as time goes on, you may want to get rid of it as Han Xin did, and then it will be fast. ".

Xiao he heard him say so, can't help but surprised out of a cold sweat, busy asked: "then how to do?"

He said: "the public should be more greedy, buy more land and houses, and accumulate more people's grievances. To put it in a more popular way is to ruin your good reputation, so that your majesty will be at ease and you can save yourself from danger. ".

Xiao He shook his head and said, "how can I do this? It's not the destruction of my reputation.".

He said to him, "when is the time, Xiao Gong? Is life important or reputation important?"

Forced by the situation, Xiao He also understood that he had to destroy his reputation if he wanted to live. So he began to take bribes. How did Liu Bang react?

Liu Bang showed a smile of satisfaction. As the saying goes, he who knows current affairs is a hero. I can't imagine why Xiao is so wise. How can Liu Bang not be happy? Gradually, Liu Bang was more and more relieved about Xiao He.

No matter what Xiao He did, he got a reward in the end. Liu Bang was not only relieved of him, but also saved his life. More importantly, he lived longer than Liu Bang, and has always been the prime minister.


Han Xin plays psychological warfare

In March, 205 B.C., Wei Bao, the king of the Western Wei Dynasty, surrendered to Liu Bang, who led the Wei army to the East. After a while, Wei Bao asked Liu Bang for leave, saying that his mother was ill and he wanted to go back to take care of her for a few days. Liu Bang agreed. Unexpectedly, as soon as Wei Bao arrived at his capital, Pingyang (Linfen City, Shanxi Province), he immediately blocked the Yellow River Ferry and surrendered to Xiang Yu. In August, Liu Bang sent his professional diplomat Li Shiqi to persuade Wei Bao to return to Xingyang. Wei Bao didn't listen. He said that the king of Han was arrogant and insolent. He took pleasure in humiliating others and scolded princes and ministers just like Lao Tzu scolded his son. Lao Tzu would never be angry with him again in his life!

Liu Bang appointed Han Xin as Prime Minister of Zuo, Guan Ying and Cao Shen as assistants to attack the state of Wei.

Yi Zilu said: it's fun to see this place. Liu Bang saw the Confucian students and pulled off their hats to use as urinals. He even yelled at such "King level" characters as Wei Bao. Obviously, Wei Bao's strength was poor and his face was not thick enough. He was basically eliminated on this stage.

Liu Bang asked Li Shiqi, who is the general of the state of Wei?

Li Shiqi said, Bai Zhi.

Liu Bang said, how can you resist Hanshin when you are still wet!

Who is the cavalry commander?

Li Shiqi said, Feng Jing.

Liu Bang said that he was the son of general Feng Wuxuan of Qin Dynasty. Although he had two talents, he couldn't do it.

Who is the infantry commander?

Li Shiqi said, "it's a good idea.".

Liu Bang said that he is not Cao Shen's opponent. If so, I have nothing to worry about.

Han Xin also asked Li Shiqi, Wei Congress will not use uncle Zhou as a general?

Li Shiqi said that it was Bai Zhi who was really practical in the state of Wei.

Han Xin said, ha, it's just a child who doesn't succeed.

The Han Army marched eastward from the capital of Liyang. Wei Bao heavily guarded Puban (Yongji County, Shanxi Province) and monitored the Han Army in Linjin (East Dali County, Shaanxi Province). Han Xin assembled troops and ships on the West Bank of the Yellow River, claiming to cross the Yellow River by force. When the Wei army concentrated its forces and prepared to fight, Han Xin sent another strong brigade from Xiayang (Hancheng City, Shaanxi Province) in the north to take a big wooden urn to cross the river and surprise attack the Wei rear base Anyi (Xiaxian County, Shanxi Province). Wei Bao was shocked and quickly led the troops back to meet Han Xin. In September, Han Xin launched a fierce attack, captured Wei Bao alive and escorted Xingyang. All the Wei land was pacified. The Han government set up Hedong county (Xia County, Shanxi Province), Shangdang county (eldest son County, Shanxi Province) and Taiyuan county (Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province).

Yi Zilu said: this battle is the first battle of Han Xin's command clearly recorded in historical materials. Liu Bang was able to let Han Xin fly alone, assisted by Guan Ying and Cao can, which shows that Han Xin has shown his ability to take charge of one side of the army before. We should pay attention to that Han Xin never fought hard in war, but he won all his wits; Han Xin paid special attention to intelligence work in the war. Zhao Kuo was inferior to him in this respect. In the first battle of Changping, he didn't even know his opponent was white. How could he not be defeated; Han Xin has different tactics for different opponents in the war, and knows quite well what kind of goods he is leading. From a certain point of view, he is not only a great general, but also an excellent psychoanalyst.

In addition, Guan Ying and Cao can were the first people to follow Liu Bang in the incident, and Cao was also the direct lineage of Peixian county. Of course, when they became Hanxin's deputy, it was mainly a strategic consideration, but we can't rule out that Liu Bang checked Hanxin and prevented Hanxin's rebellion at any time. This kind of thing, I don't know. For example, Wei Bao, who came down, you don't know when he became an enemy from a friend.

On the other hand, uncle Zhou in Han Xin's mouth doesn't know who he is. Even Han Xin attaches great importance to him. He must be a famous person. Wei Bao can't use this person, which means that Wei Bao can't do better.

When the Han army was defeated in Pengcheng and retreated to the west, Chen Yu realized that Zhang Er was not dead, and immediately betrayed the king of the Han Dynasty (see my essay Liu Bang's good hand is rotten).

Han Xin pacified Wei and sent people to Liu Bang to ask for 30000 more troops. He planned to go north to Yan (King of Yan Zang DA) and Zhao (King of Zhao Zhao Xie), strike the state of Qi (King of Qi Tian Guang) in the East, and then cut off the grain supply of Chu army in the south. With Liu Bang's permission, Zhang Er was sent to lead the troops to reinforce and attack Zhao and Dai states northward. In September, Han Xin defeated Dai Jun in Kaihe (Heshun County, Shanxi Province). Han Xin defeated Wei and Dai, and Liu Bang sent his elite troops to Xingyang to resist Chu army.

In October 204 BC, Han Xin and Zhang Er led the army to attack Zhao. After hearing the news, Zhao Xie, king of Zhao, and Chen Yu, king of Dai, were in jingxingkou (West of Jingxing County, Hebei Province). Xing, the mountains suddenly interrupted, the two mountains close, easy to defend difficult to attack, is a military natural danger. The Taihang Mountains have a total of eight Xing, Jingxing is the fifth Xing, and the valley is like a well).

Guangwu Jun Li zuoche (also a general at the level of God of war, so the grandson of Zhao General Li Mu's family has great fighting genes) persuades Chen Yu to say that Han Xin and Zhang Ercheng have won the battle and left their country for an expedition, and they are very sharp. I heard that "soldiers are hungry when they are provided with military provisions from thousands of miles away; The army will often be short of food when they collect firewood and mow grass to cook. "On the Jingxing road today, vehicles can't run side by side, cavalry can't form a line, and the marching troops are hundreds of miles apart. According to this situation, the food and grass with the army will surely fall far behind the big troops. Please give me 30000 people and horses to cut off the other party's supplies by taking the path, while you dig deep trenches and build high barracks and can't get out. In this way, they can't go in front and there is no way back. In less than ten days, I can present the heads of Han Xin and Zhang Er.

Chen Yu always called his army "a teacher of benevolence and righteousness", and he despised using conspiracy and intrigue. Therefore, Han xinbing was very few and exhausted. He avoided such an army and did not attack. What should other princes think of me? How can I lift my head up in the future?

Hanxin sent someone to spy on the news secretly. He learned that Chen Yu did not adopt the strategy of Li zuozhou. He was so happy to jump his feet and waved his troops straight into Jingxing dangerous road and set up a camp 30 miles from Jingxing mouth.

The clothes give the resume said: the intelligence work is too important. However, there are still some doubts. How can Zhao Jun know so easily with such confidential military information? And, even if you get this information, how can you judge the truth or not? Only if Han Xin knows Chen Yu fairly, can he make a corresponding judgment.

At night, Hanxin sent the troops to set out, and selected 2000 light cavalry soldiers, each holding a red flag, and went up the hill from the road to hide, and observed the trend of Zhao Jun; And warned them that when Zhao saw our army retreat and fled, they would come out and chase us. You would take the opportunity to rush into the camp of Zhaojun, take the banner of Zhao army out and insert the red flag of Han army.

Then ordered breakfast on the spot, said, today after defeating Zhao Jun, the whole army will have dinner!

Where the people will believe, the heart secretly smiles, the mouth flatters, all said, good!

Han Xin said that Zhao Jun is in danger of seizing. If we don't see the banner drum of our commander-in-chief, he will never attack our vanguard troops, I am afraid to scare me away (in ancient times, the pioneer has the pioneer's flag drum, the general has the general's flag drum). So, first, 10000 people were sent out, and after crossing the river (peach river), they were lined up on the waterfront. Zhao Jun saw on the barracks and laughed (in the military method, the land with water on its back is a kind of "Jedi". Once the army backs on the river, it will become a "abandoned army". The Jedi will abandon the army, and it must be killed. There are strong enemies before the cover, and there is no way back. Chen Yu Su knows the martial arts and can't he laugh at the enemy when he sees such a major mistake.

The sky is very bright, Hanxin has played the banner drum of general, and the drum and music are loud and the sky opens Jingxing mouth. Zhao Jun opened the camp door to meet the attack, and fought for a long time. Hanxin and Zhang Er pretended not to be able to support them and fled to the waterfront. Peach Water barracks let them in, and then again attack Zhao Jun to fight. Zhao Jun was indeed in full swing, fighting for the banner and drum thrown down by the Han Army, chasing Han Xin and Zhang Er. Behind the Han army is the river, can not retreat, only death, Zhao Jun can not conquer for a moment. When the 2000 cavalry sent by Hanxin saw all the Zhao army out to pursue the war profits, they immediately rushed into the Zhaojun camp, pulled out all the Zhao army flags and put on 2000 red flags of the Han army. Zhao Jun could not capture Hanxin and Zhang Er, and he wanted to return to the camp. However, he saw that his camp was full of red flags of Han army. He was panicked and thought that the Han Army captured Zhao Wang zhaoxie and a group of generals, and then he broke down in a hurry. The Han Army then attacked and defeated Zhao Jun, captured Zhao Xie alive and killed Chen Yu.

The generals offered the first rank and captives of the enemy, congratulated Hanxin. Some asked, "the troops should be arranged on the right and back, and the front and left are facing the water". But the general asks us to set up the array with water on the back. What is the tactic?

Han Xin said that this tactic is also in the military, but you did not pay attention to it! Is it not in the military law that "the dead land of depression and the afterlife, the place where it died and then exists"? Moreover, our army has not been well trained (Liu Bang took the elite and left Hanxin with a bunch of weak soldiers). In fact, a group of ordinary people went to fight and put them in the dead place, and they must fight for their lives; As long as they are given a living line, it will be troublesome. It must be a fight. How can I expect them to fight for the battle!

All the general will listen to it, and they are very happy and sincere. They all say that the general's strategy is unique in the world. We will follow you later!

Clothing gives the resume said: so-called water impermanent shape, Hanxin uses soldiers, such as water. The methods of Wei, Dai and Zhao were different. Later, Fu Yan killed Qi and ate Xiangyu, all of which were won by surprise. However, no matter how the war is fought, Hanxin always insists on the psychological war of big fight, dealing with Zhao Jun and seizing its camp; Against Xiangyu, all around; Especially with an old and weak army, he inspired fighting with "fighting against the water" and killed 200000 Zhao Jun at one stroke. We can only say that Hanxin has a very thorough understanding of human nature and human psychology. However, Hanxin is better at the grasp of collective psychology, which is called "Hanxin leads soldiers, more benefits", and the speculation and control of individual psychology is obviously not at the same level as Liu Bang, who can only take 100000 soldiers at most.
